I'm not surprised the authorities are having trouble finding Al Quaida's web sites and email arrangements. Heck, I still can't find even Maggie's Farm blog on Google. Hunt for Zarqawi's Webmasters
Always tasteless and always funny: "At this very moment, the Christian right continues their relentless assault on Roe v. Wade by praying and singing their little Jesus songs outside brave Michael's home. The line between Christian and Islamic Fundamentalism has never been more blurred than it is right now." YES! Die with Dignity! DIE! DIE!!!!
How are sex offenders different from other criminals, from the standpoint of recidivism? Are they really worse? I don't know. Why not track all felons? Better idea - let's track everyone. After all, most of us are unarrested felons.
FEC and blogs: Regulation of free speech is bad enough, but possible regulation of speech in blogs would be totalitarian. Prof B is on the case: Click here: ProfessorBainbridge.com: The Business of Blogging