Is this news? It's like Dog Bites Man. Of
course, ducks always eat aliens, wherever
they can find them, now that they have no food due to Bush's Global Warming Crisis.
That's why we see so few inter-galactic aliens around, these days. And so many fat ducks. It's a no-brainer: the ducks are obviously eating up all of the aliens - because of Bush. It doesn't take a scientist to put 1 and 1 together.
What do you expect the ducks to eat? MacDonalds? Poached salmon with dill sauce? Oysters Rockefeller?
They do not seem to have taken to eating illegal aliens quite yet: give them time to adjust to the jalapeno and cilantro flavors, and they will gobble them up, too.
Image: North America's flamboyant but blood-thirsty Wood Duck, fattened on alien flesh.