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Thursday, November 3. 2016Thursday morning links
A Public University Makes Students Choose Between Their First Amendment Rights And Graduation Warmists Are Very Concerned That Their Cult Could Be Dying Out Incoming College Students Think America Invented Slavery Dear Progressives: My Path From Left To Right When You Come Here, Please Don't Vote for the Same Sh*t That Ruined the Place You Are Leaving Lots of good stuff at the Woodpile Medicare’s Next 50 Years: Preserving the Program for Future Retirees 4 Reasons Obamacare Is Also A Lemon For People With Pre-Existing Conditions Feminists: Your Failure To Submit Is An Act Of Aggression Why do liberals glorify JFK's promiscuity? Forget the FBI cache; the Podesta emails show how America is run Insiders, power-brokers, self-serving cronies and crony capitalists. Michael Moore Calls Trump Supporters “Racists” And “Rednecks”… Who is he? What Clintonworld Thinks About the Latest Abedin-Weiner Scandal - “If Weiner hadn’t taken pictures of his weiner, we wouldn’t be in this thing.” Caddell: Hillary’s Camp Has ‘Look of Desperation,’ as ‘Every Single Issue’ Favors Trump Maybe, but I think she has already won the election Silver: Election Update: Yes, Donald Trump Has A Path To Victory - If the race tightens any further, Clinton’s electoral edge is fragile. I doubt it Has Clinton Topped Nixon? Definitely. Imagine if a Repub had her history. Laws are for the little people. And Republicans, like D’Souza. The BBC Asks - What Really Happened With The Clintons In Haiti? DOJ's Peter Kadzik Exposed Colluding With Clinton Campaign FBI deputy director whose wife took Clinton friend's cash is asked why he is still involved in email probe as Congress turn heat up on Clinton Making "Fiscal Space" for the Clinton Agenda The Democrats are in bad shape — even if Hillary wins George Will: A fitting final chapter to 2016’s sleaze sweepstakes
'We are losing control of the streets' - Merkel's Germany descends into lawlessness The Story of Obama's Ransom Payment to Iran Gets Worse Trackbacks
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Merkel's lawless Germany is no surprise. If her kops beat these hooligans with sticks and cut off their hands for stealing, there would be the same level of crime as in the country they came from.
In other words, the only thing missing in Merkel's Germany is Sharia law. Wanna bet that comes, sooner rather than later? It's not that they lost control, it's that they abandoned control.
When You Come Here, Please Don't Vote for the Same Sh*t That Ruined the Place You Are Leaving
Local gvt meetings are all about citizens complaining about how their greivances aren't "addressed". Mostly, because we live in an agricultural area it has to do with how farmers make their lives miserable. The flies, the noise, the slow moving vehicles on the road, the smell, the rodents. The disconnect between what farmers DO (provide food for you, so that you don't have to break your back to feed yourselves, because that food doesn't magically appear from the backroom of grocery store) and the regulations that are ever tightening and restrictive COME FROM THE GOVERNMENT, yet they insist on petitioning govt to solve their "problems". I've given up hope that people will ever be independent, self sustaining and not so frickin lazy to get off their asses and do for themselves. I honestly have no idea who will win next week. I find it hard to believe that people not in DC, NY, and CA will have any enthusiasm for Clinton.
It will be interesting. Extra interesting if wikileaks drops the nuclear bomb they have been hinting at. It's identity politics. When you spend your life living vicariously through political leaders, convincing yourself that they care about you and the other side is a bogeyman who just wants to harm you, well those thoughts don't die easily.
Man is not a rational creature, he's a rationalizing creature, and there are plenty of people who will insist that voting for HRC is necessary b/c Trump is Hitler/Stalin/Genghis Khan/Atilla/Suicide Squad Joker One good thing .. Comey just gave potential Hillary voters a rationalization for either staying home or voting 3rd party if they can't stomach Trump.
What I'm finding interesting are the thoughtcrimes in evidence here.
I'm starting to see some of the MSNBC hosts backing away from the sycophantic cheerleading for Hillary and Obama. Morning Joe's got a couple of hosts who aren't going with the script... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yX12NHvmu1o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXoOICsbLCE I'm thinking that they're seeing some things that we aren't - and they're starting to distance themselves from BOTH Hillary and Obama. If it were going Hillary's way, or even a toss-up, they'd still be pulling strong for Hillary. But to go out on a limb like this and say it was a bad idea, and Hillary shouldn't have been nominated... wow. Just.... wow. They'll be first up against the wall if she wins. Whether she wins or not, we'll never trust anyone at MSNBC.
"Incoming College Students Think America Invented Slavery"
Apparently, so do outgoing college students as well. Most assertively, the outgoing "history" majors. Little test to see if your college's Liberal Arts department has any value. What did they do to commemorate the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta in 2015? Nothing? Well, there's your answer. "What Clintonworld Thinks About the Latest Abedin-Weiner Scandal - “If Weiner hadn’t taken pictures of his weiner, we wouldn’t be in this thing.”"
Well, there are somewhat sketchy comments attributed to the NYPD on the Clinton scandal. If true, it means Anthony's wiener broke the scandal out of the DOJ condom that had the FBI bottled up. I'm confident Hillary is not winning this thing. No more Eeyore comments, please. Look at the data in front of your eyes:
1) Republican early voting is better in NC now than in 2012. And Romney won that state. He was 300,000 votes behind on election day. Yesterday, Trump was only 75,000 votes behind. And that was not including independents. 2) In Florida Republicans are ahead in early voting as well. This is atypical for Republicans. Once again, this is not including independents. 3) Ohio is now up 3 or 4 points for Trump. He will win OH. 4) Pennsylvania is Clinton's firewall. The MSM is desperate to keep that 'in play.' She is down to a 2-point lead, but the black voters are not turning out like they did in 2012. And Trumpocrats claim they have 800,000 Dem voters committed to voting Trump. Reminder, Obama won the state by only 310,000 votes. Not that big a hurdle to overcome. 5) Michigan is headed toward Trump. Latest polls show a close race there. 6) Colorado is headed toward Trump. Latest polls show close race there. 7) New poll has Trump leading in NH by 1 point. 8) Nevada polling has Trump ahead. Pay attention to the newest polling, not the RCP averages that include polls from weeks ago. There are other non-voting factors in this election also: 1) Halloween mask sales have predicted the winner of every election since 1980. Trump masks sold many more than Clinton masks. Laugh if you will, but this is a solid data point. 2) Cafe Press sales of candidate items. Trump has led these sales the whole time with about 20% more sales of Trump items. Cafe Press has correctly predicted every presidential election since 2000. 3) Facebook & Twitter interactions, which include live broadcasts of events. Trump is winning this by a pile. You can look that up if you want. Anyway, confident of Trump win on Tuesday. I agree with you, MissT. I think Trump will likely win and could win bigly. Here's some thoughts I put down a few days ago trying to explain the divergence between the polls (at the time) and the obvious difference in enthusiasm and participation between the Trump and Hildebeast camps:
- Gallup polls say that 70% think the country is going in the wrong direction - Gallup's Economic index is at -12 - Early voting in NC, FL, and OH have been trending for Trump - Black support is expected to be 50% greater than for previous Republicans Which is pretext to the fact that Trump and Pence rallies have been mobbed - often with attendance in 5 digits not counting overflow crowds while Kaine recently drew crowds in the low double digits and Hillary in the low triple digits. With the exception of the Gallup polls (which don't require anybody to predict voter behavior that requires complex weightings), this analysis doesn't rely on polls and in my mind refuted polls such as the ABC poll that had the Hildebeast up 12% at the time. More recently, a NH poll has Trump +5, Real Clear Politics moved NV, AZ, FL, and NC to Trump. Reliable blue states like PA and MI are close. Having said all that, it is certainly not over. There is possibility that the Democrats will have some new "bombshell" that the press will flog while they ignore all the bad news coming out about the Hildebeast. And then we have to wonder if the Democrats can steal enough to drag the Hildebeast over the line. There is this:
UK, Irish Punters Swinging Big to Trump https://pjmedia.com/election/2016/11/02/uk-irish-punters-swinging-big-to-trump/ And this . . .
Pollster: “The Dam is About to Break” on Hillary Voters abandoning establishment candidate in droves Maggie's won't allow me to post either the Info War or Youtube links I just was on Real Clear Politics. Haven't been there for weeks. Hillary is trending down in all states considered 'battleground' or Trump is ahead. National polling also trending down for Hillary. She's only up 1.7 points today.
I think many polls are tweaked to give her an advantage. Maybe some of it is due to influence, but I also think some if due to the fact that the news wants a close race. It makes for more interesting news. So, the polls swinging now to Trump are to show the reality...and the gains will continue to build. Trump is on the upswing, and it will not stop. MSM also not looking at independents and how they will go for Trump much more than Hillary. Black vote way down. These are all indicators of a Trump win. However, I want a Trump slaughter. Hope it happens. I want a resounding slam against the press, the left and the Never Trump types. I don't know who will win but do not under estimate the work that the Democrats have put in over the last couple of years. There are about five swing states which determine the election results. In those swing states their are one or two counties that determine that states results. So for the last couple of years the Democrats have been on the ground in half a dozen or so counties in the larger cities registering voters, illegals, dead people, etc. On election day they will have a couple dozen teams in each of these major cities rounding up drunks and homeless to vote. They use 12 passenger vans to bring 6-10 homeless people to a dozen different polling places. At each stop a "handler" gives the homeless guy a small card with the name of the voter to use and a few names of people he is to check on the ballot. After the van hits the dozen or so polling places they drop off the homeless guys and give them $50 apiece and go pick up another van load of voters.
In addition to that in the heavy Republican counties they pay off election workers to "lose" ballots. They also will have election workers who mark up ballots such that they will be rejected. The list of tricks used is endless and this is not new. They have been stealing close elections, local, state and nationwide elections for over 100 years. The only way Trump can win is if in each of these swing states he gets a substantial vote majority of legal votes because the Democrats will get anywhere from 100,000 to 2 million vote advantage illegally in each state. So it all comes down to can Trump win Florida, NC, Ohio, Penn, VA by a million votes each just to squeak by Hillary. I should have mentioned that on the negative side, a lot of Team Hildebeast are fighting to stay out of jail so as ugly as things have been, they could get a lot uglier.
And finally this:
QUOTE: A NBC station was caught posting election results showing a Hillary Clinton victory days before the election, fueling concerns that the mainstream media is conditioning the public to accept a rigged election favoring Hillary. Political activists discovered a hidden web site for WRCB out of Chattanooga, Tenn. showing election results with Hillary Clinton securing 343 electoral votes and 42% of the popular vote. The web site originated from the FTP server of WorldNow, a media software company that provides real-time data – such as election results – and other media assets to local news stations. “On election day, you will see the same percentages overall, with only the numbers that claim to equal them different,” the activist reported. “The difference in total votes shown on the station pages, with the same overall final percentages proves the election theft is automated to hit desired percentages, no one has to lift a finger during the election itself to accomplish the steal.” Election fraud expert Bev Harris was the first to uncover this method, which is also known as “vote shaving.” “You need to have votes counted as fractions,” Harris said on The Alex Jones Show Monday. “You need the votes to be counted with decimal places, like you count money.” "A Public University Makes Students Choose Between Their First Amendment Rights And Graduation"
Particularly troubling was the language that the rules “may cover those activities which, although not severe, persistent, or pervasive enough to meet the legal definition of harassment, are unacceptable…” and that “even First Amendment protected speech activities” may constitute harassment “depending on the circumstances,” including whether other students believe the speech is not “legitimate,” not “necessary,” or lacks a “constructive purpose.” -------------------------------------------------------------- A private university might be able to get away with this, but not a public university which is held to the same standards as the government and which is bound by the Bill of Rights. This is a facial First Amendment violation. A student needs to find a civil rights attorney and file a civil right suit. The court should grant summary judgment. RE: JFK
Not a big fan of his politics, other than pressing for the moon shot, but come on, Marilyn Monroe in the Lincoln Bedroom. As a guy you've got to respect that. Every Irish Catholic home in the Northeast had a framed picture of JFK sitting next to the one of Pope Paul VI.
JFK's election was bought and paid for by his father. JFK was not qualified to be president and made numerous costly mistakes. Yet, he was probably the best Kennedy known today dead or alive. His father was a crook, a smuggler and actively funded the IRA. Ted made his dad look honest by comparison. Most of the rest of the Kennedys bought their way out of criminal prosecution numerous times. And yet they may be typical North East Democrats.
I know its conservative chic to shit on the Kennedy clan, but Joe, Jr. was KIA, WW2; JFK won the Navy Cross, and RFK, JFK's Attorney General and foe of organized crime and J Edgar Hoover, was also murdered.
History has exposed JFK's war hero status as very exaggerated at best. I have no doubt that if he had stuck to the truth his story would still be one of serving with valor, but never the less he did make up a lot of it.
As for RFK fighting organized crime: Joe Kennedy made a deal with the Mafia to deliver Chicago and New York for JFK and the administration would go easy on them. So once in office JFK and RFK reneged on the deal. While I'm perfectly happy that they were tough on the Mafia it is still important to understand that the not only made a deal with organized crime but that they rigged the election. Not quite the good guys we like to credit them as being. 100% of the Kennedy fortune was created dishonestly. They represent four generations of a crime family. Maybe that's why people like to shit on them. Then there is Ted. Ted the murderer, Ted the rapist, Ted the thief, Ted the Russian collaborator/traitor. Ted who set in motion the mass immigration that will ultimately destroy our country. The world and our country would be better off today if Ted had been shot instead of RFK. But surely there is someone, some Kennedy who wasn't a criminal, who didn't use their wealth to keep themselves out of jail... We don't know of one. history hasn't "exposed" anything. you people need to hate, and hate you will. American politics is in this shitter because of people like you in both parties.
consider yourself lucky I've wasted all of three minutes on your tripe. I will concede that JFK acted heroically after his ship was sunk. For that alone he deserves his hero status. But ask people if they know anything else about the event and they do not. All they can tell you is he swam three miles towing a wounded sailor to safety. He did! he was a hero!
But he screwed up. The entire mission was a disaster. According to one historian: "The collision was part of a wild night of blunders by 109 and other boats that one historian later described as “the most screwed up PT boat action of World War II.” Yet American newspapers and magazines reported the PT-109 mishap as a triumph... it was his father’s media savvy that helped turn an embarrassing disaster into a tale worthy of Homer... Kennedy would later embrace the myths of PT-109 and ride them into the White House. But in his last months in combat, he appeared to be a troubled young man trying to make peace with what happened that dark night in the Solomons." But IMHO JFKs big screwups were: the bay of pigs, the Cuban missile crisis and the Vietnam war. None of these should have happened and a better man a more experienced man would have avoided these disasters.
2016-11-04 12:55