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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, May 22. 2006A Delta pilot who dodged a bullet, re United 93A note to all new visitors to Maggie's Farm from all over: Welcome to the Farm! Read us - we are eclectic and informative, and like to surprise our readers. Friendly, too. Bookmark us and show us some love.
I haven't seen the movie, yet, but I intend to when I get the chance. Retirement has made me busier than ever, and I haven't had the chance to see many movies lately. As a Delta B-767 captain myself at the time of the attacks on 9/11 I was in crew rest in His name was Mohammad Atta, the leader of the terrorist hijackers. Atta had boarded my flight from Something seemed a bit different about this jumpseat rider, though, because in my usual course of conversation with him as we reached cruise altitude he avoided all my questions about his personal life and focused very intently upon the cockpit instruments and our operation of the aircraft. I asked him what he flew at American and he said, "These", but he asked incessant questions about how we did this or why we did that. I said, "This is a 767. They all operate the same way." But he said, "No, we operate them differently at American." That seemed very strange, because I knew better. I asked him about his background, and he admitted he was from There was nothing to indicate, though, that he was anything other than who or what he said he was, because he had the documentation to prove who he was. In retrospect, we now know his uniform was stolen and his documents were forged. Information later came to light as to how this was done. It seems that Mohammad Atta and his cronies had possibly stolen pilot uniforms and credentials from hotel rooms during the previous year. We had many security alerts at the airline to watch out for our personal items in hotel rooms because these were mysteriously disappearing, but nobody knew why. Atta and his men used these to make dry runs prior to their actual hijackings on 9/11. How do I know? I called the FBI as soon as I saw his face on the TV that day, and the agent on the other end of the line took my information and told me I'd hear back from them when all the dust settled. A few weeks later I got a letter from the Bureau saying that my call was one of at least half a dozen calls that day from other pilots who had had the same experience. Flights were being selected at random to make test runs for accessing the cockpit. It seems we had all dodged bullets. Over the years my attitude towards the War Against Terrorism and the wars in I don't mind admitting that one of the reasons I retired early from Delta last May, other than to protect my disappearing company retirement, was because it became harder and harder for me to go to work every day knowing that the war wasn't being taken seriously by the general public. The worst offenders were the Liberal detractors to the present administration, and right or wrong, this administration is at least taking the bull by the horns and fighting our enemies, which is something concrete that I can appreciate. Nobody was taking this war seriously, and it seems everyone found fault with the I also found myself being scrutinized by TSA screeners more and more every day when I went to work, and suffered the humiliating indignity of being identified about half the time for body searches in front of the general flying public who looked at the entire process as being ludicrous. "They don't even trust their own pilots!" accompanied by an unbelieving snicker was the usual response. Here I was, a retired USAF officer who had been entrusted to fly nuclear weapons around the world, who had been granted a Top Secret clearance and had been on missions over the course of 21 years in the military that I still can't talk about without fear of prosecution by the DoD, who was being scanned by a flunkie TSA screener looking for any sign of a pen knife or nail file on my person. It wasn't until six months after my retirement when my wife and I flew to I will see United 93 when I get the chance, and I will probably enjoy the movie for its realness and historical significance, but forgive me if I do not embrace the Muslim world for the rest of my life. The Islamic world is no friend of the West, and although we may be able to get along with their governments in the future, the stated goal of Islam is world conquest through Jihad and it is the extremist Jihadists, backed and funded by "friendly" Moslem governments, whom we have to fear the most. We must have a presence in the Best to all, Pat Gilmore Editor's Note: For some reason which is beyond me, some people do not want to believe this. Perhaps they do not want to believe that Jihadist terrorism actually exists, because it someone doesn't believe it yet, they never will. Capt. Gilmore himself posted this comment, in our comments below, but I will put it here for all to see:
I assure you this letter is true. As to the fact that I wrote that a holder of an Airline Transport Pilot rating (ATP) must be a US citizen, I admit that I was mistaken here. I had always assumed so, because that's what I had heard, so I looked up the requrements for an ATP just now. There is nothing that says that US citizenship is required. Okay, I'll bite the bullet on that one. I recieved my ATP back in 1975 and now that I think of it I do not remember having to prove my citizenship. However, the rest of the story is true. 6/5/06 Editor's Note: Late this afternoon, we will post a new thought about this subject - go to top of the blog - click header - and see if it's there yet. Trackbacks
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Wow! Talk about there, but for the grace of God...
I have learned always to trust my. sense that someone is not right. God gave us instincts to protect us. We ignore them at our peril. Thank you MF for posting this! And thank you Mr. Gilmore for wrapping your hands around the anger, frustration, relief, and gratitude you feel - which we all feel, in different ways and different degrees, about that day - and setting it down for the rest of us to grapple with it. This is information the common Americans need to have.
What I donot understand, is why you did not do something. At the time you understand he was not suppose to be on the plane, as he was not a US citizen. If you had spoke up, he would have been questioned.
Whoa!! This is the kind of thing that needs to be said over and over again, and that the MSM will also never print or reminds us.
ditto, Keith. that's why we need blogs....all we need are 60 million readers.
Thanks for sharing this info. It is a nice reminder. I cross linked over at www.aslowerpace.com.
Keep up the good work. You are one of my fav everyday reads. thanks, Dan. We read you too. Send us around - we need more readers as compensation for our slavery here on the farm.
"The Islamic world is no friend of the West"
This man gets it. Most Americans have not taken the time or even have the general knowledge it takes to find the Middle East on a map. Is it any wonder we have simply accepted the statement 'No Islamic country is a friend of ours' without informing ourselves about those countries? Have we even bothered to ask ourselves WHY those countries who do wish us harm feel that way? Could it POSSIBLY be that it's because we have exploited their natural resources for decades, have put Israel's interests before any others in the region or have promulgated the belief that all Arabs are terrorists without educating ourselves as to whether that is, in fact, their belief about Americans? My experience with the Arabs I have known is that they are just as interested in making sure their kids do their homework, having barbeques with their families and are much more like us than they are different from us. Granted, there are obviously LOTS of Moslems who hate us, but again, ask yourself why?? What has our foreign policy done in recent years to bring about this drastic change in attitude towards us?
Do your own thinking, people...educate yourselves outside the media drivel we are fed (and accept) without questioning. There's a lot more going on in the world than we are hearing on CNN. Try the BBC for a change! You'll be amazed at the comprehensive coverage. What an incredible story. It speaks volumns about our ememy. We can never, ever, afford to let our guard down. Thanks for sharing this.
I haven't seen this elsewhere -- but it should be. You're doing a service putting it up.
I've linked to this entry from my site at www.flash.net/~gdc/ritter/index.html#64 You haven't seen it elsewhere because it's almost undoubtedly fake. As an airline pilot, I can point out several inconsistencies that a captain at a major airline would know (most notably that being a US citizen is NOT a requirement to hold an FAA Air Transport Pilot certificate)I can assure you that if this were true, it would be well-known throughout the industry and be addressed during training.
This is why you have to take everything you read on blogs with a grain of salt--there's no fact checking required whatsoever. Will the Admins of this website attempt to verify to truth of Mr Gilmore's story for us in some way?
As a liberalish anti-war New Yorker I was extremely interested in Mr Gilmore's perspective and in some ways it made me rethink my opposition to our extended military involvement in the Middle East. However, as heyduke1 pointed out, you can't believe everything you read on the net. On the same note, how can I trust heyduke1's claim to be an airline pilot any more than Mr Gilmore? I guess I could Google Pat Gilmore but yet again my problem with Mr Gilmore's post, this war, the 9/11 attacks, the US War Machine, and pretty much everything else I read or watch is that I must remind myself to be highly skeptical of every piece of information I come across. (Thanks heyduke1 for pointing that out) Who's shooting straight here? Have the Admins fact-checked this essay? I assure you this letter is true. As to the fact that I wrote that a holder of an Airline Transport Pilot rating (ATP) must be a US citizen, I admit that I was mistaken here. I had always assumed so, because that's what I had heard, so I looked up the requrements for an ATP just now. There is nothing that says that US citizenship is required. Okay, I'll bite the bullet on that one. I recieved my ATP back in 1975 and now that I think of it I do not remember having to prove my citizenship. However, the rest of the story is true.
As for my airline career, I worked for Western Airlines (who merged with Delta in 1987), Jet America Airlines (who was bought by Alaska Airlines in 1988), and Delta Airlines, as well as a few "fly by night" cargo airlines during my furlough period from Western from 1981-1985. I also flew in Vietnam as a transport pilot and retired from the USAF Reserve in 1991 after the Gulf War. I have 21,500+ flight hours in T-41, T-37, T-38, C-141/L-300, CE-500, CV-440, MD-80/82, B-727, B-737, B-757, and B-767 aircraft, all logged between 1970 and 2005 when I retired from Delta. Trust me, folks, this was real. I must admit I am quite surprised that my letter made it this far on the internet. The letter was nothing more than am innocent reply to a group of friends, one of whom sent me a similar letter from another Delta pilot who had been flying the morning of 9/11 and who had experienced the flying that day for himself. His letter had detailed his thoughts as he viewed the movie "United 93", and he also told in detail how he had been diverted to Knoxville when the FAA shut down the airspace. My friend had asked me if I had known of any other similar experiences, so I wrote him what I had encountered myself a few months before. This was my letter to him. Another retired Delta captain contacted me yesterday after reading this blog and related an experience his wife had on a flight from Portland, OR to Atlanta in August 2001, just a week or so after my experience with Atta. She was riding on a company pass and seated in First Class. A person of "Middle Eastern" descent had sought permission to sit on the cockpit jump seat, but was denied access by the captain because he did not have an FAA Medical certificate. She said he ranted and raved because he couldn't ride the cockpit jump seat, even though there were three empty seats in First Class, which the captain offered him. What pilot in his right mind would refuse a First Class seat over a cramped cockpit jump seat? He stormed off the aircraft and they left him at the gate. You see? Mine wasn't the only experience leading up to 9/11. Delta Airlines Corporate Security even contacted me a few days ago to ask if I had, indeed, written this letter. I wrote them back that I had. They were worried that someone was using my name without my knowledge. I assured them I was the author. Keep the faith, and don't let the bastards get you down. Pat Gilmore Man, you are right on and justified in your reactions to the events that fold before 9-11 and the non-profile searching in the airports after the event. I'm am old man and have been personally searched and think it's absolutely stupid that they consider me a possible terrorist. The jerks that brow beat you should walk in your shoes.
Thanks for letting us know your experiences. What a bunch of self serving "oh it could have been me" garbage. Has it not sunk in yet that 911 has nothing to do with the current nightmare we call "war" with Iraq? Unless it was Saddam Hussein in your jumpseat we are talking apples and oranges. Get off your soapbox and spare us all the "those-damn-liberals" rhetoric. Dodged a bullet? Sounds to me like your need to draw attention to yourself is making you WISH you made some kind of headline. How obscene to take a real tragedy and turn it into some kind of right wing political agenda. Pathetic.
I counted "7" red flags that came up in his letter and he didn't question any of these what kind of pilot is he. He keeps saying that was strange this wasn't quite right, kept asking too many ?s about the plane, etc. come on give me a break. I would not want this man piloting any plane I was on. What happen to "your" training as a pilot? Thank God you retired. Sir there were a lot of ?s that should have told you we need to have this person question by the authorities a.s.a.p.
Snake Hunter Sez,
I Posted Pat Gilmore's eMail this May 10th, 2008 because I felt it was substantively correct, with a cautionary comment following the Post. (I'm still checking, to verify Pat Gilmore). I'm a WWII Vet, 10 Mountain Division, Camp Hale, Colorado, and Northern Italy (and I can prove it with an ASN). My effective weapon now, is the Snake Hunters Blog. When I need Info, then I research for accuracy. It's tough to cut through the political partisanship, and the George Soros Hate Machinery like MoveOnDotOrg, U.F.P.J. & other "Peace Groups" that attack Bush/Cheney/Halliburton, etc and we try to understand the mindset of Suicidal Killers, Head-Choppers, Women Stoners & The Global Jihad Kill-Culture. We are dismayed by Americans that display IGNOR.ANCE on this vital subject. Our Constitutional Freedoms are a Rare Gift, and as precious as life and good health. Skepticism & Good Judgement are also fine possessions. So, Remain Focused, be Aware, Stay Alert. Thanks, reb www.lazyonebenn.blogspot.com Snake Hunter Sez,
Yes, we posted the Gilmore Letter. Attempts to verify is difficult; lots of rattle from the Left & Right. Nothing from Authoritative Sources. Inexplicable. reb www.lazyonebenn.blogspot.com Agreed. That was the main point that stood out to me as false.
Add to that the operational foolishness of making dry runs with a plan that you would not use, but that offered a very high chance of discovery and capture. A close call in an airplane prior to 9/11 is poor qualification for spokesperson on the anti-terro effacacy of the war in Iraq. His position is strongly refuted by the fact that there was no connection between Iraq and 9/11.
Further, this man's presumption that so-called liberals don't want wars in Muslim countries for reasons of political correctness is spurious. Almost every last American, liberal or conservative immediately and unequivocally supported the war in Afganistan precisely because it was a Muslim fanatic stronghold. And I have never heard a single persaon say we shouldn't attack Iraq because it was Muslim. But I've heard plenty say we shouldn't attact Iraq because it drains all our resources away from the war on terror. Clearly politics, not facts, drives this man's perspective. -Mike Even if this story is not a hoax, it is still pretty pathetic. This person claims they endured hardships that led to their retirement apparently in order to avoid the public "Liberal detractors" that criticize the war? He even portrays his alleged encounter with a suspicious person as a near death experience. What about the real Americans that are dying in Iraq even today? On average more than 2 soldiers die each day of the war in Iraq. He claims this is a war justified against "those who attacked us" without offering any facts. Frankly nearly as many Americans have died in Iraq as those that perished in the World Trade Center Terrorist attacks on 9/11 and Iraq had nothing to do with those attacks! In my opinion Operation Iraqi Freedom is only contributing to the hatred of Americans from people around the world as we continue to occupy this foreign land with no real justification. I worry about my children’s future and the potential ramifications of our present actions because hatred breeds terrorism.
One of the most patriotic acts an American can do is to stand up and get involved by asking questions and learning about what is taking place. I would welcome anyone to learn more about this subject and come to their own conclusion after studying the facts. Anything you learn should be questioned, including what I wrote here. My Iraqi death average was confirmed from multiple sources, but you can start by viewing the following sites: http://icasualties.org/oif_a/CasualtyTrends.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_11,_2001_attacks The story is pretty pathetic, huh? I tell you what is pathetic, *YOU*. You are your liberal ilk need to be hit right in the forehead with reality before it sinks in. Then for about five seconds you have clarity. After 9/11, that's what it took, about five seconds for it to be blamed on America and for the liberals to start criticizing the War on Terror.
I suppose the definition of "patriot" was bastardized during the 60s to include always questioning authority and railing against the government. While we certainly have that right, some of the lefty libs have made it their life mission. They question everything, unless, of course, it is a Democrat in office or a Clinton. Then, there is a free pass granted and all the "questioning authority" crapola seems to stop. Well excuse me while I vomit. I dont care which party is in charge but something needed to be done about fundamental Islamic terrorism and Bush stepped up and did something. Was it perfect? No, nothing ever is perfect. But, Clinton, in between enjoying the fruits of Monica's labor, turned the other cheek (wonder if he knows it is supposed to be the facial cheeks??) one too many time: see the African Embassy bombings, the first WTC attack, the USS Cole, etc. Under Clinton, we didnt do anything other than to try to make it a law enforcement issue. In fact, his deputy AG, Miss Gorelick made it nearly impossible to gather intelligence on terrorists by "building the wall" between the CIA and FBI - yet Gorelick was on the 9/11 commission? Now, that's pathetic, if not downright criminal. Instead of browbeating people called to testify, she should have been subpoeaned herself. You're correct about one thing. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. As our German friends would say, "Es Macht Nichts" - it doesn't matter. After 9/11, we couldnt let someone like Saddam run around and try to develop WMD who, because he's a madman, might decide to give them to terrorists to carry out attacks by proxy. And, by the way, President Bush, despite what the press continues to harp upon, never said, "We are going into Iraq because they attacked us on 9/11" - in fact, what he and his administration said was 9/11 changed the way we must view threats. We can no longer merely react - we must go on offense. How many times have we been hit on our soil since 9/11? So, you can excuse me if I dont join in on your "blame America first, Bush Bashing" Bandwagon. Its a tired, old act that serves to do nothing but play politics with our national security. The lefty libs are more upset about prisoners wearing panties on their heads than hostages in Iraq LOSING their heads to barbaric terrorists that behead prisoners. Where are all the tough on defense Democrats of old i.e. Truman, Roosevelt, JFK? Instead, what we have today is Michael Moore (aka Goebbels) and the rest of the hate filled gang that is so focused on scoring political points that they cannot seem to actually fight the war on terror and/or provide support to our servicemen and president in a time of war. Can you imagine today's lefty libs back in WWII? We'd probably all be speaking German. Hey, take a chill pill "True Patriot" *YAWN*. - most of us "disparragers" simply feel that Mr. Gilmore's "near death experience" is a bit of theatrics on his part. That and the fact that Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 911...but I suppose that little detail doesn't matter much to frothing-at-the-mouth "soldiers" like yourself. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, mister....even someone who chooses to spew venom, however erronous, like yourself.
I never intended for this to go as far as it has. After all, it was merely an answer to a letter from a friend of mine in a group of friends with whom I correspond on a regular basis. We talk politics, sports, exchange jokes, and pull each others chains on a regular basis. Most of us in the group are old fraternity brothers from the 1960s, so we have a conglomeration of doctors, lawyers, educators, businessmen, financial advisors, and yes, even a retired military/airline pilot (me). Among the group we have Liberals, Conservatives, Libertarians (me), and even a Socialist (we don't take him very seriously, but we do listen to what he has to say when he's sober!). We've known each other for decades and we never take offense when one says to another "eat me" or "please be kind enough to kiss my big red ass". It's that kind of a group. Apparently, what I wrote in response to my friend that day struck one of my other friends as important enough to pass on to one of his friends, and you know the rest of the story.
My friends and family have found this letter not only on this site but on others as well, and I get calls daily from friends in the airline business who want to know if I am, indeed, the author of this letter. I assure them I am. They all agree with what I said in the letter, because they are aware of what the danger to our society really is. Most of what I read on other sites claim that the letter is a hoax and they attack me personally for what I said, but I can't say I really care. I know what the truth is, and that's all that matters. To you, John, and to Mike in the previous entry, no matter how pathetic you think my story is, it happened as I wrote it. As for my motives, politics had nothing to do with it. The fact is, I never stated that "so-called liberals don't want wars in Muslim countries for reasons of political correctness" or that I retired early "in order to avoid the public 'Liberal detractors' that criticize the war". And I never once mentioned the war in Iraq! You did! You're putting words into my mouth that I never said, boys! What I did say was that the worst offenders (of the general public who didn't take the War on Terror seriously) were the Liberal detractors to the present administration who, right or wrong, were at least taking the bull by the horns and fighting our enemies. That's a far cry from what you accuse me of saying, gents. Who has the political agenda here? Whether the war in Iraq is valid or not is a moot point, but as long as the subject has come up it's my opinion that Saddam had to be taken out sometime, whether now or later. He remained a threat to Saudi Arabia with the US leaving that country in the aftermath of 9/11. Could it be that one of the stipulations the Saudis gave us for leaving them unprotected against Saddam was his demise? Could it be that Saudi Arabia was the real catalyst behind this war? I don't know for sure, but you tell me. Friends of mine in high places (i.e., the Pentagon and the current administration) have hinted as much to me in private conversations. There is always more than what meets the public eye, gentlemen. What we now have in the Middle East is the country of Iran, a sworn enemy to the United States, who is now arming terrorists by the thousands and who has declared its intentions to wipe Israel off the face of the map. With the US presence in Afghanistan and the US presence in Iraq now, Iran is in a pickle. They're surrounded by US forces. Could this also have been our intention in invading Iraq and overthrowing Saddam? We still have a lot of payback to give the Islamic Republic of Iran for what they did to our embassy personnel in the late 1970s, or have you conveniently forgotten about that, too? To all you who have such ready answers as to why we shouldn't do "this" or why we were mistaken in doing "that", I would challenge you to come up with a reason why we SHOULD do something and not just sit back and let the world go by. A Canadian asked me a few months ago why it is that we Americans feel the need to police the entire world, and my reply to him was, "If we don't, who will? If we don't, we'll be criticized for not doing anything, and when we do we get criticized for getting too involved." In short, we get criticized no matter what we do. Does this make you as frustrated as I am? As for my encounter with Atta in my jump seat being a "near death experience", I never said that either. All I said was that I dodged a bullet. What if the flight hadn't been a practice flight for Atta and he had taken the opportunity to overpower me and my copilot? The resulting struggle in the cockpit would have been a near death experience, for sure, but that's not what he was after that day. He was after knowledge on how to operate the B-767. We do that all the time when we're in training at the airlines. We go through ground school and simulator, then we get a jumpseat ride in the real airplane on a real flight to see how all of what we learned comes together in the real world. No, I didn't have a near death esperience, as you assert. If I am poorly qualified to make the statements I did, I'm sorry you think so. I'm a veteran of both the Vietnam War and the Gulf War, and every war in between, including the Yom Kippur War in 1973. I've seen war, albeit from the fringes, and I don't like it any more than you do. But I do know when it's time to fight and when it's time to back off, and this war on terrorism is one we HAVE to win. What Pat said in response to my post:
The fact is, I never stated that "so-called liberals don't want wars in Muslim countries for reasons of political correctness" What Pat said originally: I've been known to lose my patience with those who say the war in Iraq or anywhere else in the Muslim world is wrong, or who say we shouldn't become involved in that area of the world for political correctness reasons. Pretty much the same. You can split hairs with the best of them, Pat. But my point is unaffected by your tap dancing around the word order. It's not political correctness that motivates so-called liberals to object to waging a given war. It is lying about why we are fighting and dying and going broke and losing the war that is why most people are opposed to this fiasco. As to Saddam needing to be taken out? Sure. He needed to go as much as any of em. But if he wasn't sitting on the oil tap, we wouldn't have lifted a finger and everyone knows it. Even so, Hell yeah, I'm all for yanking every son of a bitchin' dictatior that we installed in power over the last half of the last century and letting folks call their own shots. Only thing is, we should have waited another year like the opposition was screaming for, while we rounded up enough international support and money and go in there with the right number of multi-national troops so its not just us dying paying out the ass and so it doesn't look like we are trying to steal their oil and so the Muslim world doesn't see the US as the the great Satan and... oh please. This is absurd. The war is a total failure and everyone knows it. Anyone trying to make this pig look good in retrospect is lying to themselves more than anyone else. -Mike "my friends in high places (i.e. the 'current administration') tell me in private conversations..." "coulda been a headline"...."near death experience"....this man's egotistical verbal upchuck seems to have no end....if it weren't so misguided and sickeningly self-serving, it would be laughable...instead it is simply the pathetic rantings of what appears to be one highly dramatic egomaniac. The fact that certain individuals eat this crap up like candy is a sad commentary on the intelligence of much of the population of this country today.
One of the things that makes it so easy for John, M. Harmon, Heuy, B from NYC or heyduke1 to make their disparaging comments is they may have never had the opportunity to serve their nation in it's military.
I had that opportunity starting on 06-26-1966, when I enlisted in the United States Air Force (USAF) at age 25 years, six (6) months and 23 days. The next day, I would have been drafted into the US Army. Five (5) months, 10 days later, I would have been ineligible for the draft due to age. Should I have taken a trip to Canada, as many did in what the Main Stream Media (MSM) called an unnecessary war fought by poor minorities? That is not the way I was raised as a college educated, White Anglo Saxon Protestant (WASP). Unfortunately, many who should of come of age and matured in the 1960's, instead turned on, dropped out and lost all perspective of what being a citizen of the United States of America requires and demands. None of the freedoms we enjoy in this nation come free. They have been earned by the blood, sweat and tears of countless men and women, some who gave their lives to protect our way of life without a second thought. Another perspective I feel has been lost since the 1960's is that our way of life is not a right by birth or naturalization, but it is a cherished attainment which we all have due to those before us taking its preservation as their personal responsibility. I wonder if "John, M. Harmon, Heuy, B from NYC or heyduke1" are children or grand children of those who decided in the 1960's their society owed them the freedoms earned by their forbearers and that they had no responsibilities to anyone other than themselves? The groups I associate myself with know them as "hippies", but I am being kind in the description of those that took all they could get and gave nothing in return. We are now dealing with this group as seniors (I am 64 and will be 65 in December), their children are probably in their 30s and their grand children may just be starting school. While in college, working on a BA in Sociology, after realizing Engineering Science was not for me, that at the third generation, a way of living (welfare, crime, self centeredness, etc.) becomes an acceptable life career. So, what did I do after avoiding the draft? I spent 10.75 years in the USAF flying B-52 Ds and C-130 Bs. Most of the time between 1968 and 1974 I was either flying over or in South and North Vietnam, trying to prevent the Communists from enslaving the people of that country, Cambodia and those around it. Unfortunately, when the President (LBJ) runs the war from the White House Situation Room and the military can bomb a location one day, but cannot the next, cannot bomb the North Vietnamese dikes to preclude them having food to eat and cannot destroy weapons coming from China and the Soviet Union through adjacent countries (we made this mistake in Korea, too, when Truman was President), how can a war be won? Making it even harder, the MSM was a knife in the military's back in its miss-reporting: we had defeated the North Vietnamese Army and the Viet Cong during Tet in 1973. Of course, we were not reforming the Republic of Vietnam's government, as we are doing in Afghanistan and Iraq today, so we working against ourself in that aspect! When I was caught in the Nixon Reduction in Force (RIF), I joined the USAF Reserve (USASFR) and served another 14.75 years, retiring near the end of 1991. I guess this adds Hawk to WASP, so I am a WASPH. During this time, as a civilian, I was a commercial banker, a contract programmer to the USAF and a Department of the Air Force (DAF) computer programmer / analyst. I retired from the latter on 05-31-2002, and now have a sole proprietorship (http://www.WaterWare.net) that keeps me out of trouble with my wife, a retired public school teacher, of almost 39 years marriage. So, what am I trying to get across here? Well, unlike the panhandlers you see at intersections saying they are a Vietnam Veteran and need your help, I and my family dealt with my "war experiences" as countless generations before and since me have done. I am not perfect, but I do not need some psychological label and its 100% VA disability to support me (I do receive a 20% disability from prostate cancer associated with agent orange from my on the ground service in the Republic of Vietnam, but refuse to replace my Texas Vietnam Veteran license plate for a Disabled Veteran one, since I can get around just fine). I have earned USAFR and Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) retirements from my USAF/R and DAF employments (so now I am a Double Dipper or a WASPHDD). In 08-2007, I will be eligible for normal Social Security retirement (OAISD), but according to Scott Burns (http://www.dallasnews.com/business/scottburns/) that trust fund will have to turn to the Congress and start calling in it's IOUs in 2010, so I do not know how long I will be a Triple Dipper or WASPHTD. Oh, we have two sons that are employed, one is married and we have a grand daughter, who my wife and I spoil rotten at every opportunity. How can I do this in such an unfair society with a horrible economy? We educated ourselves at state universities (ASU and UT) planned, saved, invested, inherited, lost money from 2000-2003, but we will survive as long as this nation has legal citizens who contribute, sacrifice and serve to preserve our Great Nation and this planet we call Earth, So help me God! We Posted Pilot Gilmore's eMail on snake-hunters weblog for it's perspective value; now we'd like someone to verify its authenticity. Comments are certainly welcome. reb
www.lazyonebenn.blogspot.com I stumbled upon this blog and find it very thought provoking.
I find 2 things very it unfortunate; 1) That people can't understand that the "new war after the Cold War" (WWIII?) started sometime ago but we just figured it out on 9/11. The Islamic world is on the move to attemtp the re-taking of territories lost centuries ago. Their justification is religous as much as economic. Since we do not worship their god, we deserve to die and they will be praised in the heavens for killing us. 2) Attampting to root out the training grounds in Afghanistan was a first step; the next was to attempt to create a more democratic form of secular government in a Arab country-Iraq was the best bet. But those who have already given up on one or both of those efforts have not put forth any alternative--that's what I find more even more unfortunate. We seem to spend all our time arguing about what is wrong with our present policies -- yet where are the alternatives??? How do you deal with suicidal jihadists? Especially in an open democracy??? I can find considerable fault with the Neo-Cons who started the war and the way they re executing it. But I will throw no stone at the present course of action until I hear of a better option for dealing with the jihad. If somebody has some good ideas, they are keeping them very quiet and the din of partisian politics is drowning them out. The alternatives are many, Dan. But some have been removed by the blunderings of the current admin. Right after 9-11 we had the biggest upsurge of global support we have seen since world war II and we spit in its face. Just when we needed all the international cooperation to infiltrate and cut off the money taps to the radical groups, we unilaterally go against the vast majority of the world opinion and go into Iraq to create more terrorists faster than we can kill them. But, that's water under the bridge.
What we should do now is focus all our political will on finding a lasting peace between Israel and Palastine. Fixing that so that will defuse the main catalyst in the entire Muslim/terrorist equation. Make it so that somehow regurlar everyday Palastinians can go about their biz and all you have to do is dig up and kill the remaining radical fundamentalists with special forces groups and try and quit looking like we think own the worlds oil. Of course that will never happen because the political will is so vapid in DC that they'd rather just collect corporate money and give themselves raises. -Mike I couldn't help but notice the number of suspicious or out-of-line things Mr. Gilmore found with his jump-seat rider. Given Mr. Gilmore's background as a pilot, his USAF experience, his top secret rating and the heightened security, why in the world wouldn't he "blow the whistle" much sooner? Heaven knows if the FBI would have done anything about such a report months before 9/11.
Perhaps this reflects our attitued as a nation -- the disbelief that human beings could treat each other in such a manner. A lesson we seem to have to learn about every 50 years. |