In many areas, there is no limit on Snow Goose hunting. Gosh, I have had a few times in Manitoba when they came into our field like a blizzard. Just before dawn, before it's legal to fire your shotgun, a few begin descending on you like big moths in the dark but when dawn breaks they come in by the hundreds or even thousands.
It is thrilling.
I recall one amusing moment when one flew out of the back of the truck. I guess he was only grazed and escaped his doom.
I don't have a good photo of me with my buddies with a pile of Snow Geese. It's just as well because it can look like an unsporting massacre. I have chowed down on plenty of them, and used them in Cassoulet too. The only issue is that the breast meat can be tough unless prepared properly. That applies to all wild geese including the delicious Canada Goose.