The return of Patches generates hate mail against RI GOP. Surely that makes good sense.
The science behind the swerve of the Adidas World Cup ball. BBC
Louis Gottschalk. From a book review in the NYSun: "When he died in 1868, Louis Moreau Gottschalk was the most famous musician in the Western hemisphere." An early rock star, living an interesting life in interesting times. NY Sun
Skinvisible kills avian flu on contact. There's an investment idea.
Romney on abortion: Let the states decide. We agree.
Sperm from older guys: It isn't as good. Science Daily
Al Gore definitely into Green: His current finances. Forbes A nice nest egg, for a politician.
Enviros split on wind power. We think wind power is ridiculous, and destructive, and a dumb feel-good thing that kills birds and bats. NYT
Top 22 states for tooth loss. Haha. Could have guessed. Slower Pace. Yes, W Va wins!
The past five years have been our 1930s. But we are learning. Dinocrat
The missing tape of Pablo Neruda is finally found. WaPo
Two opinions on the Bilbray election: Rick Moran says it doesn't mean much. Kesler thinks it means a lot. Am. Thinker accurately predicted that if Busby won, the MSM would play it up, but if Busby lost, the story would be bured as meaningless.