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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, July 12. 2016Tuesday morning links
Universities’ war against truth - Having beliefs and expressing them is no longer tolerated and the contagion is spreading Hannan: The working classes vs. the smirking classes Seattle Is Hiring: "A Race And Social Justice Manager To Achieve Racial Equality" Social Justice Lunacy - We are all victims Giuliani: I've Saved More Black Lives Than #BlackLivesMatter The Extraordinary Perils of the Ordinary Cop Dallas Chief: Join the Force, Be a Part of the Solution Meet the the Moral Equivalence on 'Meet the Press' After Dallas Attack on Police Challenges for Black People - The frank conversation needed in the black community. Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s unhinged assault on Trump Don't love Hillary? Fine, but vote for her anyway House Letter Calls Clinton Foundation ‘Lawless’ Head of French Police: Migrant Sex Assaults Could Trigger “Civil War” At last we know: 1,200 New Year’s Eve sexual assaults in Germany Theresa May: Meet the woman who will be Britain's new Prime Minister Iran missile tests 'not consistent' with nuclear deal spirit: U.N. report Trackbacks
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Seattle is hiring a race and social justice manager
That headline reminds me of a photo caption from an article in the Maine Biz magazine that arrived in my mailbox yesterday. "To create a more diverse workplace, Jonathan Mapes, general manager at H. A. Mapes (fuel delivery) enlisted the help of Maine Intercultural Communications Consultants. The consultants help businesses in Maine attract a diverse workforce. Because you can't have a diverse workforce without hiring a diversity expert. because having a rainbow of skin color is more important than hiring for competency and work ethic.
Stop the planet. I want to get off. "Never let a crisis go to waste."
They are taking advantage to expand the bureaucracy and by extension, their control over the little people. There is a difference between "truth" and "beliefs". The universities are in a war against objective facts.
"Head of French Police: Migrant Sex Assaults Could Trigger “Civil War”
Is it really a civil war if it is the citizens rising up against the ruling "elites" permitting a foreign invasion? That sounds more like a revolution rather than political faction violence. At last we know: 1,200 New Year’s Eve sexual assaults in Germany
As they say, it's not the crime, but rather the government cover up. Yeah, Hillary is such a great role model for those who wish to follow in the tracks of Benedict Arnold and sell their positions of influence for personal wealth.
One has to completely ignore the facts of her personal actions related to her e-mail AND the very nature of the Clinton Family Foundation, a crime syndicate for the personal enrichment of the Clintons, if ever one existed! QUOTE: The Extraordinary Perils of the Ordinary Cop Wow. The article starts out with a conspiracy theory concerning TWA800, then finishes with a cockamamy story about the Michael Slager shooting. The violence is organized and funded.
Some questions for the IRS about their role in "black Lives Matter" violence: 1. the IRS wants even "employers" of babysitters to pay social security tax. 2. Move on.org is reported to recruit and pay "demonstrators" at the Ferguson and other sites of "spontaneous" violence by non-local participants. 3. Does the IRS audit Move on and other such groups to make sure that all of their paid-agitator employees are registered taxpayers, that all the social security taxes have been paid, and that all the 1099s have been filed? 4. Is there a penalty for failure to pay ss tax and register the social security numbers of employee-demonstrators? Maybe loss of tax status? 4. Does the tax law have charitable or other exemptions for expenses used to hire thugs to threaten civil order and intimidate the law-abiding citizenry? Maybe Lois Lerner, James Comey and John Koskinen could conduct the audit, so people can have complete confidence that some people and organizations are not above the law and that all taxpayers are treated the same. jaybird: 1. the IRS wants even "employers" of babysitters to pay social security tax.
If the yearly amount is less than $1900, then probably not. jaybird: 2. Move on.org is reported to recruit and pay "demonstrators" at the Ferguson and other sites of "spontaneous" violence by non-local participants. "Nearly all these claims pointed to the above-cited Craigslist ads as evidence, but all of those ads simply sought door-to-door canvassers during an election year; none of them advertised positions as paid agitators or protesters." http://www.snopes.com/craigslist-ad-trump-rally/ jaybird: 3. Does the IRS audit Move on and other such groups to make sure that all of their paid-agitator employees are registered taxpayers, that all the social security taxes have been paid, and that all the 1099s have been filed? Yes, they are subject to IRS audit. jaybird: 4. Is there a penalty for failure to pay ss tax and register the social security numbers of employee-demonstrators? Maybe loss of tax status? It would depend on the particular circumstances. jaybird: {5}. Does the tax law have charitable or other exemptions for expenses used to hire thugs to threaten civil order and intimidate the law-abiding citizenry? Tax law does not have exemptions for illegal activity. QUOTE: jaybird: 3. Does the IRS audit Move on and other such groups to make sure that all of their paid-agitator employees are registered taxpayers, that all the social security taxes have been paid, and that all the 1099s have been filed? Yes, they are subject to IRS audit. That doesn't answer the question. Thanks Zach, I thought I recalled threats against babysitter payments.
Snopes is pretty left-wing-protective. Their explanation sounds like a clintonism "they didn't advertise for agitators (they just paid them)". There were Ferguson agitators who claimed they were not paid the offered $15/hour. Ferguson was not voter canvassing. Do you think the IRS does the same thorough investigation of tax-advantages organizations who pay agitators that it does of the clinton foundation's $145 million for sale of uranium? When Iran smuggles an atom bomb into New York and DC, will it contain uranium the Clintons sold for a $145 million "IRS-tax-protected-donation? But evil nuns or cake bakers need strict scrutiny to protect us from evil. (I'm not catholic, but nevertheless don't think nuns are actually all that evil and destructive to society) Here is general philosophical question and specific subquestions.
1. Are politicians liars or bullshitters? For this question bullshit is defined as something that is designed to impress but that was constructed absent direct concern for the truth. This distinguishes bullshit from lying, which entails a deliberate manipulation and subversion of truth (as understood by the liar). see the free-to-download paper by Gordon Pennycook et al, "On the reception and detection of pseudo-profound bullshit" http://journal.sjdm.org/15/15923a/jdm15923a.pdf 2. Is Trump a bulshitter or liar? 3. Is Hillary a bulshitter or liar? 4. What is more dangerous to our country, lying politicians or bullshitting politicians? "It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
- G.K. Chesterton JJM - I'll see your Chesterson, and raise you one Mencken:
“No one in this world, so far as I know — and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me — has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.” "And if Trump manages to win the presidency, maybe Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will move to Auckland. She’d be right at home there. It turns out that New Zealand doesn’t even have a constitution."
Not quite. New Zealand lacks a written constitution; in other words, its constitution is not codified into a single document. North Korea, Venezuela and Zimbabwe all have written constitutions though. I leave to others whether they'd prefer to live in one of those countries rather than New Zealand. And interesting perspective on urban crime stats and speculations on why support for unfettered immigration has such cross the board "elite" support. Spoiler alert: Hispanics have a low crime rate and displace the high crime rate Blacks near "elite" gathering points. Also interesting, NYC crime reduction is an outlier, i.e., it happened with far less Black population displacement compared to other cites. Note how Mark Zuckerberg was able to buy a million dollar compound just yards from the East Palo Alto border, unthinkable in the 1990s, but now that immigration has displaced the majority of the Black population...
Also, interesting NYC's crime reduction is an outlier in that it didn't come with a large displacement of Black population. QUOTE: Few matters are more likely to trouble the minds of our Harvard-educated intellectual elite than fear of suffering random violent assaults while they walk the streets of their own city. Yet no respectable progressive would possibly focus on the racial character of such an attack, let alone advocate the removal of local blacks as a precautionary measure. Instead Yglesias suggested that housing-density issues might have been responsible and that better urban planning would reduce crime. But consider that support for very high levels of foreign immigration is an impeccably liberal cause, and such policies inevitably displace and remove huge numbers of urban blacks; it is easy to imagine that Yglesias quietly redoubled his pro-immigration zeal in the wake of the incident. Multiply this personal example a thousand-fold, and perhaps an important strand of the tremendous pro-immigration ideological framework of American elites becomes apparent. The more conspiratorially-minded racialists, bitterly hostile to immigration, sometimes speculate that there is a diabolical plot by our ruling power structure to “race-replace” America’s traditional white population. Perhaps a hidden motive along these lines does indeed help explain some support for heavy immigration, but I suspect that the race being targeted for replacement is not the white one. This also dovetails with the drive to move Section 8 housing to suburareas.
A bit of a tangent, based on the comment in the editorial about voting for Hillary even if you don't like her. He remains furious that people voted for Nader, throwing the election to Bush, who "gave us the war in Iraq." I wonder what he thinks Al Gore would have done after 9/11. The Democrats would be even more squarely blamed, and there was enormous public pressure to "do something." Tom Friedman, you may recall, said "Well, we had to hit somebody."
Afghanistan? Iran? Iraq? Brinkmanship with Pakistan or Saudi that might be catastrophic? We don't know, and I don't pretend to know. But we would have done something military, as we had already bombed a factory, gone to war in Bosnia, exchanged escalating threats with Saddam. There is often this magical thinking in retrospect, that if X hadn't happened, everything else would be exactly the same, just without X. It is seldom a lie (though it can be), but it represents a failure to think things through very thoroughly. "There is often this magical thinking in retrospect, that if X hadn't happened, everything else would be exactly the same, just without X."
I believe that's a very human sort of thinking and we all tend to engage in it. It's also the sort of thinking that makes our touting of "reason" suspect when we approach history and politics. If something never happened, it can hardly be used to argue cogently against what did happen. It's of a piece with "if only I'd bought those Apple stocks way-back-when". This sort of magical thinking (as you put it) works not only in retrospect. We use the same crutch for making assertions about the future, to whit: "Clinton/Trump [your choice] would make a better president." Neither of them has ever been a president. The premise that one or the other might be the better president is based wholly on faith (well, ideology really) rather than reason. Enjoyed the Workers vrs Smirkers crack, or was it shirkers. Anyway, I'd like to pile on, always keeping in mind that no group is monolithic. It is not just the remoteness and old biddish meddling by the Technocrats but there are other negative perceptions: the underhanded sneakiness, the rules are for thee and not for me (Is HRC the poster child for these two perceptions or what?) and the perception that those at the top get the gain but collectivize or share the pain/ losses, when it all goes to hell like it did in 2008. Sorta like illegal immigration today.
Author Heather MacDonald has a new book out, "The War on Cops" and you can hear several interviews by searching her name and the title. Great info on "The Ferguson Effect" which is haunting our LEOs to this very minute.
Re: "Don't love Hillary? ..."
Heh. I could have written the same article based upon how much I loathe Mrs Clinton and wish the Republicans would unite in supporting Trump to defeat her! Ha. Looks like they are are in the same iffy boat. Let me just add that at least Trump got his chops by hard work. Mrs Clinton's hard work has been marrying her way into power, stepping all over her hubby's women, perfecting her deceitful public face, aligning strenuous support from corrupt DNC (it is 'her turn' so, Bernie, outta the way), Wall Street (6-figure speaking fees anyone?), and the ruined biased media. Not only that, who on earth can get past her base instincts abandoning our men in Benghazi and covering her butt with the gigantic lie? Saints preserve us from that woman. |