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Monday, July 25. 2016Monday morning links Our Greatest Enemy: Optimism - Why optimistic groupthink is a threat to humanity The parents who didn’t sue Disney taught America a powerful lesson NASA: Global Warming Observations Need a Further 19% UPWARD Adjustment They want to change past numbers TO FIT THEIR MODELS John Kerry says air conditioner and refrigerator chemicals are as threatening to human life as ISIS So what's the big problem with Citizens United? Why Do the Police Shoot Unarmed Suspects? Chris Matthews: Using Big-City Names is Racist 'Coded Language' - Is anything NOT racist to these guys? The Black Heroes Who Took Down the Freddie Gray Hoax Psychodynamics of Obama's and Hillary's 'White Guilt Forever' Conversation Tim Kaine’s Islamist Ties Tim Kaine: The Jokes Just Write Themselves McAuliffe To Circumvent VA Supreme Court Ruling On Felon Voter Rights, Will Issue 200,000 Clemency Grants Leaked Emails Show DNC Officials Planned Anti-Trump Protests Leaked DNC Emails Confirm Democrats Rigged Primary, Reveal Extensive Media Collusion Check Your Amnesia, Dude: On the Vox Generation of Punditry How Different Is Trump From Other Politicians? Trump Policy Will Unravel Traditional Neocons - Trump's divergence from the conventional Republican platform is generating indignant punditry from neocons and neoliberals alike Is America Ready for a Disruptive President? Trump's Speech Signalled the End of an Era for the GOP Trump Is Right about Crime - The media rushes to downplay the post-Ferguson shooting and homicide surge—and its effect on black lives. Kristof tried to prove Trump a racist. Proves he is not Conrad Black: The genius of Donald Trump Wikileaks: What the DNC Really Thinks About Latinos - Why Can’t Hillary Stop Fudging the Truth? Email-gate is only the latest instance in a 25-year habit of dissembling. Wikileaks: What the DNC Really Thinks About Latinos - See more at: http://silenceisconsent.net/wikileaks-what-the-dnc-really-thinks-about-latinos/#sthash.e8OyMBVr.dpuf Wikileaks: What the DNC Really Thinks About Latinos - See more at: http://silenceisconsent.net/wikileaks-what-the-dnc-really-thinks-about-latinos/#sthash.e8OyMBVr.dpuf The Real Reason for Obama’s Cuba Breakthrough I agree Brexit is already proving to be a huge victory for global free trade Angela Merkel to face new backlash over open door immigration policy after new German attack by Syrian refugee China is really run on the model of philosopher kings. Why Would the BBC Scrub 'Ali' From Munich Shooter's Name? Trackbacks
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And, of course, Secretary Kerry immediately turned off air conditioners in all of his mansions.
QUOTE: NASA: Global Warming Observations Need a Further 19% UPWARD Adjustment Bird Dog: They want to change past numbers TO FIT THEIR MODELS Did you read the study? Do you disagree with separating land and water measurements? Zach, don't you find it curious that the temperature "adjustments" are always made in one direction, that being up or higher?
Give it all up Zach. Come over to our side. It will be a wrench at first . . . but you'll feel better for it. feeblemind: don't you find it curious that the temperature "adjustments" are always made in one direction, that being up or higher?
In other words, you didn't read the study, and have no idea whether or not the adjustments are justified. I read the study (whatever the term "study"means) and still don't know if the adjustments are justified. Like my boss in the food chemistry industry used to say, "Statistics and studies can be used to make any point you wish. I can configure a study that will give you the results you want."
tnxplant: I read the study (whatever the term "study"means) and still don't know if the adjustments are justified.
Fair enough. Publication is the just the first step in validation. Other scientists will undoubtedly weigh in.
2016-07-25 15:00
It says the extra global warming is caused by "quirks." Are quirks anything like quarks? Have quirks been observed or is their existence purely theoretical?
QUOTE: Why Do the Police Shoot Unarmed Suspects? ...It also teaches agents to treat unarmed suspects like armed suspects until they know better. Which explains the large number of false positives (shooting of unarmed people). There's a bias involved, as well. Multiple studies have shown that people are more likely and quicker to shoot a black person than a white person, whether the person is armed or not. The other problem is lack of police accountability. Consider the Walter Scott shooting. Now consider the situation before the age of smartphone video. What every black mother already knew to be true is now evident to anyone with eyes to see. This study finds the opposite.
https://www.policeone.com/use-of-force/articles/7653755-Cops-hesitate-more-err-less-when-shooting-black-suspects-study-finds/ And it explains a lot of the difficulties with the other studies. Assistant Village Idiot: This study finds the opposite.
Per stop. Blacks are stopped more often. For instance, Philando Castile was only shot to death ≈ 2% of the times he was stopped. Also, keep in mind the study is based on police reports. Compare video of the Walter Scott shooting with the police report.
QUOTE: Brexit is already proving to be a huge victory for global free trade ... The IMF — perhaps the most prominent among the doomsayers — has entirely reevaluted its analysis. IMF (7/19/2016): IMF Cuts Global Growth Forecasts on Brexit, Warns of Risks to Outlook We're not the one who cited the IMF for support, and left out important context while doing so.
So is your point that you agree with me that IMF projections are worthless?
The reason the police shoot unarmed people and in general shoot too quickly is because that is what they are trained to do. New recruits are especially prone to over react to situations because their training is always about the bad guy who intends to kill them reacting suddenly and fatally. IMHO this kind of training is essential for police to survive but it must be tempered with training for the 99.9% of the population who are not trying to kill them. A few years back a Seattle cop shot a man who had a knife. The man was a well know "carver" who roamed Seattle streets carving things that he would sell for a few dollars. The cop saw him crossing the street, he stopped his car and got out and yelled at the man. And within seconds shot the man dead without any threat at all. The man was 20 yards away and making no threat. But in the police training they emphasize that a man with a knife can close 20 feet in less time than it takes to get your gun unholstered and aimed. The cop did exactly what he was trained to do. The only problem, a minor one, was that the man was no threat and had broken no law. To my knowledge the cop faced no legal problem for that deadly mistake. The carver was not black so no harm no foul.
Agreed. Since the 1970s, the police have been more and more removed from the citizenry. They use terms like "civilian" and think of terms of threats in every encounter. That might be a good survival skill in a war zone, but not every city or town or minor hamlet is a Bloods versus Crypts gangland kill box. Yet politicians have put perverse incentives in front over nearly every law enforcement agency to militarize and think in terms of war. The requirement to attain a degree in criminal justice to become an LEO in many jurisdictions has further alienated the police from their employers.
I think the only way back is to pursue Peelian principles of policing, but so few LEOs I have met even know who Sir Robert Peel was. 69 Politicians As They Were In High School
https://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewkaczynski/69-politicians-as-they-were-in-high-school?utm_term=.hhvBlB7Em#.oyQEOEpP4 So McAuliffe wants to restore gun rights to 200,000 felons in his state. I wonder how Mr. Bloomberg and Moms Throw Tantrums feels about that?
Actually, I agree that people should have full rights restored upon completion of their sentence, but I do not know if these 200,000 people should have all their rights restored* and I know that McAuliffe's motivations are not honorable. * In other words, we have a lot of criminals roaming free because releasing seems less hazardous when they do not have full rights restored. This is ridiculous to me as I don't understand why I should trust having someone living next to me if I can't trust them with the gun and voting rights. The sex offenders lists in various states is the perverse and absurd result of this mentality; we have to release them but we don't trust them. Stupid. Ken in NH: I agree that people should have full rights restored upon completion of their sentence, but I do not know if these 200,000 people should have all their rights restored*
Voting rights, jury duty, and the right to run for and hold elective office, are being restored. The right to bear arms must still be petitioned. I do not know what the particular laws are in VA. This looks really circular. The simple pardon page points to the "restoration of rights" as a precondition. But the news says McAuliffe is granting clemency (pardons) to get around the court's ruling on his executive order. So he's granting non-pardon pardons which a felon needs before he or she can petition for a pardon? And having had their non-pardon pardon, they can vote but are not really pardoned? And this page mentions three different types of pardon, the first (simple pardon requiring the "restoration of rights") would seem to apply to the 200,000 people referenced.
Ken in NH: But the news says McAuliffe is granting clemency (pardons) to get around the court's ruling on his executive order.
Pardons are a type of clemency. McAuliffe is offering clemency by issuing a restoration order concerning certain civil rights, however, it does not constitute a pardon. So the state says to the freed convicts: We deem you fit and competent. You can vote, because we know you will vote for the proper candidate. Or you won't bother, which means you are not voting for the wrong candidate. Even though bunches of you, were not convicted on firearms related charges, you can't have those rights back. Allowing you to have those right returned would make us look bad with our voting constituency. However, you can petition for those rights back; away from the spotlight.
Zachriel, you don't find anything about that to be just a little underhanded? Just a little bit fishy? Just a little bit corrupt? To me it says something about a political party when its core constituencies are convicted felons, illegal aliens, drug users, and those with variant sexual proclivities.
Jim: To me it says something about a political party when its core constituencies are convicted felons, illegal aliens, drug users, and those with variant sexual proclivities
One in ten Americans used illegal drugs in the past year. One in three have used illegal drugs some time in their lives. More have used tobacco or alcohol or abused prescription drugs. Presidents Bush and Obama have used illegal drugs.
2016-07-26 09:16
This is what McAuliffe was "installed" as governor to do. This is part of the DNC dirty tricks to steal elections. With or without this disgusting dirty trick the Virginia election should be carefully monitored for more DNC election tricks.
Pay attention the DNC will pull out all the stops and they will steal this election even if many of their tricks are exposed. They are desperate to win and Wikileaks barely lifted the covers on their criminal activities.
2016-07-26 10:27
SweetPea: This is what McAuliffe was "installed" as governor to do.
Think you mean elected. Many believe that once people have served their time, that they should regain their civil rights (with certain limitations). That is already the law in the great majority of states.
2016-07-26 15:59
Yeah, yeah! Of course he was elected. He trundled down there one day with his carpet bag and ran for governor and all the townspeople cheered the interloper and voted for him. Had nothing whatsoever to do with unions voting for dead people or officials discarding or marking up ballots. It was as good as any other Democrat election.
2016-07-26 18:12
The governor overseeing the election was a Republican.
Trumpiness prevails.
2016-07-27 09:24
So you think it's ok to commit election fraud if you aren't caught and you get bonus points if the governor is from the other party?
2016-07-27 10:44
Do you have any actual evidence of election fraud?
2016-07-28 08:46
B Hammer: So the state says to the freed convicts: We deem you fit and competent.
Forty-one states restore voting rights either upon release or after a fixed period. Others restore voting rights for non-violent offenders or first-time offenders. B Hammer: you don't find anything about that to be just a little underhanded? Just a little bit fishy? Just a little bit corrupt? People who vote are generally the sorts of people who are attempting to be contributing citizens. If Kerry wants to be taken seriously, the first thing that must happen is all federal government buildings need to shut down their A/C and pull the plug on all their refrigeration.
If it's that serious, they can lead from in front. Given the Washington DC daytime temps are close to 100 this week, I won't hold my breath. ruralcounsel: the first thing that must happen is all federal government buildings need to shut down their A/C and pull the plug on all their refrigeration.
No. The technological problem is to reduce greenhouse emissions while maintaining modern civilization, and extending the benefits of development to the rest of the world. |