Michelle supports
Dunkin Donuts. So do we. I could use one right about now.
New Orleans is a sinking ship. Sensible Mom. Get out of there, people. It is Gatorville.
Truthful warning labels for products: Samizdata. This product contains sub-atomic particles moving at the speed of light...
Importing Mexico's Welfare and Mexico's underclass. Why would we want to do this? They are the 9th largest economy in the world...Daily Pundit. Mexico is a mouse, tweaking a lion's tail.
The Homeland Security scam. It is a total scam. Omaha? Please - Osama never heard of Omaha, nor have most Americans heard much about it other than Mutual of Omaha. Am. Princess. What a joke, but it's our money that is being flushed down the toilet.
The UN wants money to rescue Hamas. Are they serious? China will probably go along with it. Buy them off? Captain Ed
Long Island Jews ally with illegals, claim "they are just like us." Ummm. View from the Right.
Hillary wants me to drive 55?!?!?! Jimmy Carter all over again? Driscoll. I will never drive 55.
Never watched Oprah? Neither have I. But you can read about her secret of success here, at TNR
Experienced salesman needs job.