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Wednesday, July 13. 2016Wednesday morning links
Pic: Wellfleet Harbor sunrise 22 schoolgirls 'suffered mass demonic possession' and foamed at mouth after playing game of 'Charlie Charlie' Purdue May Expel Student Who Criticized Black Lives Matter Yale worker destroys stained-glass window that offends him, college destroys the rest for him A “Fair Chance” -- for Campus Crime? Social Justice and Teachers College Curriculum Students Learn Climate Change Advocacy, Not Climate Science How to Teach Climate Change Without Terrifying Your Students The Public Option: It's Baaaaaaaack! That was always the plan CA Lawmakers Quietly Exempt Themselves From Gun Laws The fact is we are ruled over by irresponsibly reckless idiots paid for Central bankers have sailed us off the map, into places that financial markets have never been, and should never be. No Decent Person Ever Said Black Lives Don’t Matter - The 'Ferguson Effect' is real
Obama Mentions Himself 45 Times During Memorial Speech For Dallas Officers Even at a funeral, dividing the nation is apparently good politics The numbers that “Black Lives Matter” and the sensationalist media prefer you ignore Let's have a conversation with BLM Clinton blames aides for email problems, says server now in hands of FBI AG Lynch’s Evasive Testimony Casts a Shadow Over Justice Bubble bursting: UK Fund Managers Start Dumping Properties, Admit "Real Estate Needed Re-Pricing" Venezuela nationalizes non-existent diaper production It’s funny, they say that nationalism is evil, but they actually mean other people’s nationalism. Trackbacks
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Obama is just beyond any kind of pretentious ass I've ever seen. Shows up at a Memorial and makes an anti-gun political rally about himself.
Glad I wasn't there, I probably would have lost it and started shouting at him. A speech referring to himself 45 times, but never mentions the names of the deceased. Goo show, O!
QUOTE: Obama: From the moment you put on that uniform, you have answered a call that at any moment, even in the briefest interaction, may put your life in harm’s way. Lorne Ahrens, he answered that call. So did his wife, Katrina, not only because she was the spouse of a police officer, but because she’s a detective on the force... Michael Krol answered that call. His mother said, he knew the dangers of the job, but he never shied away from his duty... Michael Smith answered that call. In the Army, and over almost 30 years working for the Dallas Police Association, which gave him the appropriately named Cop’s Cop Award. A man of deep faith... Patrick Zamarippa, he answered that call. Just 32, a former altar boy who served in the Navy and dreamed of being a cop... Brent Thompson answered that call. He served his country as a Marine... Glad he mentioned the fallen. But then he has to go all gun control nutter: "It’s easier for a teenager to get his hands on a Glock than a computer…or even a book.” Jeepers! That is just an incredibly stupid statement. Can the Borg that is Zachariah agree that that is just nonsense?
I was more distressed that he spent any time at all on his knee-jerk reaction to any community violence as an opportunity to tell us how inequitable things are for black people, how bad their schools are, saying that it's easier to get a Glock than a book for some children. He just has this set of ideas on disk, and they pour out whenever the button is pushed by coming anywhere near his favorite topics.
Even if his assessment were correct, this was not the place, not even for a few minutes. He is simply unable to resist the temptation to say "I'm right and you're wrong" every speech. Confirms that he has a pronoun problem...the only one he knows is "I".
22 schoolgirls 'suffered mass demonic possession' and foamed at mouth after playing game of 'Charlie Charlie'
There's a phenomenon called "mass hysteria". Catch it if you can. Knocking out a stained-glass window illustrating cotton-lugging slaves doesn't bother me half as much as the other story at the site noting "New AP European History framework ignores religion, snubs Churchill, whitewashes communism: REPORT"
This rewriting of history is brought to you by David Coleman, now head of the SAT and the designer of Common Core. He is not and never has been an educator per se. Illinois announced earlier this week that students will no longer be tested using PARC, but replace it with the SAT, now redesigned to accommodate Mr. Coleman's idea of "a liberal education" that teachers will have to instill in their students who expect to get into college. I can't begin to relate how screwed up our education system has become since the Federal government got hold of it. Last week somewhere I read a good piece about distinguishing patriotism from nationalism. Patriotism is caring enough about your country to put its welfare above your own. Nationalism almost always is associated with ambitions of expansion, invasion, and empire: the undermining of other people's legitimate patriotism.
"Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. Both words are normally used in so vague a way that any definition is liable to be challenged, but one must draw a distinction between them, since two different and even opposing ideas are involved. By 'patriotism' I mean devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which one believes to be the best in the world but has no wish to force on other people. Patriotism is of its nature defensive, both militarily and culturally. Nationalism, on the other hand, is inseparable from the desire for power. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality."
- George Orwell That would definitely fit the National Socialist which is the party of a Hitler or a Mussolini.
QUOTE: No Decent Person Ever Said Black Lives Don’t Matter Either the statement is tautological (excluding anyone who says black lives don't matter is not decent by definition), or must only refer to prominent people lately. Even that may not be exactly true. Doesn't saying "look at my African-American over here. Look at him," denigrate the value of the person? http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/stevenandalangc3.jpg In any case, the Black Lives Matter movement concerns latent and systemic racism, not just overt racism, especially in policing. You mean the "latent and systemic racism", especially in policing that caused police officers to be involved in 4% of the homicides of Blacks while only being responsible for 12% of the homicides of Whites and Hispanics? And it is rare for police to be involved in the homicide of Asians.
Is it racism that causes the police to kill Whites and Hispanics at rate 3 times greater than that of Blacks? JK Brown: Is it racism that causes the police to kill Whites and Hispanics at rate 3 times greater than that of Blacks?
That is not a proper use of those statistics. You are mixing apples and oranges. Blacks in the U.S. are 2.5 times as likely as whites to be shot and killed by police officers. If the person is unarmed, blacks are 5 times more likely to be killed. A more important point is that blacks killed by police is only the tip of the problem, which range from a much higher likelihood of a traffic stop, to higher sentencing for the same crime. Unarmed people who are shot by the police are most often attacking the police in a frenzy while drugged out. When your rate of violent crime is 8x higher, being shot 2.5x more isn't that surprising, and may even suggest protection rather than prejudice.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2016/07/11/on-racial-disparities-in-the-use-of-force-by-police/ As for systemic racism, even if the impressions (Note: asking only black people) are true, that is not evidence that it moves the dial much. While the only finally acceptable answer is 0% difference, I'm not seeing that the current difference rises to the level of getting to shoot police officers. Or were you just about to mention that but it slipped your mind? Proper use? From your citation: "A new study confirms that black men and women are treated differently in the hands of law enforcement. They are more likely to be touched, handcuffed, pushed to the ground or pepper-sprayed by a police officer, even after accounting for how, where and when they encounter the police."
2016-07-13 17:11
But fewer are shot. And are you saying it's therefore okay to shoot the police? Because you still haven't weighed in on that. Blacks are treated worse, but is it related to their significantly higher rate of violence?
You really can't bear to answer the difficult questions, can you? Assistant Village Idiot: But fewer are shot.
The study has significant limitations, as the author has pointed out. Assistant Village Idiot: And are you saying it's therefore okay to shoot the police? Heavens! Where would you get such a notion. In a democratic society, the solution is to be found in freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and the petition for the redress of grievances.
2016-07-14 08:50
Black Lives Matter was started from the lie that Michael Brown was murdered while he had his hands up asking not to be shot. That narrative is still alive today even after the DOJ exonerated Darren Wilson. The DOJ said that the police had violated the Civil Rights of blacks because blacks were disproportionately the target of traffic tickets. While there might be cause for distrust against the police by blacks for that reason, it just doesn't have the emotional impact of the lie that it's common place for white police officers to go around killing innocent black kids.
As for "systematic racism", what is that? I remember in the '90s there was a poll of black people that said most of them had not experienced racism. Well, we can't have that so we'll have to redefine racism so that they were the victims of racism but they just didn't realize it. In spite of the fact that the police kill more whites in proportion to blacks, there is no White Lives Matter. There are organizations for blacks that would never be tolerated for whites (NAACP, BET, Congressional Black Caucus to name a few). There are many college scholarships for blacks but essentially none for whites. We are constantly bombarded by the value of diversity - which means that blacks, Hispanics, etc. need to be include in everything but not that whites' participation in majority black organizations needs to be increased. mudbug: As for "systematic racism", what is that? I remember in the '90s there was a poll of black people that said most of them had not experienced racism.
Pew has found that nearly half of blacks thought they had been treated with suspicion because of their race in the last year, and 84% believe blacks are treated less fairly. http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2016/06/27/on-views-of-race-and-inequality-blacks-and-whites-are-worlds-apart/ "I work with (law enforcement) on a daily basis; they're my colleagues, they're my friends, and I respect what they do. But I also understand how men like me can fear and distrust officers in uniform." http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/11/us/emotional-dallas-dr-williams/ Systemic:
NYPD cop secretly records supervisor pressuring him to racially profile black men http://www.rawstory.com/2016/07/nypd-cop-secretly-records-supervisor-pressuring-him-to-racially-profile-black-men/ I'd be more respectful of the BLM crowd were they to even attempt to address the black-on-black killings that account for most of the violent deaths of young black men, let alone grieve for and protest the deaths of black children as "collateral damage" in the black-on-black shootouts. As it is, I am convinced that "black lives matter" only when a white person (preferably a white police person) is involved; the rest of the deaths, meh.
Frances: I'd be more respectful of the BLM crowd were they to even attempt to address the black-on-black killings that account for most of the violent deaths of young black men, let alone grieve for and protest the deaths of black children as "collateral damage" in the black-on-black shootouts.
They don't mention deaths due to cancer or automobile accidents either. Someone saying "Let's find a cure for cancer" doesn't mean they think other problems don't matter, anymore than someone saying "Black Lives Matter" means they think other lives or issues don't matter. Frances: As it is, I am convinced that "black lives matter" only when a white person (preferably a white police person) is involved; the rest of the deaths, meh. Sure. Because everyone knows that Africans don't have the same feelings of loss when their children are sold off die than white people. It is not the message of the Black Lives Matter organization that is being questioned; it is the group's credibility. Yes, the lives of young, black men have worth. No, they should not be subject to arbitrary police power.
But when you try to decouple that message from facts like young black men are disproportionately both the perpetrators and victims of violent crimes you lose both organizational and individual credibility. All students need to know the current global temperature, as well as what it was last year, last decade, and two decades ago to determine for themselves the rate or lack of warming. Every student need to know at least one person by name who is a Climatologists who supports AGW. They need to know that CO2 started to rise in 1948. They need to know the role of el nino on temperature. They need to know the current amount of ice coverage in the Arctic and Antarctica in square miles or kilometres as well as the last decade to determine the rate of melting or lack of at the poles. Then if they choose to believe in or against AGW it will not be because of propaganda. Finding the answers to these questions will be difficult. They need to ask why is it difficult to find out the current world temperature. They need to get their answers from a trusted sourse such as NASA, since they are the only ones who knows for sure due to satelitte technolgy.
Phil Taylor: All students need to know the current global temperature, as well as what it was last year, last decade, and two decades ago to determine for themselves the rate or lack of warming.
Students only need to know the basics. They aren't expected to be able to analyze the raw data. Phil Taylor: They need to know that CO2 started to rise in 1948... Atmospheric CO2 http://static.skepticalscience.com/images/co2_10000_years.gif Surface Temperature from 1948 to present, HADCrut4 http://www.zachriel.com/blog/HADCrut4-1948toPresent.png Arctic summer ice extent http://www.arctic.noaa.gov/reportcard/images-essays/fig4.2-perovich.png Re Calhoun College.
Once the social justice warriors cleanse all references to slavery since they offend them, then we can deny slavery ever existed and the race problem will be solved How to Teach Climate Change Without Terrifying Your Students
The current administrators of "education" don't want kids to actually BE educated. Easier to enslave the ignorant. "CA Lawmakers Quietly Exempt Themselves From Gun Laws"
That's from Monday, June 6, 2011 and it ultimately didn't pass. Agreed they're horrible to have even tried. |