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Sunday, November 13. 20162 strands of Trump populismUnlimited immigration, and trade. Business loves open borders. It keeps labor abundant and cheap. An immigrant from Mexico will work cheap, but that guy will get food stamps, housing, medical care - all sorts of benefits by which the taxpayer is essentially subsidizing their low wages. So low wages are not really cheap except for the employer. Dems love open borders - they believe it means more Dem voters. Do open borders take American jobs? Of course, regardless of the arguments of both lib and conservative pundits. They either take jobs, or they take government assistance. Many Repubs want more open borders for the supposed economic benefit. Trump wants immigration policies that work for American employees. Trump wants tough international trade. Business wants free trade. Why? Often, imports are cheaper (whether labor or products). However, at the point of sale, such imports are not cheap. They are whatever the market will bear, of course. The benefit to the consumer is greatly overestimated. Generally speaking, Dems, Repubs, and business like free trade. Trump wants tough trade deals and tariffs if they can help American workers. This guy predicted the election:
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Trump; be bold. Until you can build the wall and deport the illegals set a tax/fee/penalty for anyone hiring a non-citizen to pay $10 an hour to the federal government. This can be split between the SS fund and the unemployment fund to pay for the unintended consequences of not hiring Americans.
Additionally mandate that no taxpayer funds can be spent on welfare, medical, or any social services for non-citizens. As for healthcare set a requirement that if the hospitals/doctors want compensation for treatment of non-residents they must fill out a form clearly providing name and country of origin and bill the country for the costs of health care. Hold on a second.
Currently in Florida, where Wikipedia tells me the minimum wage is $8.05 non tip. WA state we're at $9.+something. You work for me, you will start at $12. Show me that you want to learn our trade, you will advance to $16-$25 hour. But that's all. There is no more. A computer will do anything more. Unless you are the person who knows how to run that computer. This is so much crap. Do the Right thing. No subsidies, no bailouts. Come and take away my workers that may be undocumented. It's on them to be Honest in the first place. Benefits of cheap labor etc go to the consumer, not the business, unless they're the only ones with cheap labor.
Competition reduces the profits to the point that entering the business is no longer attractive, which means prices don't hold up. The local unemployment problem is there, though. A business can go out of business owing to foreign competition. If the foreign competition gets what way through fraud or force, free trade imports the fraud or force into your own economy, which is a justification for tariffs. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) legally mandates that U.S. employers verify the employment eligibility status of newly-hired employees. IRCA made it unlawful for employers to knowingly hire or continue to employ unauthorized workers. In response to the law, the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), now an integrated component of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), created Form I-9 and mandated its accurate and timely completion by all U.S. employers and their employees.
Form I-9 is a three-part document. The law requires that the employee complete Section 1 at the time of hire or when the employee begins work. Section 1 may also be completed at the application stage, as long as the practice does not discriminate. The employer must complete Section 2 within three business days of hire and certify that the employee's documents of identity and work authorization appear to be genuine and belong to the employee. Section 3 is completed by the employer when it is necessary to update or reverify an employee's work authorization document(s). While most employers attempt to fully comply with IRCA, many routinely and unknowingly accept I-9 Forms with fraudulent supporting documents. The passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and increased public exposure of troubled companies has heightened employers' awareness of legal compliance issues to new levels. It is prompting many to decide that it's in their best interest to retain an independent, non-governmental entity to conduct I-9 audits as a preventative best practice. Employers who fail to fully comply with IRCA face significant legal, financial and public relations risks. Non-compliance, whether intentional or simply caused by oversight, has severe consequences imposed by DHS, as well as the potential of a corporate image tarnished by negative publicity. Unfortunately, most employers are unaware that they have a problem with Form I-9 employment verification requirements until they are audited by governmental authorities. By that time, it is generally too late to undo the damage. The following is a partial list of federally mandated fines: For employers who fail to properly complete, retain, or make I-9 Forms available for inspection, fines range from $100 to $1,100 per individual I-9. For employers who knowingly hire or knowingly continue to employ unauthorized workers, civil penalties range from $250 to $11,000 per violation. For employers engaging in a pattern or practice of knowingly hiring or continuing to employ unauthorized workers, fines can be as much as $3,000 per employee and/or 6 months of imprisonment. your point is what?
That when my employee also shows up as working across the country, I'm supposed to decide whether I've got the "real" one, or they do? To which I say, come on down, pick them up if they're wrong, you know where My place of business is. I've heard tell of places in Idaho that will not hire anyone with legal documentation, for the simple sake that it doesn't give the government a foothold to begin with. The problem is we are not enforcing the laws. I think it is safe to assume that if we suddenly stopped enforcing the laws against robbing banks that bank robbery would increase. It is exactly that reason we have more illegal immigration and employers who hire them. If we enforce the laws vigorously and equally our illegal immigration problem will be dramatically reduced. No exceptions, no excuses. The really smart people would begin complying with these laws as soon as they realize that the government is serious. The slower ones will need some help. That's what the fines and imprisonment is for.
We don't have an immigration policy problem, we have a lack of enforcement. One of my workers did get his citizenship, took 5 years and more than $10,000. If anything, the broken part is demanding an immigrant know things about American history that an American might not know. Trump said today he is still looking at deporting approximately 2 to 3 million illegals right off the bat. That will open up a ton of economic opportunities for American workers who have been unemployed for years now. It will also force American employers to pay fair wages and will enable American companies who are following the law to compete against those who have been violating the immigration laws.
Deportations on a mass scale will not be possible without a vast expansion of the administrative immigration courts and the board of immigration appeals.
like it or not, even illegal vermin have due process rights that can be exploited in ways that can take years to unwind. The first thing the president should do is declare an emergency and place the military on the border. Under emergency conditions much of that red tape can be cut. Make it a policy that anyone who enters the country illegally can never stay and once deported can never come back. At the very least no illegal should be released. I would put some internment camps at the border and give the illegals the option to at any time choose to cross back over the border if they got tired of waiting for a court date. For all those who choose to stay I would prosecute vigorously and incarcerate. After they finish doing their time immediate deportation.
one of the things that separates true conservatives from libtards is our refusal to bend constitutional principles to further political goals. internment camps, suspension of due process, use of the military to enforce the law are all repugnant to constitutional law.
So if a country invaded us you would not use the military at the borders??? And you think that makes you a conservative???
We already use "the military" on our borders it's called the coast guard. We need to extend that to our land borders. I would envision a military border force that would adhere to the Coast Guard's high standards of protecting the country and individuals. Guarding against drugs and human smuggling. protecting us from what has become a massive invasion. It is long overdue.
2016-11-14 10:03
a true conservative learns how to reason and make convincing analogies. convincing in the sense of persuading people who don't think exactly like you, and, of course, convincing in the courthouse.
I don't like foreign vermin anyone that you do, but making this analogy to a military invasion is juvenile. telling me what I think is stupid.
Will Bithers
2016-11-14 11:24
You have to know and understand that in the 60's Ted Kennedy and many Democrats intentionally passed laws and had regulations written to dramatically increase legal immigration and to encourage illegal immigration as well as to put into place laws that would allow illegal immigrant to stay in the country once they got here. That was the beginning of the silent coup. They intended an invasion of immigrants who would be seduced to vote for Democrats by giving them free stuff. Once you understand that you will understand that it indeed an invasion.
The second critical point is that this isn't simply a matter of after the coup we still are all Americans but now mostly Democrats. Oh no! What happens once there is a critical mass of immigrants and useful idiots the flood gates will open. Why? Simply because most of the new Americans will vote to bring their friends and family and tribe into the country in an endless and ever increasing stream. Once that point is reached there is no going back. It will happen in we are on the cusp of it happening; just look at California. The third critical point is that the endless stream of free stuff is unsustainable. The EBT, housing, Medicaid/Obamacare, etc. must continue to keep the new Americans and the useful idiots happy but it cannot continue once the middle class is destroyed. BUT before it stops the new Americans and useful idiots will vote for far left Marxist/socialist who will tax the middle class into poverty. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that once this happens and a majority of Americans wake up to the coup and takeover of their country that they will revolt. A civil war will be inevitable, I mean a shooting civil war in every major city house to house combat with military and police taking sides (and quite possibly the American side). What we are looking into is the abyss, we will devolve into this and there is no way to avoid it EXCEPT to stop the massive assault on our borders. Yes it is a invasion that will absolutely end in a military battle between "us and them". The last point is that it should be clear to everyone that Russia is actively creating a situation in the Middle East that creates massive numbers of refugees who are facilitated in their journey to the West. It is intentional, our enemies are behind it and it will absolutely work causing the fall of the West. We are beginning to see it here as well. It is undeniable.
2016-11-14 12:39
what does any of that have to do with the due process that anyone in this country is entitled to?
you're the reverse of the coin. libtards manipulate the constitution and its processes to get what they want, you want to do the same, and both them and you clothe yourselves in Trvth and use misleading arguments to divert. Zack does the same thing you're doing.
Will Bithers
2016-11-14 14:08
Would you let bank robbers and rapist go free too? The illegals should get no more and no less constitutional protection than the constitution mandates. But where you miss the point is that every illegal who is caught should be allowed to plead guilty to a felony and accept deportation in lieu of a criminal trial and incarceration followed by deportation. All of those illegals who accept those terms and are deported without further legal processes will save us money which should be used to prosecute those who wish to fight the laws. And for the many who see what is going on and choose to self deport that is a win/win for both them and us.
2016-11-14 14:22
City-states. It will take a century to get there, and they can still have strongly American qualities. But they will offer different levels of opportunity and benefits, have varying degrees of influence over each other and the countryside, and will reduce discussion of borders. Fewer will move to a place if the safety net is worse, but more will move to a place where the opportunity is better. A balancing act, market-driven solution.
Think Nine Nations of North America (modifications necessary now) and you can see it emerging. One benefit: Washington DC produces nothing but federal government, and increasing the power of New York, Houston, Chicago, Atlanta, Kansas City will decrease federal power. |