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Thursday, November 10. 2016Has the media no shame? Has Clinton and Obama? Of course not.Throughout the campaign, the media was quick to emphasize and denounce Trump et al for everything done by anyone in any way supportive of him, regardless of whether it was true or actually hateful, regardless of whether the Trump campaign had anything to do with it. And, the actually hateful and violent behavior of Trump opponents was passed over or played down, including those actually hired by the Clinton campaign as was revealed by Wikileaks. This continues today as the same media fails to denounce the unlawful behaviors of anti-Trumpers, the violence and threats of violence and hate language spewed forth by those demonstrating in the streets and blocking access to highways, schools, and places of business. It's all well and good that President Obama and Hillary Clinton have made pleasant soundbites about cooperating with Mr Trump, but where are they now to speak out against the hate they in fact created themselves by speaking and drumming up such hate speech and actions during the campaign. Trackbacks
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The Trump WH needs to play favorites with the media. Those who actively campaigned against him need to be shunned and denied access.
Reporters who were just extensions of the Democratic Party lost the right to call themselves reporters. Trump needs to make Milo Yiannopoulos press secretary and let him go off on stupid questions. It would be endlessly entertaining and they'd put up with it in order to gain access.
Then when Milo got bored he could be made Secretary of Education just to screw with the Universities. Brilliant! Agree! Outflank the idiots with excellence!
"Outflank the idiots with excellence!"
-Robert Winkler Burke That sir, is a quote brimming in the fierce optimism that blasts out into history the cry "A M E R I C A N!" Consider it cut to be pasted over and over, properly credited. rjschwarz: Trump needs to make Milo Yiannopoulos press secretary and let him go off on stupid questions.
That's right — have someone in the white identity movement be press secretary. Along with bigoted statements made by Trump during the campaign, this helps clarify Trumpism. I can feel the pain in the Hillary supporter with that nasty comment.
"white identity movement" I LOL!
2016-11-11 09:07
Oh no, it's true! The white identity movement was invented by racist Democrats to convince blacks that it wasn't the Democrats who created the KKK and who ran the old South lock stock and hangman's noose for years. Zach is just part of the misinformation brigade who keeps pounding away on this trope to foment violence. People are going to be hurt by these mobs of left wing militia rioting in the streets. This is terrorism pure and simple and Zach is a terrorist telling his tribe of racists to commit violence.
2016-11-11 10:25
Well, the Dems just LOOOOOOOOVE minorities, and they've been making us feel like one, soooooo...WHY NOT become one?
Sam L.
2016-11-11 13:50
They haven't bothered to reprogram the thing, Mike. Maybe the Soros money dried up buying bus tickets.
2016-11-11 14:00
Ha !
2016-11-11 14:07
Trump can have whomever he wants for his government, but that doesn't change the fact that he has wide support from the white identity movement, and has surrounded himself with people associated with the alt-right.
We will see four (8?) years of childish behavior from the left while the media will blame Trump for all of it.
The "protestors" in NYC are on the local news claiming this is the worst thing to happen to New York since 9-11. And the local TV stations treat it like it is a valid statement. It might be relatively easy for Trump, Inc. to start a media giant now. I think Trump's son-in-law was looking into buying a small media company a few months ago, perhaps to build?. There is a lot of experience available (Roger Ailes), and a lot of people who distrust media bias (including Fox and WSJ). A built-in audience. Fill-in shows between the "news", like the Apprentice, are not that expensive to produce. The cable availability is much easier now than building TV stations back when the networks were created. A Breitbart outlet, a Drudge half-hour, etc. One program could deal exclusively with reporting bias of the other networks. Mocking and ridicule need not be the exclusive tools of the alinskyites.
Glenn Reynolds "instapundit", I think argued a few years ago that instead of wasting money on TV ads, big GOP hitters should buy media, even including grocery-store trash magazines which now put out a stream of leftist propaganda, to have a countervailing influence. Trump doesn't need to blind trust anything, there's no controlling legal authority and if he has the bandwidth he can certainly continue to be involved in his enterprises. He might find the full-time job of the Presidency to be more demanding than he anticipated though.
It ought to be relatively easy. For instance: block out times on the official calendar for Trump Enterprises work. Bring in an official court reporter for a full transcript. No private phone calls, all voice telecons, a separate laptop with VPN for Trump business only. The transcripts and emails would be normal proprietary business documents. All the filthy partisans couldn't subpoena them without normal probable cause presentations to a magistrate. Oh the filthy partisans would try anyway, but after a few quick defeats that would stop. Trump's been swimming in shark-infested New York waters for a long time. He knows how to fend off the cowardly attacks. Yes Yes Yes. And some women's magazines too. Young women get most of their news and info from them. Please stop wasting money on TV ads and invest long term. We need to start the long march through the institutions.
Shelly, glad we agree ! With Trump's current following, a "Trump" network could easily hafe 15-20% of the viewership, which would make it quickly as valuable as Fox or CNN. Trump is very good at generating interest (whether he is personally involved or not, he has cracked the code), as we have seen. The synergies would provide material for your women's magazines.
Perhaps even more importantly, viewers could avoid products of advertising sponsors left-leaning media, and buy from advertisers on the new network/media. Drain the swamp. I fear Trump has a list of "to do's," as Reagan had a list of "to do's." Any such list will be undone by Progs because public funds are used to make endless Progs in K-12, university, law-journalism-film-military schools. We must replace this anti-republic and good-to-do-list-destroying pedagogy with Western Enlightenment. Trump must FIRST go on the attack against the Prog worldview, as it is un-American and anti-republic, and instead proffer the restoration of Western Enlightenment as America's worldview. SECOND, Trump must defund Prog Ed in K-20+ such that no public monies are spent making socialists, but rather public funds are only used to grow Western Enlightened souls and brains.
One Hundred Years of Progressive Rule! By Robert Winkler Burke Book #5 of In That Day Teachings Copyright 11/3/09 www.inthatdayteachings.com They cracked the code of liberty, And made it a Rubik’s Cube, Then wrapped it in a Gordian knot, One hundred years of progressive rule! They almost had victory in Depression, Packing the Supreme Court with fools, Hitler and Hito delayed half the plans of, One hundred years of progressive rule! Now seers see, but they see for naught, Rulers are sold and bought as mere tools, In the name of liberty, liberty belayed by, One hundred years of progressive rule! Would God we had a wise King George, Who never burdened America’s unborn pool, With abortion, poor house or deep angst of, One hundred years of progressive rule! Where is the dragon to slay, fire to quench, Or central square statue to remove? Our enemy: catch-less, invisible, dangerous to good, One hundred years of progressive rule! They’ve perfected political slavery unawares, These knighted, empowered, barbaric ghouls, Their fey wiles hidden from under-taught masses, One hundred years of progressive rule! My sons’ great, great grandfathers once lived, Secure in liberty, America’s shining jewel, My sons’ great, great grandsons can’t survive, One hundred years of progressive rule! Part of us has become enemy, To our Founding Father’s good, This cancer must be stopped, this, One hundred years of progressive rule! Shall it be violent? Shall it be peaceful? It depends on truth abridged or pursued, They’ve made down up so long, truth’s evil to, One hundred years of progressive rule! Shall it take a moment, movement or millennium, To uncorrupt our three-legged government stool? Or shall mystic tyrants kill liberty’s lovers with, One hundred years of progressive rule! Can love of liberty be kilt so quick, In the breast of Americans long fooled? Ignorance has beat intelligence, slavery: freedom with, One hundred years of progressive rule! As for me and my house, poor and impoverished as it be, I cannot, cannot tolerate this long avoided duel, Our Declaration of Independence shall beat the hell out of, One hundred years of progressive rule! Oh sons of America, daughters of freedom, lovers of liberty, Rise up from stupor! If not us, then who will? With the Declaration of Independence, beat the hell out of, One hundred years of progressive rule! "It's okay because you are Deplorables. You're awful, you're stupid, you're to blame for everything that has ever gone wrong, we hate you and wish you would die, now vote for us."
Self awareness is hard. It's a Soros funded and DNC managed anti-democracy riot.
Get that into the history book and force it into the narrative: Anti-democracy violence. Stan: Get that into the history book and force it into the narrative: Anti-democracy violence.
Response to the Presidential election: "We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!" We accept a certain degree of violence as politically legitimate because it furthers the truth.