Our genius trainer has prescribed us morning calisthenic workouts for our next little getaway.
Genius Trainer hates to see the backsliding that occurs after 10 days away from him. His demands are in addition to our usual Cape Cod daily multi-hour hikes and pond races, not to mention body-surfing in the icy ocean with the seals and sharks for as long as we can. For me, few thrills equal that when there is good wavy gravy.
Here is his email:
You should complete these light vacation calisthenic workout circuits every morning. Including foam rolling and dynamic warmup, this workout should take under 45 minutes in total.
Elbow Planks—3x30 seconds
Jumping Jacks—3x25 or 3xJump Rope 1 min.
Lunges—3x15 each leg
Shoulder Tap Hand Planks—3x15 taps each shoulder
Quick Shuffles—3x60 feet
Band Shuffles—3x20 steps each leg
Reverse Leg Lifts—3x15
Inch Worms—3x15
Have fun!