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Thursday, October 12. 2017Thursday morning linksA surprise from the supervolcano The Boy Scouts, converged - This result was baked in the cake ever since the Boy Scouts started allowing gays. This is what social justice convergence looks like; once social justice enters, it replaces the core purpose of the organization Survey: 58% of Students Want a Campus Where They Are Not Exposed to 'Intolerant or Offensive Ideas'. Most either think hate speech isn't protected by the First Amendment or aren't sure. The reason the Left pushes this “speech is violence” nonsense: If speech is truly violence then it must be restrained LAKE SUPERIOR DRYING UP DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGE! NO, WAIT… SCIENCE! Jerry Brown’s ‘zero emission vehicle’ celebration interrupted by reality buzzkills Weather Channel Founder: Life on Earth getting better – Al Gore is “guilty of scientific fraud” Two Big Cracks In The Climate Hysteria Edifice In One Day Surviving the social justice inquisition Justifying Betrayal of Vietnam Emerges as the Raison d’être Of Ken Burns’ Film on the War Who are the women who accepted the deal as offered by Harvey Weinstein? Will their names be kept out of the press? Should they? NBC News Tried to Kill Harvey Weinstein Story Now Abraham Lincoln Was a Racist Finally found a racist Republican Iran's secret sites linked to nuclear weapons development revealed AP Calls Christians Praying A “Problematic Expression Of Islamophobia”… Swedish Dentist Reveals 80% of Migrant ‘Children’ Are Actually Adults – Is Fired and Now May Lose Home Trump’s North Korea Threat-Theater Is Working Israel hacked Kaspersky, then tipped the NSA that its tools had been breached Trackbacks
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Re Boy now Girl Scouts, sending back all my Eagle Scout material to their headquarters except for the personal troop material. The BSA has fallen quite low which is what the leftists want. I did see that other groups are rising up to replace the BSA. Won't be buying any more Girl Scout cookies either. It would be easier to just mail it to Planned Parenthood. (which I won't)
QUOTE: SCIENCE! Jerry Brown’s ‘zero emission vehicle’ celebration interrupted by reality buzzkills ... Because electricity is generated from magic sky fairies ... Fire up those coal plants boys California's electricity is produced by 50% renewables (including hydro), 50% natural gas, with virtually none coming from coal. QUOTE: Weather Channel Founder: Life on Earth getting better Yes, it is, largely because science and technology allows humans to plan better for the future, including responding to the problem of anthropogenic global warming. QUOTE: – Al Gore is “guilty of scientific fraud” Presumably, the scare-quotes are because Al Gore is not a scientist, but a communicator. QUOTE: However, it turns out that as the “greenhouse gasses” we release combine with nature’s carbon dioxide to make the planet greener and greener. What will those crazy climate scientists come up with next?! In any case, these same scientists say the greening effect is not nearly sufficient to counteract anthropogenic global warming. QUOTE: Every person has been taught that as a result of our use of fossil fuels which exhaust carbon dioxide into the atmosphere our climate is going to become unlivable. That is incorrect. Humans can adapt to the changing climate; however, anthropogenic global warming threatens vast ecological and social damage. QUOTE: Scientific papers supporting this theory were widely published in scientific journals. Darn those crazy scientists! What will they come up with next?! Al Gore is an evangelist who lost his faith in God. He's a revival preacher who's never read the Bible. A self-anointed prophet who takes all criticism as proof of the demonic forces aligned against him. He sees himself as John the Baptist calling the world to repentance.
He has internalized himself as God, and externalized all evil into others. Thus what he does is good and what others do is evil, even if he is flying in private jets to hector others to conserve energy. His is not a scientific endeavor, it is religious. another guy named Dan: His is not a scientific endeavor, it is religious.
His goal is not scientific, but communicative of what scientists have discovered. "Climate change is real... It is likely that most of the warming in recent decades can be attributed to human activities." — National Academies of Science; Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Russia, United Kingdom, United States. what is the signal to noise ratio in their measurement?
another guy named Dan: what is the signal to noise ratio in their measurement?
Gosh, there's so many measurements and types of measurements. If you are referring to the surface temperature anomaly, then HadCRUT4 from 1980 to present is +0.175 ±0.039 °C/decade at the 2-sigma level.
2017-10-12 15:06
Thank you for making my point. They measure an effect of 0.175C.
This is based on Measurements with a maximum theoretical resolution of 0.1C based on the nature of the instruments. I happen to live mid northern latitude (seriously, I'm so close to the 45N parallel it's utterly insignificant). The average difference between Daily high and low temps is roughly 8C, 50 times their measured effect. On an annual basis, the temperature varies roughly 40C, or over 2000 times their measured effect on an annualized basis. Put simply, the effect they are claiming is too small to be detected in the data they have. You can average and take residuals all you want, but the quantity they are measuring is too variable to make such combinations meaningful. There is no platonic perfect temperature against which you can compare a single measurement, and the special and temporal distances between measurements are greater than the effect. Measuring the temperature at 1 pm and noon does not tell you more about the temperature at 12:30 than the single 12:30 measurement. IN an admittedly extreme case, averaging the temperature of New York, Los Angeles, and St. Louis doesn't give a more accurate measurement of the temperature in St. louis than the single measurement taken there. Why? because the quantity is constantly changing in time and space over an amount greater than the resolution of the measurement devices.
another guy named Dan
2017-10-12 18:13
another guy named Dan: They measure an effect of 0.175C.
Per decade, which is about +0.656°C. another guy named Dan: On an annual basis, the temperature varies roughly 40C, or over 2000 times their measured effect on an annualized basis. That's like saying someone can't measure the average change in temperature from July to August because the diurnal cycle is so large. another guy named Dan: There is no platonic perfect temperature against which you can compare a single measurement, and the special and temporal distances between measurements are greater than the effect. Keep in mind that we are measuring temperature anomaly, not absolute temperature. The error bars were given. You also don't seem to understand statistics. Multiple measurement can give a higher precision than a single measurement. Perhaps this will help. Consider a thousand thermometers spread over a region that we observe over a period of time. The thermometers are accurate to +-0.2°C. Let's assume there is no actual change in mean temperature. What would we expect to observe, given random observational error? We would expect a mean temperature change of 0°C, of course, but with a distribution of +-0.006°C. And that means that if the observed mean temperature change were +0.05°C, it would be extremely improbable that the change could be due to random observational error. We have measured an effect with far more precision than any single measurement.
2017-10-13 06:11
QUOTE: Keep in mind that we are measuring temperature anomaly, not absolute temperature. Uh, no. Anomalies are calculated.
2017-10-13 07:50
The biggest scam in history. Just because you keep saying something doesn't make it fact. Zero proof.
Joe Luke: The biggest scam in history. Just because you keep saying something doesn't make it fact. Zero proof.
The most direct evidence is that the Earth's surface and lower atmosphere are warming while the lower stratosphere is cooling, exactly what would be expected of an increasing greenhouse effect. Re: Findings of Israeli Military Historian in the article about BSA.
In this article a military historian notes that when women enter a military, academic institution, etc. male enrollment declines. I would like to include an item for consideration in this discussion. When a woman is allowed to enter any tough field--by tough I mean physically (military), intellectually demanding (science), with the expectation that within a short time she will be holding a rank and position within that field that "adapts" to her level of skills (paper pushing, time management, etc.) we create an unjust, unequal, and unfair climate. For example: when a 120 pound woman is pushed through the training program for fire fighters and is then deployed into a "real" fire station doing the work for which she can truly do--time management, paper work, etc. Then this process itself does two things: 1. it reduces the amount of wisdom from years of experience that should and has typically occupied the desk of management. 2. It discourages the men out there in the fire suits amid the blazes from believing that someday they will be rewarded with "softer" jobs within the unit. Sorry buddy, those desk jobs are reserved for women who "can't". Another horrific example of the destructive power of the women's movement gone wrong. QUOTE: Justifying Betrayal of Vietnam Emerges as the Raison d’être Of Ken Burns’ Film on the War Nixon, from secret tapes: because I look at the tide of history out there, South Vietnam probably can never even survive anyway… Nixon wasn't a military strategist. He was like your favorite politician Al Gore. A "communicator" of group think. Why do you think Trump talks to the Gores and Kissingers of the old globalist cadre? He wants to hear the details of their failed strategies and group think that they floundered with and which finally beached their policies, or if you will, their "best intentions". The tide of history left Nixon high and dry and he never saw it coming. The Congress of the 60's and 70's left SVN with no funding and no help when the heavily equipped north violated the Paris accords and attacked the south when Nixon was being removed from office. It is to those Congress's permanent shame that the north overran the south. Burns simply regurgitates the old 60's "tide of history" to put a fresh coat of paint over the treason rather than add the politically incorrect data that is freely available...and no objections from a taxpayer funded PBS.
indyjonesouthere: Nixon wasn't a military strategist.
It is evidence of the cynicism of the leadership that was charged by the United States with running the war. The essential problem of South Vietnam was corruption. Too many sided with the nationalist cause, and many of the resources spent on the South were siphoned off by the insurgency. The Americans could have indefinitely occupied the country, but at great cost in blood and treasure. Poppy cot. Kennedy and Johnson were the fumblers because they micromanaged the war from DC just like politicians who always think DC knows best. At least Nixon got it ended at the Paris peace talks but as usual any communist/socialist regime will lie and cheat on most any agreement. SVN corrupt? Not nearly as corrupt as a run of the mill Democratic administration. Want to destroy black people..get the government in the welfare business. Want to destroy education..get the government in the middle of it. Want to destroy healthcare..yea, get the government in the middle of it. Now that's corruption direct from the halls of DC. The South Vietnamese could have defended their own country with some funding and equipment from the US but in our infinite stupidity we turned our back to them, our Congress committed back stabbing treason to the SVN and the US soldiers left behind. Those congress's lost their honor. The greatest generation in congress could follow in their youth but they never learned how to lead...they could only feather their own beds with socialist programs that are bankrupting our country.
indyjonesouthere: Poppy cot.
Poppycock. indyjonesouthere: Kennedy and Johnson were the fumblers because they micromanaged the war from DC just like politicians who always think DC knows best. Johnson, especially. indyjonesouthere: At least Nixon got it ended at the Paris peace talks but as usual any communist/socialist regime will lie and cheat on most any agreement. As noted, Nixon didn't think South Vietnam would survive. He prolonged the misery long enough so they he wouldn't get the blame for what he and Kissinger considered the probable collapse. indyjonesouthere: SVN corrupt? Not nearly as corrupt as a run of the mill Democratic administration. Hyperbole. The U.S. regularly scores low on corruption, regardless of administration.
2017-10-13 14:56
And the AARP (the largest age discriminator) will now be admitting babies. Just like the "Boy" Scouts.
When my youngest son was old enough to go from cub scout to boy scout we searched for a Boy scout troop that went on a overnight campout every night. A minor requirement perhaps but we wanted our son to experience the outdoors year round and learn from it. The rest of what the scouts offer was there of course but some scout troops do not have a monthly campout and this was important to us. I went on every overnight with them to help the troop leader and to make sure my own son was getting the most from this. This is what we expect from the scouts; training, outdoor experience, values and a good experience.
Well certainly we could still have all this if some scouts are gay and some scouts are female and some troop leaders are gay and/or female. But what seems to happen is the troop morphs into a political and virtue signaling entity and "scouting" takes a back seat. I still support the scouts and hope they can survive this "attack" on their basic tenent of their existence. But I expect instead that the scouts will be embroiled in charges of sexual impropriety of one sort or another and over time law suits and public perception will wear them down until they are nothing and one day we will hear that they officially end their existence. This will all be the result of the liberal/gay/anti-religion attacks for years and now the liberal/feminist assault on the Boy Scout's raison d'etat. I cannot help but believe that was the goal of the left all along; to destroy the scouts. I think for many on the left it was about religion and morals. After all if one group believes in religion and morals and you believe in the opposite it makes you look bad, right? For many others on the left it was simply about political and personal destruction for fun and profit. This is what they do, it is what they enjoy and it makes sense to them even if it seem stupid to you. You are correct in your assumption that from the beginning the Scouts were an organization targeted for destruction, just like the Protestant Churches; just like marriage and two parent families; just like meritocracy; just like our voting system; just like our military; just like our journalism. All need to go down in order to install a Chinese style system of obedience to one GOD--the State.
On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my Country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. Over under on how quickly Clauses One and Three Get changed? Duty to God and country? No, no, no, your country has duties to you. Physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight? No, that's ableist, judgmental, and discriminatory. Zachriel slightly changing the subject again, repeatedly today. Don't follow him down those paths, he just keeps veering farther from the main topic every time you give him something he can't handle. It's a tactic, not an argument.
Assistant Village Idiot: Zachriel slightly changing the subject again, repeatedly today.
Oh? Indeed, we are on topic. • On California's electrical generation, we provided important facts concerning the source of California's electrical power, a direct response to the claim about "magic sky fairies". • On Climate Change, we discussed the greening effect and noted that scientists find that the greening effect is insufficient to mitigate anthropogenic climate change. • On Al Gore the evangelist, we weren't sure another guy named Dan's point, but we did note that Gore is communicating findings strongly supported by the global scientific community. • On Vietnam, we pointed out that Nixon saw South Vietnam as probably doomed. From the same conversation with Kissinger, we also know that Nixon prolonged the war for political purposes. But if by "slightly changing the subject" you mean Assistant Village Idiot disagrees, then sure. I'm not worried about North Korea, and you shouldn't be either. I can guarantee you there are weapons systems and other things the military has that we know nothing about.
I also think we know perfectly well how many missiles he has, how he gets them, and how long it takes for him to resupply his stockpile. The more he shoots off, the fewer he has and the harder it becomes for him to replace them. We are the most powerful nation on earth. No way would Trump or his advisors be pushing NK this way, if they weren't confident of our capabilities. You are right as far as the U.S. mainland is concerned. But NK is not going to be easy to destroy militarily. They have a large standing army and they aren't weak and poorly trained like the armies we have encountered in the last 30-40 years or so. They are well equipped with tanks and artillery. They undoubtedly have some nuclear weapons and probably some chemical weapons as well. They are an existential threat to South Korea and Japan. If war breaks out between NK and us or even between NK and SK the North will destroy the South killing upwards of 10-20 million people before they could be stopped. And since there is a strong enmity between NK and Japan it is likely that NK would attack Japan's major cities too killing millions there as well. Even with a full out out attack/retaliation by us on NK I think they could cause this level of destruction before we would prevail. Then there is the unanswerable question of what will China do? What will Russia do? And not just in the NK conflict but elsewhere around the globe. After all once the dogs of war are unleashed they are hard to control. Even the best possible/foreseeable outcome will be a human/political/economic disaster. Also there is an outside chance that NK could deliver one or more nukes to one or more of our own cities.
"California's electricity is produced by 50% renewables (including hydro), 50% natural gas, with virtually none coming from coal."
Really? Not according to the California Energy Comission. Ray: Really? Not according to the California Energy Comission.
Sorry, we said renewable when we meant carbon neutral sources, which also includes nuclear. Large Hydro 12.31% + Other renewables 27.9% ≈ 40% Nuclear ≈ 10% Natural gas = 50% Coal ≈ 0% and now the rest of the story...
Yet, beyond power rates 45% above the U.S. average, California has another problem that makes it less of a model than some proclaim. California now imports 33% of its electricity supply from fast growing neighbors, with about 65% of that coming from the Southwest and 35% coming from the Northwest. These numbers increase most in summer months when air conditioning loads peak. Imports have been rising rapidly: in 2010, California "only" imported 25% of its power.
Are We All Unconscious Racists?
No: there’s scant evidence to support the trendy implicit-bias theory. No one fails at West Point anymore.
This article is revealing the weakness within our military leadership.Read it and weep. This same situation exists at Anapolis -- the US Naval Academy which will probably explain why our Navy is unable to steer clear of cargo ships. Read it and weep The important thing is whether they met their diversity and inclusiveness goals.
I thought the scouts opening up to girls was a problem till I read the Wikipedia page on scouting in general, its real start and the fact that many scouting groups in other countries have been co-educational for decades. Even some that formed in 1970 as a result of a dramatic shift by purpose to retain the traditional scouting theme are co-educational.
Admitting girls is much ado about nothing if the BSA continues the traditional scouting, but so much of it is no longer about woodscraft like its original purpose. The Girl Scouts is organization that abandoned it original purpose, thus leaving many girls who enjoy the outdoors with no place. I would like to say that you are absolutely correct. I think that what you stated was correct but the implied result is not. I suspect that boys will be boys and girls will be girls and some things will happen that will be ultimately be resolved in a court. Perhaps in some cases criminal courts but in most cases civil courts which will result in deep pockets being fleeced. I will predict that the Boy Scouts will lose millions and be forced to sell their assets and eventually destroyed. Time will tell.
"Survey: 58% of Students Want a Campus Where They Are Not Exposed to 'Intolerant or Offensive Ideas'."
I wanted that to way back, but my professors kept hounding me the electricity-magnetism and thermodynamics even though it was obvious to the most casual observer that those ideas caused me great mental distress. The Mormons pulling out of Scouting was probably the final straw; many other churches have already pulled their support over the Scouts' new emphasis on "LGBT." These other churches and the Mormons were the core support of Scouting, and really cannot be replaced. Like many other dying organizations being eaten by progressive parasites, the Scouts are now desperately trying to find a way to stay alive. Embracing homosexuals and transgenders didn't work; so now it is girls. I can't imagine many parents of girls, responsible ones at least, will buy into this however.
Drat! Drowningpuppies beat me to answering Zach. The California Energy Commission statistics show that CA can't produce enough electricity to satisfy it's needs so it has to import about 1/3 of the electricity it uses. Where is it going to get the electricity for all those electric cars?
Ray: The California Energy Commission statistics show that CA can't produce enough electricity to satisfy it's needs so it has to import about 1/3 of the electricity it uses.
That brings coal up to about 13.4 TWh or about 7% of electrical usage (2014). Purchases of coal are being phased out over the next decade. New York Times, Paper of Record:
Correction: October 11, 2017 An earlier version of a home page headline for this article misstated the location of a supervolcano that drives geological activity. It is beneath Yellowstone National Park, not Yosemite. Additionally, the amount of material that could be expelled by the supervolcano was miscalculated. It is 2,500 times more than erupted from Mount St. Helens in 1980, not 250,000. More OMG/ONOZ headlines:
"Congress warned North Korean EMP attack would kill '90% of all Americans'" It is a popular meme among preppers that an EMP would kill 90% of the U.S. population. That is pure poppycock, disinformation. The actual result would be more like a cat 5 hurricane; a serious crisis with some deaths and injuries as a result but the nation would pull together and do what must be done to survive and help others. More likely the death toll would be well under 1% and that mostly from people who needed advanced emergency medical care.