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Wednesday, January 31. 2018Wednesday morning links
11 servings of carbs/day? Nobody could do that. Update on Jack Ma Women find men more attractive once they find out he is desired by others, a new study suggests. Duh. Works the other way too. Proof of Yale's racism Books Cooked at DC Schools: Will Star Chancellor Answer? NYT: What he did on his summer break - exposed global security flaw Obama’s Presidential Library Ripped As ‘Ugly Waste Of Taxpayer Resources’ By Chicagoans I hate all those stupid monuments to presidents. This isn't Rome...or is it? Government Agencies Have An Almost Pathological Need To Not Admit Error, No Matter How Trivial Is LIBERALISM JUST RESENTMENT AND ENVY SANCTIFIED? Poor Chuck Schumer - The Senate Minority Leader made it to the top, but at the worst possible moment. New Book: McCabe Initiated White House Meeting That Led To Leak - This story gives a glimpse into how the original Russia narrative may have been spread around to overly compliant journalists and other members of the 'resistance.' Trump’s border wall prototypes virtually impassable, pass rigorous testing Donald Trump is teaching Republicans how to fight Repubs tend to be both stupid and fearful instead of bold and confident Sorry, skeptics, Trump’s tax plan is actually working wonders Pfizer Plans $5 Billion Boost in U.S. Manufacturing From Tax Law Changes SOTU: A TREMENDOUS PERFORMANCE BY PRESIDENT TRUMP Best line: Americans are dreamers too State Of The Union: Trump Hits It Out Of The Park Amid growing US immigration crackdown, Canada quietly enforcing own laws Saudi Arabia says it has seized over $100 billion in corruption purge Eddie Adams' iconic Vietnam War photo: What happened next The Tet Offensive Revisited: Media’s Big Lie Trackbacks
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Clicked on the Jack Ma (in Davos) story to read but the author couldn't get past his opening sentence without breezily dismissing President Trump as "boring" and of no possible interest.
Screw these elistist "journalists". I cannot read the rest of the story with such an obvious open bias. carbs
I guess potato chips stay in the same spot. carbs good fat bad -- carbs bad fat good On the SOTU, I thought the best line of the many many true blue America First lines - was "...this Capitol is a monument to the American people".
Very simple statement. Very complex and soaring principle embodied. Hey, that USDA pyramid is ALMOST correct! Just slice off the the bottom layer, and it's pretty close to what my doctor prescribed to control my high blood sugar. You want some carbs? Have a piece of fruit.
A veterinarian I know refers to the pyramid diet as the "feed lot diet". And we all know what feed lots serve the animals they want to fatten up.
Don't let me speak .....out of turn, but ..... whoever was controlling the speed of ..... the teleprompter .....did him ..... no service.
It was a good speech. Not a Great speech. Like a freshman in high school, let us hope this was not his best. Your comment is what gave us Obama. I am not looking for the best TelePromptr reader, I am looking for someone who follows through on promises and gets results. He could be a mute with a robot voice, and I wouldn't care.
Stop criticizing the WRONG things. I do not want another Obama. Yet there are still some who'd prefer Hillary, because Trump is so... common.
SMH. I Retract my comment. It was based on listening to, not watching. Having now watched the whole thing, I think what I heard was possibly edited to add longer pauses, which I mistook for head swiveling time.
It was a great speech too. We did a team building exercise once. Team. Half of you on each side of the room, each with a proctor. Work your group through the exercise, a maze. It became obvious the other side was doing the same moves from the other end of the maze. "Yay, we got our group through first, we won" No, All of you were the TEAM. Until everyone was through from both sides, nobody won. It's appearent the democrats haven't done that exercise. Women find men more attractive once they find out he is desired by others, a new study suggests.
Duh. Works the other way too. ======================= I would suggest it doesn't. Wide agreement on what (primarily physical) qualities are attractive does not indicate that men are socially influenced to find a specific woman attractive, and it would run counter to evolutionary development because the only way a man can be certain of paternity is being the only man having relations with his mate. It's also refuted by the wide range of women men find acceptable partners (temporary or permanent) while studies on dating sites have shown women to be much more selective as a group in who they find attractive. Throwing this out here, too (via Sara Hoyt at Instapundit)
https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/01/29/why-2017s-third-warmest-year-on-record-is-a-yawner/ Not sure I agree that attractiveness in women works the same way as it does with men.
I've rarely seen a man change his opinion on a woman based on others desiring her. Madonna, for example. She was attractive enough. I knew lots of guys 'liked' her when I was younger. I always found her on the border of pretty, but her skankiness always turned me off, regardless of others desiring her. Plenty of other women like that, too. There was a girl in college that many guys mooned over. But either you did, or you didn't. I never found her attractive. On the other hand, I've heard women say about certain men "I can't stand him." Then they hear he's a successful businessman, and boom - they're over talking to him. Or they ignore a guy at a bar until they see a few pretty girls talking to him and then they have to get in on that action. To some degree, male attractiveness is a competitive sport for women. They want to be wanted by the guy that other women want. Men are more independent. They see a moderately pretty girl who others desire, and the fact that girl is desired isn't really the factor that pushes them over the edge. Meryl Streep? Never liked her look. Glenn Close? Bleh. I only met one person whose views changed based on desirability. A fellow I worked with who generally agreed a certain woman was NOT pretty (she really wasn't). Then she got promoted and one night at a party he turns to me and says, "You know, ever since her promotion, she's been looking really good. Something about a woman with power just works for me." I shook my head and felt really sorry for him. Good points.
WRT movie stars, you can run a little experiment next time you're in a mixed group of friends who are comfortable with each other. Most women will be able to immediately give you a 'panty-drop' list of four or five current actors they'd like a free pass from their SO to #@$%. Most men will either stammer or list off a bunch of actresses who used to be hot when they were young men, both because starlets come and go, and because they're really thinking about a free pass for the weather girl on TV, the lady they saw at the gym this morning ... QUOTE: Sorry, skeptics, Trump’s tax plan is actually working wonders Again ... QUOTE: The president’s policies of cutting high taxes and excessive regulations are sparking a stock market surge and soaring economic confidence. Dow Jones 2008-2017 Consumer Confidence 2006-2017 QUOTE: Each day brings announcements from companies ranging from Apple to Walmart that they are giving bonuses and pay hikes Which is to be expected as the job market tightens. Median Income 2000-2017 QUOTE: All Democrats voted against the tax cuts and some refuse to celebrate the good results. That may be because the tax cuts are funded with a $1.4 trillion increase in the U.S. debt, with most of the cuts going to those with high incomes. That doesn't mean the tax cuts won't have some positive benefits. Corporate tax cuts, in particular, will attract foreign investment until such a time that U.S. competitors cut their own rates to match. The problem with cutting taxes late in the market cycle is that it tends to overheat the market, putting upward pressure on interest rates and inflation, as money chases money. The good news is that continued technological innovation and globalization will continue to tend towards lower prices. RoboZ
Nobody's buying your bullshit anymore. Back to your sandbox, kiddiez. For years we waited for the "Summer Recovery" till we were finally told that Obama's economy was as good as we should expect going forward, that employment was as good as it was going to get. And now, after reversing every major economic policy of the last administration (and some of Bush's) we see news of new investments coming from domestic and foreign companies - even moving a factory from Mexico to the US where before factories were moving to Mexico, rising incomes, and an economy that even Democrats are admitting is booming (never said about Obama's economy). Those are things that haven't happened for a long time but you want us to believe that good economic news we see now is the result of policies that were discontinued?
The trouble is that Trump took the promises that both sides have been making for the last 30 years - and he's actually implementing solutions to the problems they've promised to solve.
He's taking away their best tools and leaving them with nothing to run on. What's a politician supposed to do when the problems they've promised to solve no longer exist? mudbug: For years we waited for the "Summer Recovery" till we were finally told that Obama's economy was as good as we should expect going forward, that employment was as good as it was going to get.
You seem to be confusing rhetoric with facts. Again, Civilian Unemployment Rate Tell us, where on the graph do you see the influence of the President's economic policies? mudbug: And now, after reversing every major economic policy of the last administration (and some of Bush's) we see news of new investments coming from domestic and foreign companies And again, U.S. Gross Private Domestic Investment Tell us, where on the graph do you see the influence of the President's economic policies? mudbug: . Those are things that haven't happened for a long time ... The facts contradict your position. You cherry pick certain dates to make your point.
That makes it invalid. What's it like to be wrong? DrTorch: You cherry pick certain dates to make your point.
Our position is that the current economic conditions are a continuation of the economic expansion that began shortly after Obama took office; hence, the time period at issue is from just before 2009 to present. As has been pointed out to you kiddiez before, any comparison of the U.S. economy under Obama is somewhat skewed since it had no place to go but up after it had bottomed out during the recession.
Sell your bullshit somewhere else, kiddiez. Get back to your sandbox. Is LIBERALISM JUST RESENTMENT AND ENVY SANCTIFIED?
Yes. There's a reason covetousness was called out in the 10 Commandments, and envy is considered on of the 7 Deadly Sins. As a sinner, I do envy very rich people.
I deal with it. Doesn;t make me a progressive. I don’t think good progressives can be good Christians.
Of course liberals are envious. Liberals are always talking about equality but as Helmut Schoeck pointed out in his book titled "ENVY", egalitarianism is a manifestation of envy.
I'll bet Obama, the left and those on the right who decried 'tariffs' as terrible things can't believe THIS outcome:
Due to tariffs China building solar panel factory in the U.S. Democrats hardest hit, RINOs next in line. There will be MORE of this. http://money.cnn.com/2018/01/30/news/economy/jinko-solar-us-china-trump/index.html Yes indeedy:
"Donald Trump is teaching Republicans how to fight" But the Koch-sucking Rove Republican swill are not interested in fighting the Democrats, nor the illegal invaders. They only want to fight Donald Trump, and will do everything they can to sabotage him at every turn. Even if it costs them their seats. But then again, they are only doing what their Owners want... re: iconic Vietnam War photo, by circa 1987, the shooter police-chief Loan had opened a pho restaurant in Clarendon section of Arlington, VA (known as "Little Saigon" at the time).
One of many that we frequented at lunchtime, but not necessarily the best. I think Trump placing tariffs on unfair trade practices, primarily from China but also Mexio and Canada, will do more to increase middle class income than tax cuts. Micromanaging businesses by regulation is also a target that Trump will focus on by cutting back on regulations and the regulation industry in government. Cutting government down to size is double plus good. Russia, Russia, Russia, is the last stand of the loser brigades as they become ever more irrelevant and obsolete.
"Update on Jack Ma"
Quote: "The chatter at Davos was that He Who Must Not Be Named had been put in his place by some harsh words from the billionaire investor George Soros." Of course, Jack Ma can beat George Soros up. Literally. Gong Shou Dao (功守道) Kung Fu Short Movie with Jack Ma, Jet Li and others Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEpobkBO7rs Full: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmCc_2O1uqg (No, he's not really a kung fu person, but has always been a practitioner and big proponent of tai chi, which has a lot of the same moves--slowed down--so it would have been easier for him to learn the choreography. Jet Li (Zen hermit engaged in sweeping) looks like an old man now, though; sigh, we all age.) Jack Ma is actually quite an interesting person. Whenever did this "Presidential Library" craze start? Taxpayers should never have to fund any part of one!
Re: Government Agencies: Ever been around D.C.? So what's with each agency/department having its own flag???? What's up with that? My guess, someone who adores government to the nth degree though it was a peachy idea! Creepy!!! Attractive male
It's all about the dimples!! Greek adonis is pleasant to the eye, but the "attraction" comes when a guy has those dimples--the ones on the side of the face--not the ones in the chin! Just saying 11 servings of carbs/day? Nobody could do that.
You eat three 9-course meals a day, bd? Do the Dems not realize that segregation is over? Why do they make all the black democrats sit in a special section?
The problem with the food pyramid is believing that anyone knows what, exactly, is a healthy diet, especially of everyone never mind individuals. To paraphrase an old saying; if you laid all the dieticians, professional and amateur, in a straight line they would all be pointing in different directions. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a carb based diet except for those people with an illness that makes that advice incorrect. There is nothing wrong with a high fat diet or a low fat diet or a high protein diet or a low protein diet. We are omnivores not locavores or 'whole food'avores. We require certain minimal vitamins and other nutrients and the rest is either converted to what we need, burned as energy or stored for those times when we need it. Simple as that. But it is fun to try to force others to believe in your food witchcraft...
At least seven hundred studies prove your generalization wrong.
For once I agree and believe you are correct. What you left out though is that the 700 studies came to 700 different and conflicting conclusions. I fully expect the next 700 studies to do the same thing. I also fully expect that everyone with a bias/agenda will seize upon the study(s) that support their bias and reject all the ones that refute it.
Incorrect. All those studies supported not the ketonic diet - which although an alternative to the American mixed diet, which is killing people, is itself dangerous - but the plant-based diet. All of them.
This apparently bears no consequence for, as you put it, your expectations. For bias, reality generally follows them and not the other way around. Again you prove my point. You only cite studies that support your bias (the ketonic diet) as though those are the only studies ever done. This is so easy when you do my work for me.
"The American mixed diet, which is killing people" Presumably you are prepared to prove that people who choose YOUR fad diet live forever! You haven't made a point to prove, Guy, except that if you stand on one foot and squint just so, you can see things the way you see things. I'd agree. To accuse the other guy of that bias is kinda self-contradictory.
Look, there are hundreds of studies, clinical evidence in tow, that flat out support the effects and benefits of the plant diet. Not the ketogenic diet, not the pyramid diet, and especially not the American mixed killer diet. Now you can reframe that while accusing me of reframing but that's be bullshit. I'm not citing studies that support my bias; I'm citing studies. You don't even know which they are and already you're an expert on them. Either stick to generalizing and keep keep killing what you only think you're on about or become logical. The streets are littered with the dead and dying from the American diet. We see it everywhere, except in the parking lot of Whole Foods of course. This is what you would have us believe??? And you think you can prove this somehow? And yet every year the American lifespan increases and in fact when you remove the deaths of illegal drug users and gang members from the stats the U.S. life expectancy iis the highest in the world and your argument is that the American diet is killing us? You are indeed delusional.
Interesting set of fallacies, Guy, Not. Here's a primer for you:
Guy: There is no objective reality. Anything goes. We all have our opinions. Health and diet are downright postmodern where evidence goes and I say that absolutely. Meh: Yup, we certainly have our opinions but they don't change the fact that science - you do remember science, right, because the ketogenic carnist food faddists think they're all about "science" - completely refutes your assertion. The plant diet wins, hands-down. By the studies. By the evidence. There are reams. Guy: There is no objective reality. Anything goes. We all have our opinions. Meh: Yeah, you said that. Problem for you is that you're factually wrong and your argument, such as it is, is obviously fallacious. But I'd predict that you're going to go right on by that. Guy: Selectivist! I call bias! You're parsing the data! Faddist! Fraud! Meh: Looks like you went right by that. But what data is this, Guy, the data that simply affirms what it affirms? How's that me being biased? I'm just reading the stuff. Have you? Can you say what I've researched when you haven't even asked what it is? Dude. Guy: Oh, so you're into Whole Foods? What kind of communist faddist twig-eater are you anyway? You expect to actually use science to disprove my flagrant bias? This is an outrage! Besides, I'm going to outlive Gramps. See??? Meh: Guy: Meh: Is there more or shall we just have you stand pat on that? Guy: You're a Democrat or something!!! Americans eat real food!!! And yet you said nothing, refuted nothing. All you did was spin your own fallacies and repeat your own myths.
The problem is that humans and health is not simple. I can and have gorged myself on sea food with no harm other than being too full to bend over while other humans will die from the slightest swallow of the same food. I can and have eaten everything in excess and over many decades while a mere sniff of peanut butter will kill someone else or a small amount of cheese might give another man hours of misery unable to leave the bathroom. Because of this enormous inconsistency and diversity anything and everything is harmful to someone and of absolutely no concern to most everyone else. YOU may indeed NEED a fad diet but 99.99% of humans do not. You will die statistically at the same age as those who eat at McDonalds every day. You are not immune from any of the diseases of humans and old age and neither is the junk food consumer. There simply are no facts to support your food fadists dreams. But you persist... You write like a Progressive, expecting that any narrative you spin is immune from reason and that it'll stand simply because you said it.
I ask again, dishonest virtual progg: What data is this I refer to, the data you now shift your fallacious argument to not question but tacitly accuse me of never mentioning? The data that produced your first fallacious protest? The data that simply affirms what it affirms? Either it exists - you accusing me of cherry-picking it - or it does not - you lying to say, like some robot, that I'd said nothing. What I obviously said, you lying progg, was that hundreds and hundreds of studies prove the plant diet to be the most healthful. What I said was that this was scientific evidence. What I also said and even predicted was that "science" of your manufacturer kind was something that faddist ketosis carnists always drag out (in the form of some regurgitated press release written by a special interest) to support their fanboism for a Rippetoe or a dead Adkins. How's that me being biased? I'm just reading the stuff. Have you read the stuff, you dishonest writer of simple-minded narratives? No, you have not read the scientific evidence, you dishonest narrative writer, because it does not serve your narrative, the narrative that does, however, serve your biases and from which you draw your progg-like dishonesty. Can you say you're researched when you haven't even asked what this data is? No you cannot so now you revert to some bullshit about seafood alergies and some bullshit about since Grandma smoked three packs a day and hydrated with Jim beam for fifty years she's the anecdotal outlier that proves that hundreds and hundreds of scientific studies are outright false and that you, the dishonest, fallacious writer of such narratives, have no need to see this data because of your fallacious, circular appeals to your own anecdotal bullshit. Stop digging, would be my advice, pal, because I'm not the fallacy-spinner. You know I know this about your intellectual dishonesty because like a progressive narratives-spinner, by now you're just reflexively spitting back words I've given you, expecting that the noise and smoke will cover your retreat. "the plant diet".
Does that include all plant foods? Would you exclude wheat or gluten? Does this diet require a non-food supplement to provide essential nutrients that are not generally or adequately found in "the plant diet"? Would you live forever and never have disease? Or would you die at the same average age of those who lack your bias in eat what they please? Tell me proggy! Give me your best fallacious argument to support your unprovable thesis. Points of fact; points in evidence:
1. The plant diet is scientifically proved to facilitate health and longevity. Hundreds of studies, including the largest in human history. Blah blah blah, it is what it is and you certainly don't have to accept a word of it. That's your prerogative. No argument there and sure enough, you've presented none. 2. The ketogenic, carnist diet is a somewhat reactionary, strongly rightist cultural affectation that, while it solves some of the problems of the third category, is unhealthy, even self-evidently so and at times, willfully and pridefully too. It employs vivid appeals to lifestyle, identity, and class; appeals to popularity or conventional wisdom, anecdote, tradition, and family; plus denial and naturally, the derision that arises in zealots whose biases eventually become cognitive. Eventually the inevitable clash occurs and people act out. 3. The unhealthful mixed American diet is known to both groups. Relatively, it kills. 4. The second group, being culturally evangelical and highly identity-based, is immune to reason and some degree of embarrassment. It demands knowledge it does not possess but will eventually reject if it appears, wrongly presuming that it's fodder to feed those biases. This behavior constitutes a whole set of evident fallacies, not least of them deflecting the word back against the interlocutor in some transparent attempt to divert and conceal. 5. Realizing all this, I do not play into the ruse. I don't care if faddists want to subsist on Oreos and burned, carcinogenic animal or if they willfully fail to educate themselves. I expect it and even predict it. I ask them to do it so they can see how weak their putative position is. In your case, I don't care if you comport yourself like an intellectual playgrounder with your same-to-you-but-more-of-it childishness. I'm happily indifferent to your racket because it only affects you. You're free to do as you wish. Nevertheless, it's this style that most identifies you as not much more, um, progressed in your thoughts than the average deflecting, projecting, splitting, fallacy-writing, capital-P Progressive. You can try and flip that too - the same way you reverse everything like some childish robot - but we both know, as I said, what you are. Anyway, #1 is real. Do with it as you wish ... just like you have been doing, true to form, expectation, and prediction. It's boring. "The unhealthful mixed American diet is known to both groups. Relatively, it kills."
It is all witchcraft, superstition, quackery. No one can even accurately and scientifically define what, exactly, is a healthy diet. And when experts do take on that definition they all disagree. There is no agreement except within the ranks of the various biased tribes. If you are a vegan you spout that milk and cheese will kill you. If you are "merely" a vegetarian you shout that meat will kill you. If you are a paleo diet advocate you declare that carbohydrates will kill you. If you are a new age hippy type than it is modern farming methods that will kill you. It is all witchcraft and neo-religion with manufactured "proof" and outrageous claims. |