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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, November 18. 2016Friday morning links
Homeopathy is big business Guy who beat Vegas and Wall St. New technology aims to make photovoltaic cells 70% more efficient Help for the Shy Guy: The Complete Guide to Overcoming Your Shyness How to Pull Off Vegan Thanksgiving Well, the sides and the desserts are the best part anyway. But no gravy? Titanpointe - The NSA’s Spy Hub in New York, Hidden in Plain Sight White police officers don't unfairly target black suspects, study says ‘Feminist’ Snow-Plowing System Brings Stockholm to a Standstill College Faculties Are Mostly Leftist and Becoming More So University of Colorado Professors Take Anti-American Revisionist History Into Overdrive Bill De Blasio calls for more 'disruption' to protest Donald Trump Can't imagine a conservative mayor talking like that ESPN’s Public Editor Agrees With Viewers That Network ‘Has Moved Leftward’ Why are they doing politics? USA Today editors call for an end to “sanctuary cities” News flash to protesters: Obama has deported 2.5 million illegals Mexico lists plans to 'protect Mexican community' in U.S. California Teachers Offered "Anti-Hate, Trump Teaching Plan" To "Empower Students" Students and faculty and George Mason: get a grip. Good election summaries at Betsy President Trump is Going to Hit Some Very Nasty Greenies Where it Really Hurts Harry Reid: I Wondered After the Election ‘Is the World Gonna Be Destroyed?’ Howard Dean Compares Trump Election to Kent State Shootings, Selma AL’s ‘Bloody Sunday’ Democrats know why they lost, but won’t fix their problems Can America Survive the Mass Panic of the Adult Babies? The Left’s descent into childishness and irrationality following Trump’s election is as frightening as it is amusing. One of the biggest themes to emerge so far from the 2016 U.S. presidential election is a widening rural vs. urban divide. So what? How Trump’s Plan to Deport Criminal Illegal Aliens Would Work Krauthammer’s Take: Press Itching to Attack Trump and ‘Can’t Take a Month or Two Off’ Always collecting Repub scalps "Racist," Sexist", etc. You Are Still Crying Wolf (h/t Am. Digest)
No they don't. False accusations are just an Alinsky tactic David Axelrod tweets defense of Trump The Bottomless Ignorance of Donald Trump - His poor grasp of policy makes past leaders look brilliant by comparison. The coming Trump administration’s yuuuge transformational opportunity Obama sets new record for regulations, 527 pages in just one day Wilbur Ross: Need to Change 'Culture of All of the Government Departments' Good luck with that French PM: "Europe Is In Danger Of Falling Apart" Britain’s new surveillance law will have privacy advocates wincing Orwell as how-to manual Foreign tour: Obama’s Never-Ending Lecture Tour Latest Atomic Energy Report on Iranian Compliance With Nuclear Deal ‘Borders on Deception by Omission’ The Continuing Decline of America's Military
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"Democrats know why they lost, but won’t fix their problems"
Surely it's too early to say that. I find it hard to believe that there aren't bright young up-and-coming Democrats who are already ruminating over the potential for renewal in a post-Clintonian political landscape? Time will tell. You can't make a crap sandwich very appealing. It just doesn't work.
Since the Democrats are seriously considering having Keith Ellison be the head of the DNC, I have to agree that they don't want to fix their problems. They want to amplify their problems.
Ellison is the true anti-semite and radical that the left claims to 'fear.' http://dailycaller.com/2016/11/17/democrats-must-scrutinize-keith-ellisons-anti-semitic-past-and-ties-to-radical-islam/ If they are now trumpeting Michelle Obama as their bright hope for 2020, you know they are in deep trouble.
"The Bottomless Ignorance of Donald Trump - His poor grasp of policy makes past leaders look brilliant by comparison."
Again, it's too early to say. So much will depend on the people he surrounds himself with once he's actually in the Oval Office. It's Reason (the magazine) saying/claiming this. Why should anyone not a true believer believe this?
How to Pull Off Vegan Thanksgiving
Funny how the vegans try to make their food resemble meat, isn't it? And the one comment by the husband about it being too decadent. Telling. Sounds like he's punishing himself for something. About ten years ago I was invited to a vegan Thanksgiving - it was tasty although not as filling as traditional Thanksgiving fare.
There was a vegan gravy made with carrots, celery, and onions cooked down so much they caramelized and that then was used as the base instead of drippings (plus vegetable broth instead of chicken broth). It was rich and brown and thick and had a surprisingly good meaty flavor. The one thing missing from the meal and that could not be replaced or faked? BUTTER. I'd try that.
Wouldn't want to live on just THAT, but carmelized sounds good. They call me the butter queen. because if I go shopping butter always goes in my cart. I like those Amish rolls of butter. About 2.5 lbs of goodness when measuring accurately is not a priority. Try to live on what? Are you one of those protein faddists?
And there are perfectly fine, palatable butter substitutes. The thing you'll probably never admit to is that your system and tastes are acclimated solely to your habits. As a vegan now I find the taste of meat and dairy repulsive, and the alternatives superior. that's called a mirepoix, probably sauteed in olive oil.
This map
http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mejn/election/2008/countymapredbluer1024.png makes an interesting comparison to this map http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mejn/election/2016/countymaprb1024.png I hope the left continues to demonstrate, riot, protest, and demagogue Trump as the country/economy moves forward and becomes great again.
That just means more registered Republicans and conservatives! re ESPN’s Public Editor Agrees With Viewers That Network ‘Has Moved Leftward’
QUOTE: Why are they doing politics? Because the proles need to be indoctrinated educated. Because sports fans are so dummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmb and igggggggggggggggggggggggggggnorant! But not enough to not notice and then stay with ESPN.
This is long overdue. If Apple promoted a computer that was waterproof and it was not, they would be sued for fraud.
However, every drug store sells a whole range of products that claim to help you lose weight, grow hair or solve ED. The price is expensive because they know people are desperate enough to try it, but will not be re-buying it based on poor performance, so they get as much as they can out of you the first time. This industry gets a past based on history but it must now stop. Phil, your explanation applies to both homeopathics and ESPN. Lets hope both fail.
RE Can America Survive the Mass Panic of the Adult Babies?
ah, freak out le'freak, c'est chic Trump's Transformational Opportunity
One is the Keystone Pipeline "Zach Act", perhaps named after our own cute little hamster. According to National Review, "Congress should call this Keystone XL legislation the “Zach, We Feel Your Pain Act.” After the election, someone reportedly named Zach, a Democratic National Committee staffer, suffered a hilarious eruption of hysteria. In the process of blaming DNC interim Chair Donna Brazile for the lost election (wrong woman, Zach), he said, according to the Huffington Post: “You and your friends will die of old age and I’m going to die from climate change. You and your friends let this happen, which is going to cut 40 years off my life expectancy.” Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/442237/donald-trump-republicans-reins-act-keystone-pipeline-bills jaybird (quoting): "You and your friends will die of old age and I’m going to die from climate change. You and your friends let this happen, which is going to cut 40 years off my life expectancy."
No. That is incorrect. Humans are very adaptable, and can certainly adapt to climate change. However, adaptation will be expensive, result in social dislocation and migration with the attendant political friction, and will result in permanent losses of humanity's natural inheritance. Because of the character of the problem, and of the solution, the sooner mitigation is implemented, the lower the costs, and the lower the ecological damage. I have to wonder. Does the Gang of Z overdose on homeopathics?
Ha !
Or maybe they are all busy emailing the Arizona Electors to persuade them to vote for Hillary !!! on December 19. jaybird: Or maybe they are all busy emailing the Arizona Electors to persuade them to vote for Hillary !!!
No. That would be disastrous for the United States, and the political process. Electors are bound, if not by law, then by oath and tradition to cast their votes according to the vote of the people in their respective states. While there is virtually no chance that electors could change the results of this election, it is possible that if the electoral race was close that a faithless elector could upend American democracy. The system needs reform; if not for a popular election, then to at least bind the electors in fact, as well as tradition. Howard Dean screamed:
QUOTE: “This young generation,..., is used to doing everything on the Internet. They don’t really like institutions, they don’t need institutions. If they want a change, they go on the Internet, find half million people who agree with them, they insist on the change and they usually get it. because its easier to express outrage on social media than to take to the streets (off campus, obviously), face down police dogs, fire hoses, batons, pick up a brick or a rifle, you will always lose. if I had to find a way of preventing anger from becoming action, I couldn't find one better than the internet. The descent into childish panic is because they have been well indoctrinated by the leftists. They are like the people in Jonestown that drank the cool aide when the cult leader told them to.
You want an immigration reform plan?
1) Hiring an illegal alien is a felony. CEO, CFO, COO, President, Owner, etc. do real honest to God jail time. No getting off with fines, etc. Use of E-Verify to check people's immigration status is an affirmative defense. 2) Permitting an illegal alien to open up any kind of financial account in your institution is a felony. CEO, CFO, COO, President, Owner do real jail time. That's checking, savings, credit card, consumer loan, business loan, etc. The corporation is also banned from doing business with the Federal government of any kind. Use of E-Verify .... Things will change quickly. What to do about people who have been here for years, own homes, have kids, etc.? No citizenship. BUT - if you have no non-immigration-related criminal activity, have an employment history and haven't taken welfare, you may be eligible for permanent resident alien status. You must take a citizenship test (even though you will NOT become a citizen) to get that status and must demonstrate assimilation into American culture (e.g., speak passable English). The process will be long but not impassable if you want to work at it. People who were not born here but were brought here as small kids can become eligible for citizenship. The above rules apply. Completion of military service with an honorable discharge (or serving for at least one enlistment term if you decide to stay in that would have made you eligible for an honorable discharge if you had decided to leave) makes you IMMEDIATELY eligible for citizenship. FTC tightens up on Homeopathic products
NO homeopathic products are effective? Herbs have no effect on the body? (Well, except tobacco and marijuana but those don't count, I guess.) Thank God Big Pharma has chemical concoctions to save us! Don't tell anyone that Valium the drug comes from valerian the herb. What a nicely-packaged load of Big Pharma crap. See if this sounds like anything or anyone these days
QUOTE: The fading of the critical sense is a serious menace to the preservation of our civilization. It makes it easy for quacks to fool the people. It is remarkable that the educated strata are more gullible than the less educated. The most enthusiastic supporters of Marxism, Nazism, and Fascism were the intellectuals, not the boors. The intellectuals were never keen enough to see the manifest contradictions of their creeds. It did not in the least impair the popularity of Fascism that Mussolini in the same speech praised the Italians as the representatives of the oldest Western civilization and as the youngest among the civilized nations. No German nationalist minded it when dark-haired Hitler, corpulent Goering, and lame Goebbels were praised as the shining representatives of the tall, slim, fair-haired, heroic Aryan master race. Is it not amazing that many millions of non-Russians are firmly convinced that the Soviet regime is democratic, even more democratic than America? von Mises, Ludwig (1945). Bureaucracy |
Tracked: Nov 20, 09:46