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Wednesday, November 29. 2017Wednesday morning links
Is AI a Threat to Christianity? Are you there, God? It’s I, robot. There’s a Simple Reason Today’s Students ‘Know Nothing’ Killing Net Neutrality Will Be A Death Blow For Innovation Or Something US consumer confidence rises, hits highest level since 2000 Harassment allegations knock Dems off message Re Mark Levin: America's Greatest Conservative Thinker Goes Mainstream Media twist tax plan studies to claim it hammers middle class
Israel: Why the 1947 UN Partition Resolution Must Be Celebrated Ever wonder how they did it? How BDS activists managed to persuade academic associations with zero connection to the Middle East to pass boycott resolutions against Israel? Video Of Migrants Sold In Apparent Slave Auction In Libya Provokes Outrage Worldwide High-Level Contacts Between North Korea and Iran Hint at Deeper Military Cooperation Trackbacks
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QUOTE: US consumer confidence rises, hits highest level since 2000 Conference Board Consumer Confidence: Note the sharp decline in 2008, then the slow steady climb starting in 2009. "Is AI a Threat to Christianity?"
NO! ISLAM is the threat. Within 10-20 years you will see regular and predictable attacks on Christians and churches in all Western countries. Daily attacks and killings will become the new normal. We could stop it now. There is still time. It wouldn't be easy, it would require a sea change in how we think about discrimination and immigration but we could do it if we wanted to. It would be a far better choice than seeing daily murders and church bombings. But we will not do it and if anyone tries to do it the courts and the opposing party will excoriate them in the MSM. So just like the problem with NK we will wait until it becomes full scale war. Well said. Though the 20 years is sadly incorrect. These attacks are already upon us and have been for some time.
And the only way to stop it now is to exterminate islam in our societies, either literally or by throwing out the entire group of its adherents and isolate them in their middle eastern and african hell holes. Complete isolation, no travel or communications whatsoever, no trade with them. JTW: And the only way to stop it now is to exterminate islam in our societies, either literally or by throwing out the entire group of its adherents and isolate them in their middle eastern and african hell holes.
Nothing like genocide or ethnic cleansing to prove your superiority. If survival of your culture is on the line - and, sadly, with Islam it seems to be - is it 'superiority' to want your culture to survive?
JLawson: If survival of your culture is on the line - and, sadly, with Islam it seems to be - is it 'superiority' to want your culture to survive?
"He who does not possess the force to secure his living space in this world, and, if necessary, to enlarge it, does not deserve to possess the necessities of life."
2017-11-29 14:53
Are you watching Christians and christianity disappear in the middle east, Africa and parts of asia. That IS genocide by Islam against all of christianity. Is your position that we cannot fight back against a recognized group even to save our own lives because that would be immoral????
GoneWithTheWind: That IS genocide by Islam against all of christianity.
Ethnic cleansing is the proper term. Yes, people can fight back against ethnic cleansing. There's no easy solutions, but "exterminating Islam in our societies", including millions of Muslims who are living lawful and peaceful existences, is not a moral option.
2017-11-29 16:23
"exterminating Islam in our societies... is not a moral option."
The point is we need to take action to protect our citizens. As in deportation, denying immigration and refuge and denying travel to our country for any reason. I am not suggesting killing or even harming non-violent Muslims. But it is all academic. We won't do this. In fact we, like Europe, will do the opposite and continue to "import" Muslims who have no intention of integrating into our society. And most importantly because of this decision we will pay a terrible price with more terrorist attacks with many by "home grown" terrorists. Ultimately we will face another 9/11 but likely on a scale only imagined in science fiction books. We will see a nuclear weapon used against a major U.S. city with millions killed and millions more injured. This will happen exactly because of belief systems like Zachs and gutless politicians who do not put America first. When it happens our MSM will be righteously outraged and offer prayers and condolences and caution us against over reacting.
2017-11-30 10:14
GoneWithTheWind: I am not suggesting killing or even harming non-violent Muslims.
Then you reject the exterminationist language used by JTW. Common ground! GoneWithTheWind: As in deportation, denying immigration and refuge and denying travel to our country for any reason. Not allowing travel to the U.S. someone simply because they are Muslim is a violation of the right of association for U.S. citizens who have a right to work and associate with Muslims from other nations. Besides, you do know there are millions of Muslim U.S. citizens. GoneWithTheWind: In fact we, like Europe, will do the opposite and continue to "import" Muslims who have no intention of integrating into our society. Have some confidence in your culture. Muslims will be integrated into the larger culture, changing as they adapt and contributing aspects of their culture into the wider society. That's why fundamentalist Muslims often overreact. They see modernity as a threat to their traditional values.
2017-11-30 10:38
QUOTE: The media are playing checkers while Trump plays 3-D chess ... He tweets or tosses off a line, as he did this week, when he referenced Elizabeth Warren, then sits back and watches the fun begin. Sure, he uses an occasion to honor Navajo WWII vets to wield a racist slur in order to distract the press. Instead of talking about the heroic contributions of the Code Talkers, people are talking about Trump. 3-D chess! And when did "Pocahontas" become a "racist slur?" When it was used to make fun of person who lied about her Indian heritage for her own gain? Or was it yesterday when Trump used it?
Whenever it was, the "slur" didn't bother the real Indians in room at all. Lizzie Warren is not only a cultural appropriator but also a racist slur.
mudbug: And when did "Pocahontas" become a "racist slur?"
When it's used as a term of denigration. Other examples of proper names used as slurs include Abe, Shylock and Hymie for Jews, the endonum Polack for Poles, Hun or Fritz for Germans, Aunt Jemima or Uncle Tom for blacks, Dago (short for Diego) for Iberians, Guido for Italians, and so on. mudbug: When it was used to make fun of person who lied about her Indian heritage for her own gain? Or was it yesterday when Trump used it? It's consider a slur, because that is how he meant it. The director of the National Congress of American Indians spoke out about it over a year ago, as has the leader of the Navajo Nation just recently. Just as important, it turned attention away from the historical contributions of the Navajo Code Talkers and onto Trump himself. 3-D chess! Yep. "Dances with Lies" would have been a more appropriate term for Lizzie.
or maybe "She That Didn't Earn That".
2017-11-29 11:54
Trump is merely pointing out her cultural appropriation. As a lefty you should be "down" with that.
In other news, they're "scalping" Matt Lauer over at drudge.
2017-11-29 12:04
Just happen to catch the gals on Today, lamenting the sad story of Matt Lauer. I found it interesting how they where so supportive of him, thier true friend. Just can’t imagine how this could be something Matt did. Finally they gave a short sentence in support of the victim. Liberal hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me.
B. Hammer
2017-11-29 12:31
Whatever... she wasn't made fun of because she was an Indian or did something that someone would think relates to being an Indian. She was the butt end of a joke because she falsely claimed that she was an Indian. If she had told the truth that she was an Indian, there would be no jokes along those lines.
I like the reference to "Hymie" since that is a favorite of "Rev." Jesse Jackson. As I remember, he was not on the receiving end of derision from the media or the left. mudbug: she wasn't made fun of because she was an Indian or did something that someone would think relates to being an Indian.
That doesn't excuse the use of a slur, dragging other people into your own picayune political fight, or detracting from an event that was meant to highlight the contributions of the Navajo Code Talkers in WWII. mudbug: I like the reference to "Hymie" since that is a favorite of "Rev." Jesse Jackson. As I remember, he was not on the receiving end of derision from the media or the left. You remember wrong. He was criticized at the time, said he didn't remember the comment, which served only to make the controversy worse, then later admitted to the comment and apologized.
2017-11-29 12:48
As I explained, the real Indians at the ceremony were not offended by the "slur." Some slur, but then maybe those Indians are too stupid to realize the heinous slur Trump used.
As for Jesse Jackson, thanks for setting me straight on the backlash he experienced. Interestingly enough, he continued to have moral authority among people on the left.
2017-11-29 13:42
The incredible story of the Navajo Code Talkers that got lost in all the politics, er trolling, per the original article.
2017-11-29 13:53
This is... CNN.
2017-11-29 14:11
mudbug: As I explained, the real Indians at the ceremony were not offended by the "slur."
And as we explained, many Native Americans, also including the families of Navajo Code Talkers, considered Trump's language to be offensive and unnecessary at an event meant to highlight the contributions of the Navajo Code Talkers, not an opportunity for Trump to troll his picayune political conflicts.
2017-11-29 13:58
Gotta link there, chief?
2017-11-29 14:32
Presumably we could call her a jerk, an asshole, a son of a bitch, a bastard but not Pocahontas because of race or something. Do you have a list of acceptable and unacceptable slurs? Did you cross check it with the rappers or are they exempt and if so why?
IMHO the first amendment does indeed allow you to say Pocahontas or any of the slurs racial or otherwise. Just as the first amendment allows you to "claim" someone is being racist when you disagree with them. My personal favorite is jackass with no slur intended towards Democrats.
2017-11-29 15:51
GoneWithTheWind: Do you have a list of acceptable and unacceptable slurs?
You can use racial slurs, but people find them offensive, and you are likely to be called out when you use them. Perhaps you long for the day when you it was socially acceptable to call black people by the n-word. GoneWithTheWind: IMHO the first amendment does indeed allow you to say Pocahontas or any of the slurs racial or otherwise. That's right. The President of the United States used a racial slur about Native Americans while meeting with Native American war heroes.
2017-11-29 16:26
Trump, and the rest of us, should call her "Fauxcahontas". Meaning a person who falsely claims to be a native american in order to wrongfully obtain privilege and position reserved for certain statistically unsuccessful "diverse" groups who we graciously give extra help.
It is like false valor claims made by fakers of exemplary military service who seek unearned and undeserved respect and benefit. Your beef should be with the person who lied repeatedly about her heritage in order to further her career. Not with Trump - who was simply pointing out the person who lied repeatedly about her heritage in order to further her career.
jimg: Your beef should be with the person who lied repeatedly about her heritage in order to further her career.
Warren is responsible for any claims she makes, but the event had nothing to do with Warren. Trump is responsible for using a racial slur during an event meant to highlight the contributions of the Navajo Code Talkers. Per the original linked article, Trump was trolling, the WWII vets being collateral damage.
2017-11-29 14:56
Which article said Trump was 'trolling", chief?
2017-11-29 15:20
Except the real Indians weren't offended. The only people who were offended were white people led by the one who lied that she was an Indian. It's interesting that the left loves to be offended for other people regardless of whether they were offended or not. It's just the cheap virtue signalling they do all the time.
2017-11-29 17:02
mudbug: Except the real Indians weren't offended.
Russell Begaye, the President of the Navajo Nation, happens to be a Native American, and said, “Pocahontas is a real person. It’s not a caricature. It’s not something that’s just made up. This is a person, a young lady and Native American woman, that played a critical role in the life of this nation. And to use that person in that way is unnecessary and being culturally insensitive.” Families of Navajo Code Talkers Slam President Trump for 'Pocahontas' Slur "We regret that the President's use of the name Pocahontas as a slur to insult a political adversary is overshadowing the true purpose of today's White House ceremony," stated National Congress of American Indians President Jefferson Keel, a decorated U.S. Army officer and Vietnam War combat veteran.
2017-11-29 17:23
Oh, so it was two guys.
You claimed many, right chief? Exaggerate much.
2017-11-29 20:34
"There’s a Simple Reason Today’s Students ‘Know Nothing’"
Yes, it is called indoctrination, but marketed as education. Well, to a considerable extent, education is indoctrination, and therein lies the problem: what should that indoctrination be?
Only in the West have we become so riddled with angst and self-doubt that we're afraid to cultivate any real understanding about our own civilization and its cultural heritage. If you believe that God is the Creator of all things, then He is outside of creation, therefore, nothing within creation could be a threat to him. The pot is not a threat to the potter.
Amen, brother.
We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, Maker of all that is, seen and unseen. The media are playing checkers...: They're so MAAAADDDDD they can't see straight. They also can't think straight, though they can think LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ.
It's more like the press is a bunch of Labradoodles and Trump has a whole bucket of tennis balls.
so true, saw 41 comments and thought there was a good discussion going on. Nope just the troll Z. Maybe they pay him by the word.
Sam L: Gang of Z We started exactly two threads on this post, only one of which resulted in a discussion. The remainder of our comments were in response to others. |