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Wednesday, November 9. 2016StunnedStunned to get up and check Drudge on the election results while getting ready to head to the gym. I was curious to learn how much Hillary won by. I guess that was a Hope and Change vote - plus a Hillary is Horrible vote. Comments are open for all amateur pundits. I am going to do my Deadlifts now.
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Been up since midnight once Florida went knew something good was in the air. Had a shot of Single Barrel whiskey in celebration by three, then coffee and french toast to round out the election evening into early morning. My husband is finally sleeping. Such a wild ride, the media has some explaining to do!
Me, I'm headed out momentarily to swipe some Hillary lawn signs to use at the rifle range in the morning as I celebrate the fact that America didn't go down the toilet last night.
Damn, I haven't seen one Hillary sign in my area. I like the rifle range idea. I did have two Trump signs stolen from my yard.
I can hardly take it in. I just never dreamed that there were enough pro American Main Street people to pull this off. I hope this means that our economy won't serve just the Special Interests and will find away to contain the worst impacts of Globalization and Automation.
I was sure the Democrats had enough voter fraud planned, and enough illegal aliens voting to prevent us from pulling it off.
In some areas it worked. Hillary won Virginia because of the felon votes. And they put other issues on the ballot to draw others out, like the drug legalization votes in various states. But Americans still won this election despite all the attempted rigging by the Decmocrats.
Jim: In some areas it worked. Hillary won Virginia because of the felon votes.
Most states automatically restore voting rights once the sentence, or the sentence and parole, have been served, at least for first offenders. Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Virginia do not, all with a history of Jim Crow. Mary, I wonder if Zach thinks crooked hillary should give back the bribes the clinton crime family took? The bribers who got their quid-pro-quo right away, like the russian and canadian uranium deal bribers, came out OK. But those that relied on her to win are now out of luck. Crooked hillary can't keep her end of the crooked deals now. If she was "honest", she would give all the bribes back.
Zach says crooked hillary and crooked slick willie were worth $500,000 speaking fees for a few minutes, because they are "celebrities". I wonder what these crooks can get for a speech now - they are still "celebrities", but less able to commit treason (call it "sleezon"?). So if Zach is right, they can still get $500,000 for a few minute speech to foreign dictatorships and Wall Street power brokers. We'll see. jaybird: If she was "honest", she would give all the bribes back.
If you are talking about money donated to the Clinton Foundation, that money went to buy life-saving drugs for millions of people, and other charitable causes. jaybird: I wonder what these crooks can get for a speech now Almost certainly several hundred thousand dollars per speech. Ex-president Reagan charged $1 million for a speech back when $1 million was a lot of money. 5.76% of it did.
2016-11-09 10:33
SteveP: 5.76% of it did.
That is incorrect. The program percentage of the Clinton Foundation is about 87%.
2016-11-09 18:18
No, no, kid. Let them have their day in the sun. We failed, utterly and miserably. In Her name: We lied, we prevaricated, we mislead, we gave half truths, we took statements and events out of context. We distorted poll results. We bought votes, we resurrected the dead and gave votes to foreign illegals. We ripped up the votes of combat soldiers and dynamited Trump campaign offices. We impersonated Trump operatives on the internets. We hired little dutch boys to finger the dikes and stem the flood. We did out best to hate America, but it wasn't enough. We have to concede that we are Total Losers.
The Reflexive Liberal
2016-11-09 11:03
Zach, that is the kind of lying that turned off the voters. The bribe money went for chelsea's wedding, and travel and pay for the likes of podesta and others in the crooked clinton crime family political machine. You certainly know this, so your credibility is at rock bottom with the self-respect and sense of shame you have shed.
Hopefully, the lolota express underage island records sealed in federal court will be released, the clinton crime family foundation will be audited, and hillary's crimes will be prosecuted, so we can see what kind of speaking fees they can command from prison. I'm still hopeful hillary's 33,ooo yogpants emails will show up. Even if obama pardons them (to his historical detriment) , and trump's new attorney general decides not to prosecute to bring us together, their criminal network should be broken up by the IRS. PS, Reagan was not a criminal sleaze.
2016-11-09 11:22
jaybird: The bribe money went for chelsea's wedding, and travel and pay for the likes of podesta and others in the crooked clinton crime family political machine.
That will probably go as far as the email controversy, meaning it has political significance, but no legal significance.
2016-11-09 18:16
Unfortunately, the Z-Team will be back. It has been in operation for years, well before this election. We should cherish this moment of silence.
I was up until 12:30 central with still no call for PA or MI. I made sure to wait until I tasted my first coffee before I turned on the computer or the radio.
I've been telling myself she was going to win for so long that it's still hard to believe she didn't. Even after FL went for Trump I didn't want to jinx it. same here.
Not to be a pisser on things, but I still think the country will burn. I share your pessimism fjord.
Using the analogy of the Titanic, the pumps are now being manned but the water is coming in far faster than it can be pumped out. Yes, I think you are right. We have passed the tipping point of workers and producers to leeches.
If theat 35% of gummint workers quit as they claim they will...
Sam L.
2016-11-09 13:23
Hit the floor at 12:30 AM central. Surprised. Trump had average of 254, Hillary way back. Penn and Mich getting ready to go Trump. My smile returned. It will take time for the Obama America Last fog to dissipate. I do wonder how many foreign leaders will line up to help Bill and Hillary maintain their lifestyle? Yes, that is what I think.
Long night. Big question. SLEEP OR GLOAT? I choose GLOAT.
I hit the sack around 10PM CST, confident that Trump was winning, because the NYT live forecast had the odds in favor of Trump at 93/7 by that time. Forget Nate Silver. Forget watching network pundits announcing election returns. The NYT live forecast was phenomenal, and should change forever the way election night returns are presented. It wasn't a forecast based on polling, like Silver's. It was a forecast based on analysis of election returns as they came in. And it was super accurate. Despite Trump's lead in VA throughout much of the evening, I had written VA off because the NYT live forecast had an accurate sense of how much Clinton support there was in the vote still outstanding. I had been watching the PJM pundits on Vodkapundit's blog all evening, and about midway through realized I knew better than they did what was going on thanks to the NYT live forecast. It was brilliant. I hope it becomes the standard way of reporting election returns.
Well, you know what, there was a time when Nate Silver was the gold standard. Now he's all "dude I totally wasn't surprised. Totally. Fooled you huh? Bet you really thought I was surprised! Yeah I had you goin there lol!"
I loved their results page too. It's the only coverage I looked at (probably because it was telling me what I least dreaded hearing, and there were no retards trying to enhance their personal brand by interpreting stuff and talking about how they felt). But let's see them keep it up for a few more elections. Silver's reputation for accurance was gained when he was a tool of the DNC-NYT propaganda machine, and he got internal campaign polls that allowed him to 'weight' i.e. 'unskew' the public polls to accuracy. Now that he's on his own I'm not surprised he found the going a lot lot rougher.
Wilbur Hassenfus: there was a time when Nate Silver was the gold standard.
Nate Silver gave Trump a 30% chance of winning. Read Don Surber's "Trump The Press" for his chapter on Nate: "Nate Silver, Tarnished".
agreed on the NYT site. I checked it just to laugh at how wrong I expected it to be. Then I realized how they were forecasting and stuck around. It was SO MUCH FUN to watch the overall prediction go from "70% Clinton" when I started watching about 7 Central to "93% Trump" by about 11:30. I had written the Grey Hag off, but who knew they were capable of this?
I stayed up till the bitter end (in CST). Hillary sent Pondesta out to send her supporters home, and she never appeared (but called Trump). Trump gave a gracious speech and thanked his team, the people, and the Secret Service. I'll be tired today at work, but it was somewhat worth it. And, I agree that both Fox and CNN appeared afraid to call the election...perhaps they were waiting until a concession.
They were probably waiting to see what sort of lawfare Hillary was going to unleash. I gave up before the MI or PA calls but I just couldn't see how Hillary could do it (absent massive fraud in multiple states) once Trump hit 254 with MI and PA in play, and him having a solid lead in AZ, NH, and ME-2. He had multiple ways to 270, and she had to run the table (MN, VT, and the rest of ME would only keep Trump from expanding his lead) plus flip one of the states he was leading.
I have to say I was stunned when I started checking returns and saw him running well in both OH and FL. I figured at that point he had a chance but really didn't want to commit. and I never want to hear anybody's projection of anything based on a @#$%3# opinion poll, ever. Went to bed after Fox called Wisconsin - that's when I knew it was over. The rust belt elected Trump.
GOP now has:
Presidency House Senate Majority of Governorships And will appoint the next number of Supreme Court Justices. Life is good! I can breathe again! Thank you, God, for answering my and Mrs. Mudbug's prayers!
The mudbug household had a much more pleasant evening than the feeblemind home.
There were tears, anger and bitter disappointment here as a foolish electorate rejected the most qualified person to ever run for the presidency in favor of a dishonest pig. And it's like arguing with Zach. And to make matters worse, it seems my vote is solely responsible for Trump winning and any failing he has in office will be mine as well. Sigh . . . I hope she cools off. Paul Krugman is lamenting the fact that "flyover America" didn't vote like he believed they should. He is aghast that middle America doesn't cling to the progressive ideal. He is atwitter that real people believe in the fundamental reasons for the American existence.
Idiot. Steve Steve: He is aghast that middle America doesn't cling to the progressive ideal.
Trump climbed to victory by denigrating Mexicans, the disabled, Muslims, blacks, and women. Hate won, as it often does. What Trump voters hate is people like Krugman - who think he's better than the peasants.
NJSoldier: What Trump voters hate is people like Krugman - who think he's better than the peasants.
Did you want citations where Trump has repeatedly and publicly denigrated Mexicans, the disabled, Muslims, blacks, and women? No thanks, I have lots of experience of degenerating Muslims myself. I despise the religion, pity the people condemned to live under it, and do not want them here.
2016-11-09 11:20
NJSoldier: No thanks, I have lots of experience of degenerating Muslims myself. I despise the religion, pity the people condemned to live under it, and do not want them here.
So there you are. Thank you for providing the example so that there ise existence of bigotry and how it plays into American politics.
2016-11-10 08:22
Zach, it is "librulz" who hate, exclude, shame, villify, lie, and divide. You are deluded.
I'm certain your crazypants comments here (and likely elsewhere) helped Trump's victory by showing people how willingly "librulz" lie and deny reality to fit their propaganda. Hate did not win. The liberal hate propaganda machine, of which you are a part, was defeated. jaybird: it is "librulz" who hate, exclude, shame, villify, lie, and divide.
Did you want citations where Trump has repeatedly and publicly denigrated Mexicans, the disabled, Muslims, blacks, and women? jaybird: I'm certain your crazypants comments here (and likely elsewhere) helped Trump's victory by showing people how willingly "librulz" lie and deny reality to fit their propaganda. Hey, it's the right of the Americans to choose their own leaders. By the way, Russia sends its regards. Sorry Zach what you just said was hate speech. Trump didn't denigrate women. Trump never denigrated Mexicans, that was the left spinning their hate and dirty tricks. He most certainly never denigrated blacks! That is just the stupidest thing you've said recently. And Trump never never denigrated the disabled, totally made up on your part. He has indeed denigrated the muslim terrorists, I'll give you that.
SweetPea: Trump didn't denigrate women. Trump never denigrated Mexicans ... He most certainly never denigrated blacks!
Be happy to oblige. QUOTE: Tapper: You said that you thought it was a conflict of interest that he was the judge because he's of Mexican heritage, even though he's from Indiana. Trump: OK. Yes. Yes. QUOTE: "Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?" Of Carly Fiorina who was running for the Republican nomination. As for African Americans, Trump was a birther for years, claiming — against all evidence — that the first African American wasn't really the legitimate president of the United States. QUOTE: "He doesn't have a birth certificate, or if he does, there's something on that certificate that is very bad for him. Now, somebody told me -- and I have no idea if this is bad for him or not, but perhaps it would be -- that where it says 'religion,' it might have 'Muslim.' And if you're a Muslim, you don't change your religion, by the way." We'd be happy to provide more examples, if you like. Zack's writing the same things on Pirates Cove.
As I suggested there, time for Zack to move-on.
2016-11-09 10:58
round up your buddies who promised to leave...you can lead the pack.......out damned spot!
Care to discuss the Republican headquarters that were either defaced or burned down? In NC, a loving Hildebeast supporter shot the Trump sign on the front porch of a house. How about the dirty tricks operation to incite violence for the TV cameras (be honest, if you had found out Trump was doing that, you would be screaming it was hate)? How about the people in Washington to took the news of the Hildebeast's defeat by burning the American flag and promising to kill Trump? And certainly not last or least is how the Hildebeast called a quarter of the US deplorable? I felt the love on that one!
Yeah, hate can win, but it can also lose and it did this morning. mudbug: Care to discuss the Republican headquarters that were either defaced or burned down?
Sure. It was wrong. mudbug: Care to discuss the Republican headquarters that were either defaced or burned down?
Sure. It was wrong. Love Trumps Hate. Keep telling yourself that. If you can't wrap your head around the optics of Hillary and Bill going from her claim in 2014 that they left the WH in 2001 'dead broke' to a net worth north of $100 million today (http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2014/jun/10/hillary-clinton/hillary-clinton-says-she-and-bill-were-dead-broke/) you have got no business opining on politics.
Christopher B: If you can't wrap your head around the optics of Hillary and Bill going from her claim in 2014 that they left the WH in 2001 'dead broke' to a net worth north of $100 million today
They were not dead broke by the usual understanding of the term, but they may have been short on cash. By the way, from your citation, QUOTE: "Almost any president leaving office can expect tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars of future earnings as a result of their having been president," Hoopes said. "Speaking, consulting, board positions, and so on, are all very lucrative." So, their earnings are reasonable considering their situation. Keep in mind that we have every tax return going back decades for the Clintons, as well as every tax return for the Clinton Foundation. Words cannot express my relief. Even if President Trump does nothing, is is far better than what we had as alternative actions by Mrs. Clinton. Donald J. Trump is a leader and a fighter - we are fortunate that he heard and answered the call.
The ultra left had pushed this country to the brink of becoming a European socialist country. Now Trump needs to take a flamethrower to the Federal Government in his first 4 years.
Cut the size of Government Build the wall Rebuild the military Appoint several "YOUNG" constitutionalist judges - long lifespans!!! and restore free markets both legally and psychologically. Stats guys simply used the wrong models... they did not count on so many blue collar democrats voting for Trump. Best night in politics since Reagan won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't been to sleep yet because all the people in my phone tree from across the country are still calling in to celebrate. We hoped, we fought and, now, it happened. Amazing.
We the People still have a voice. We must use it wisely. Thank you to all who had faith. What is interesting is how the media is spinning. Why is that a surprise? Don't ignore the white-lash.
People are fed up with BLM, millionaire bi-racial athletes disdaining our national anthem and a bi-racial commander-in-chief refusing to use his political skills to condemn that insult even while his military surrogates order their subordinates -- white, black and whatever -- to stand at attention and salute that flag. James Graham: Don't ignore the white-lash.
Nothing more inspiring than white people banding together to end the oppression by the negroes. Zachriels: oppression by the n*****s.
You have been warned against calling our Brothers, "n*****s". Stricken Hillary supporters wept in open disbelief at the Clinton election gathering last night. The question on everyone’s mind seemed to be, “How could so many people have rejected a cracked-brain, decrepit bisexual hag who’s under constant criminal investigation? It’ll be years before we capture the Ovary Office!”
Matt Burchett: decrepit bisexual hag
So there you are. Thank you for providing the example of the existence of misogyny and anti-gay bigotry and how it plays into American politics. So happy to again have an American as president!
If I were the Clintons and a bunch of others who have lied, cheated, and stolen from our country, I would be looking for asylum somewhere without an extradition treaty to the U.S. Like an Ecuadorian embassy. This just keeps on running through my mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-IBF8nwSY Time to clean out the riffraff, drain the swamp, and Make America Great Again! Jim: So happy to again have an American as president!
And there you are. The triumph of truthiness over truth. No. But you were implying that Obama wasn't an American. Thank you for providing the example concerning the existence of bigotry and how it plays into American politics.
Zach, please provide any evidence you have that Obama is an American. Not a United States citizen. An American. Even his American black accent is phony and faked. He never learned to speak that way growing up in Indonesia or Hawaii.
2016-11-10 13:48
Jim: please provide any evidence you have that Obama is an American.
Trumpism at work. Even now many Trump supporters say Obama was never the legitimate president of the United States. Obama's Certification of Live Birth was released in 2008. This is Hawaii's official certification that Obama was born in Hawaii, and is valid for all official uses, such as running for U.S. political office, and for getting a U.S. passport.
2016-11-10 14:18
It would indeed be a conflict of interest to have a pro-illegal immigration attorney/judge decide his case. It is obviously not discrimination to acknowledge this simple fact. Do you really believe your point had any value whatsoever???
As for trading barbs with a fellow candidate who said worse about him SO WHAT!!! If it matters that she is female and needs to hide behind being female than maybe she shouldn't run for office. The preponderance of evidence is that Obama was NOT born in Hawaii and likely not born in the U.S. Do you really believe that simply stating that opinion makes you a racist??? There is a wide interest in fitness. What's wrong with that? There is interest in politics too.
SweetPea: It would indeed be a conflict of interest to have a pro-illegal immigration attorney/judge decide his case. It is obviously not discrimination to acknowledge this simple fact.
Most every judge has a political opinion on immigration, but rule on immigration issues. Nor is it even an immigration case. Trump specifically said it was because he was a "Mexican". The judge was born in Indiana. SweetPea: The preponderance of evidence is that Obama was NOT born in Hawaii and likely not born in the U.S. Well, there you are. The triumph of truthiness over truth. |