The Secret Life of Bipolar Disorder
Women burdened by birth control responsibility
What’s So Wrong with Melania Trump Dressing Like a Lady?
In public, women try to dress like ladies and men like gents. It's a civic duty. Even Caitlin Jenner dresses like a lady.
A very cool couple
What happens if you smoke marijuana every day?
Idiots try to rob a gun store
Love it
Harvard tells students gender identity can change ‘day to day’: Report
Or hour by hour? Sometimes I feel like a nut...
Another teacher who Left the Left
SCOTUS Case Could Allow Use of Vouchers at Religious Schools
Ann Coulter: Liberal Protesters are “Beta Males” – Engaging in “Rodney King” Riots Over My Speech
Alpha Gal throws down gauntlet
Berkeley Mayor Is Member of Antifa Facebook Group that Organized Riots
The Montana Republican running in the special election doesn't believe in retirement because Noah was still working when he was 600
She wants to be a "thing," like Paris Hilton, famous for being famous.
No gratitude for not being aborted: Chelsea Clinton: I Left the Church When I Was 6 Because It Opposed Abortion
"White House officials said Mr. Trump took a personal interest in her case.... 'He just said, "Let’s bring her home."'"
"We’re told by many wise and well-meaning people that it is a huge and even fatal mistake for liberals (and for constitutional conservatives) to respond negatively to every Trump initiative, every Trump policy, and every Trump idea."
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