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Tuesday, July 19. 2016Trump succeeds where the GOP has failedAustin Bay: To All the Peter Pan Republicans: Trump Bests Captain Crook Clinton
I think Trump was the only potential winner in that supposedly-deep Repub bench. Cruz would lose in a landslide, Rubio is wet behind the ears, Jeb is a schlub, etc. All true. Also, Bushism is past: Is the Party Over for Bushism?
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Plus, he's right on our alliances, he's right on trade, he's right on immigration, and he's right on law and order.
So he's bombastic, who really cares. I disagreed with you on Cruz and I want to continue to disagree with you on Cruz, but reality is a bitch. All I have to say to the GOP despondent is that for several election cycles they have pleaded with us to vote for their preferred candidate if only as a vote against the other guy. Now that they are faced with the same... well it's telling isn't.
FWIW, I think that the Trump presidency will be a disaster, but I know a Hillary! presidency would be an unmitigated, "choose the form of the destructor" disaster. What we get with Trump is that the press, the Democrats, and the Republicans will be camped so far up his ass that they'll only see daylight when he opens his mouth.
Whereas I think Trump's presidency will be fantastic. I can't wait for it. Even if he just fixes the immigration problem, I'd be happy. But since he's talked about trade problems for decades, I know that will also be one area he will fix.
You may be thinking in foreign policy terms, but he has the right idea: do what is best for America. You can't really go too wrong with the right advisors and that attitude in foreign policy. And he has the right advisors so far as I can see. I didn't say it wouldn't have its bright spots. Notice I said that Hillary!'s presidency would be an unmitigated disaster. Trump's will be erratic and sometimes teeth-grindingly unbearable (much like his campaign has), but he is not wrong on every issue and we will have all the establishment DC players constantly putting him in check. For that alone, he's worth voting for.
You nailed it with that last sentence MissT. A lot, if not all of those advisors will be in his cabinet or White House senior staff and have a big say in what gets done and how things get done.
Cruz had the right agenda, but sadly that very agenda makes him unelectable.
Trump just might be the only Republican candidate who stands any chance at all at being elected. He's not the guy I'd like to see in the White House, but he's a darn sight better than Hillary and that's enough. I think globalism, amnesty and borders is a foregone conclusion no matter who wins this time and next time. We have been sold out and sold down the river. Now will come the great looting of the country and flooding it with non-Americans is essential to the process. At some point the great unwashed and fly-over country hicks will wake up to what has happened. It will be too late to reverse it but it will inevitably end in a civil war. The America we knew is gone, the one we live in today will be quickly converted to a cash cow for "immigrants". About 25 million immigrants now have jobs and about 25 million Americans are out of work. What a coincidence. Certainly not planned...
Sarcasm. Personally, I have a lot of issues with DJTs credibility.
But to quote Maxed out Mama from the Althouse blog: "In the end, he is going to force the Dem candidate to come meet him on the issue of jobs and prosperity for the average dude in the country. There he thinks he can make the sale. It does little good to float the idea of free education when after you graduate from college, you still don't have a good job. He's just going to continue whacking that drum. Hillary Clinton doesn't have a clue as to how to fix the economy. Promising stuff that probably won't come true to a bunch of individual groups versus promising a better future for us all is going to be his message. He previewed it in his speech after the Indiana primary." I don't know if it will work or if he really has some credible ideas, but then nobody else does either. I also doubt that there are sufficient numbers of the people in the middle, squeezed by the Takers at the Top and at the Takers at the Bottom, to prevail. But, then came Brexit. "Plus, he's right on our alliances, he's right on trade, he's right on immigration, and he's right on law and order."
right on to all that + he's entertaining! & he doesn't cotton to PC-speak. if trump can't slow down the denouement - i don't know who can. he groks that the business of america IS business - NOT politics. This is one time it's 'better the devil you don't know than the devil you know', i.e. anything Trump surprises us with will be less harmful than what we know HRC will do.
One of the reasons that Americans still like reading Huckleberry Finn is that the American identity - at least a part of it - IS Huck Finn.
In some corner of nearly every American's soul is a wild-ling that chafes under the watchful eye of the Widow Douglas and her spinster sister Miss Watson. No matter how relentless the corrective barrage - sit up straight, speak properly, don't scratch at the itchy clothes, and definitely don't voice any untoward ideas - they cannot bring themselves to like the idea of being "sivilized" by meddlesome scolds who ultimately do not comprehend who they are or where they come from. Nor can they, as shown in this excerpt, ever completely overlook the hypocrisy inherent in these efforts: QUOTE: Pretty soon I wanted to smoke, and asked the widow to let me. But she wouldn't. She said it was a mean practice and wasn't clean, and I must try to not do it any more. That is just the way with some people. They get down on a thing when they don't know nothing about it. . . And she took snuff, too; of course that was all right, because she done it herself. Even though they seldom act on it, most Americans, like Huck, consider the "regular and decent" world of the Widow Douglas's parlor to be somewhat "dismal," and there are times when they'd like nothing more than to "light out" and get away from all of the self-appointed moral betters who never cease filling the world with more (and more diabolical) parlors in which to constrain their behavior and - if it were possible - their very thoughts. Whether he turns out to be telling the truth or not, Donald Trump's message is touching a nerve with the "inner Huck Finn" of many Americans. He is no doubt helped by the fact that the entire progressive left are nothing if not meddlesome scolds. Granted, that part of Americans' inner-selves that tries to be upstanding citizens might struggle with the idea of a Huck Finn presidency. I mean, who puts an unrefined delinquent in charge? It just isn't done. These doubts are bolstered by the establishment's many Tom Sawyers who constantly come around with new empty promises - if only we'll "go back to the widow and be respectable." But the part of us Americans that remembers what life was like outside of the Widow Douglas's parlor - and has watched the entrenched elites guard the parlor door ever more tightly these last eight years - shivers at the thought of the alternative. Indeed, it is hard to imagine a more dismal prospect than sitting in the parlor under Hillary's watchful eye. Beautifully said.
A bit of an eye opener in terms of self awareness. |