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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, July 15. 2017Saturday morning links
How St. Augustine Invented Sex - He rescued Adam and Eve from obscurity, devised the doctrine of original sin—and the rest is sexual history. Good stuff:
The ancient, secular reason why saints are shown with halos Romania's marital prison Book Review: Russell Redenbaugh's 'Shift the Narrative' An impressive man New Theory Explains Economic Growth In Terms Of Evolutionary Biology Science: Power Causes Brain Damage - Studies raise questions about what authority does to the mind. Concentration Camps Reveal the Nature of the Modern State Feminist Magazine Explains Why You Must Not Gender Your Pets High Schools as Indoctrination Mills The Problem With Helicopter Colleges - The Harvard professor Steven Pinker objects to a proposal to ban various undergraduate social clubs, citing a model of higher education that many elite institutions are rejecting. Not Everything Is Caused by Climate Change, Part 971 ABC, NBC under fire after smearing Christian organization as a “hate group” AN UNHINGED LINDA SARSOUR LASHES OUT AT THE “ZIONIST MEDIA” The Left’s Inversion of Anti-Semitism - The new, inverted definition of anti-Semitism. Social Security Slouches Towards Insolvency Atlantic: Tucker Carlson Is Doing Something Extraordinary - He is offering a glimpse into what Fox News would look like as an intellectually interesting network. The One Sentence That Explains Washington Dysfunction - Column: The political class never expected Donald Trump to become president Jamie Dimon blows up at DC's dysfunction, says he's tired of 'listening to the stupid s---- Trump Derangement Syndrome: Yes, They Have All Gone Completelyy insane Donald Trump appears to have caused David Brooks to lose his senses. In today’s New York Times, Brooks imputes the alleged ethical lapses of Donald Trump to the the original sins of his grandfather and father. Germany: Infectious Diseases Spreading as Migrants Settle In What Really Matters in the Middle East Comments
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Infectious Disease-
Some of these diseases can be contained with vaccines and sanitation but TB and STD superbugs should be a red flag. Re: Tucker Carlson
As shallow as it may be, I've never been able to watch Tucker Carlson for the same reason I've never been able to watch Joe Scarborough - I just can't get past their looks. Scarborough looks like he's got a touch of Down Syndrome, Carlson got that slack-jawed look of a little kid who's just pooped his pants. But that being said, the heart of the article has to do with Tucker's support for Trump and the "helping a foreign government subvert an American election" thing. Aside from attempting to influence the election the same way any number of foreign leaders did by endorsing Hillary and her foreign policy expertise, the biggest knock seems to be the e-mail hack and Junior's meeting to obtain dirt on Hillary - which was "subverting" the election by exposing Hillary's attempts to subvert the election. Is that really where we're at? Accusing somebody of cheating by exposing their opponent's cheating? If the NY Giants bugged the visitor's locker room and got a tape of the opposing team's coach's conversation with the refs over how much the refs would be paid for making sure the calls went their way, who's the real cheater here? RE Feminist Magazine Explains Why You Must Not Gender Your Pets
Medusa Magazine is probably a hoax You fall for zach's trolling every other day, why am I not surprised you fall for this. If it is a hoax, its success lies entirely in its verisimilitude: it is just the sort of wacky nonsense we've come to expect from such groups these days.
"Donald Trump appears to have caused David Brooks to lose his senses. In today’s New York Times, Brooks imputes the alleged ethical lapses of Donald Trump to the the original sins of his grandfather and father..."
NO! Barack Hussein Obama caused the metro-sexual Brooks to elevate his homo-eroticism over the crease in BHO's trousers, to the reason BHO should be POTUS! Brooks senses never recovered from that! Is there any evidence that David Brooks ever had any sense to lose?
Aside from the new effort to tax the rich in Seattle (2 1/2% tax). There is also another effort going on there that is in my mind more outrageous. Currently there is conversation about the tax that is or will be(?) levied on every tax payer. The state has the ability to collect several million dollars in taxes and then give those monies to electoral candidates according to some scale of popularity (?) I am not sure about the details and would love to know the facts of this. If anyone has more info, please post. Thank you.
Science: Power Causes Brain Damage - Studies raise questions about what authority does to the mind.
More like the lust for power! Remember in high school when all those heretofor normal kids wanted to run for student council? That messed with their minds when their hormones were raging and became imprinted in their brains.! Dollars to donuts, every single politician 's career can be traced back to that lust arising in high school! Actually I got drafted into the student council twice and I neither wanted the position nor voted to get it...sometimes we're just unlucky. I volunteered to join the military in 1966 and didn't really enjoy it that much. It seems being drafted or volunteering can have a similar outcome...perhaps its duty.
Gendering my pets, forsooth. Here's what I find odd about the frame of mind: I'm a blue-eyed blonde. Suppose I were surrounded by people with odd notions that my hair and eye color were definitive clues about my character and talents. I could dye my hair and wear colored contact lenses and get upset at any mention of the eyes and hair I was born with--even insisting that I was trans-coloring myself and everyone else had to go along--or I could ignore the nonsense and go on being myself. People with any claim to my attention would draw conclusions about my character and talents by observing my character and talents. Why should I be hagridden by the silly ideas of anyone who didn't know how to do this? Why, in effect, suffer an identity crisis over whether I'm "really" blonde and blue-eyed on the inside? I am who I am. If that doesn't match someone's theories of what blue-eyed blondes are like, I'm not the one that's mistaken.
That little known ingredient that makes them so addictive:
Beef flavoring aka heroin to accentuate the umami taste... McD's cooked fries in beef tallow until 1990 when they switched to vegetable oil over public concerns that saturated fats were unhealthy. In 2014, the Annals of Internal Medicine published a meta-analysis of 72 published studies on fats and heart disease, and found that saturated fats have NO affect on heart disease risk.
"Feminist Magazine Explains Why You Must Not Gender Your Pets"
There's an almost sublime irony at play here: feminists stating sex and gender are irrelevant. An ideology - feminism - entirely based on the particular sex of one half of humanity and depending on that sex for its adherents claiming sex is irrelevant. I'm trying to come up with an analogy. About the best I can do is try to imagine a died-in-the-wool communist asserting that the class struggle is irrelevant. Beyond all that, this statement: "Pets cannot speak for themselves. They cannot tell you that they are being misgendered. It’s important not to make assumptions about what gender your animal is based off of its sex." It suggests seriously disturbed people. Once the mentally ill were institutionalized for their own good. Today they're just another political demographic in our diverse society. Good to see the official view of sexuality in Christian teaches seems to come from a guy who was perved on, if not molested, by his father and later possibly his mother.
Learning history is interesting as you can see where certain, "unassailable" doctrines come from. Listening to The British History Podcast, it was interesting to learn that it wasn't until the 8th century and for political succession reasons that "bastard" children were cut out and births in wedlock prioritized. All because Offa, King of Mercia, realized he was never likely to kill all the offspring of Æthelbald, given his promiscuous habit of fornicating with nuns. The latter being daughters of powerful Mercian families and in Mercia the mother's lineage mattered in succession. So Offa got the Pope to declare out of wedlock children illegitimate for succession. Offa also got his son succession sanctified, thus starting the very bad tradition of kings claiming God's will for their rule. I never knew that about halos. I'm glad I learned it this morning.
Aleteia has a lot of interesting information, but you have to take it in on trust. They don't cite anything and don't go into much detail. QUOTE: ABC, NBC under fire after smearing Christian organization as a “hate group” The Alliance Defending Freedom has worked to criminalize homosexual sex globally. Apparently, freedom means 10 years in prison in Belize. So Zzzz is a big believer of SPLC and Media Matterth.
Good to know, kidz. We are werry big in group outreacharounds to our special friends in Belize, which we think is in oh-tho-hawt Latin America. And by "big" we mean "big", if you know what we mean.
drowningpuppies: So Zzzz is a big believer of SPLC and Media Matterth.
Do you have evidence that they were not involved in Belize's recent court case concerning punishing homosexuals? Or do you not think that jailing homosexuals is hateful? lol, you have no idea what they did, except what some pro ghey hate group tells you to believe.
Although the statute allowed for a 10 year prison term, the average sentence under that penal code was a $5 fine. You are so lame. Sooooo lame. Maybe it was Global Warming!!!! Even global warming is taking a beating in the Canadian courts...it seems Mann is getting trashed by the hockey stick.
2017-07-15 18:54
"Donald Trump appears to have caused David Brooks to lose his senses."
That horse left the barn long before Trump came onto the scene. re Social Security Slouches Towards Insolvency
Not a problem. We can print money to make up the difference. It will work until it doesn't anymore. That new theory on economic growth is actually quite old. I first heard it at the Santa Fe Institute Complexity conference in 1994, in San Francisco.
The article itself is from 2002, so it's at least 15 years old, though I know it's closer to 25 years old. It grew out of an understanding of complex systems and cross-disciplinary studies. Something else worth noting in the piece on economic growth:
"Prior to the agricultural revolution, 10,000 years ago, people lived among hunter-gatherer tribes that tended to share resources more equally." Communism (and its variant, Socialism) are ancient ideas which didn't spout magically from Marx due to Capitalism's "evils", they were the original 'natural state of man' in a lower form. We evolved AWAY from Communism, as we should continue to do. The idea that we need to go back to this is very questionable and quite frightening. It works at lower social arrangements, in smaller groups, because the size of the group and its skill sets are significantly improved by working together. It's a voluntary form of Communism, and that's perfectly acceptable. Enforced, coerced Socialism and Communism are aberrations which inhibit and degrade growth. They are a yearning of man to return to a simpler time and arrangement - but one which ultimately undermines value and productivity. |
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