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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, July 2. 2016Saturday morning links
Five Steps Universities Could Take to Revive Free Speech on Campus Most Americans still believe in free speech but don't know much about it Major League Baseball must permanently retire ‘God Bless America,’ a song that offends everyone Good grief. Leave them alone Federal regulation of Internet coming, warn FCC, FEC commissioners Inventor of “Microaggressions” Term Says Liberals Are Misusing His Research That Time the European Union Tried to Ban Cinnamon Buns Greg Gutfeld: Brexit's babies: Why the Leavers won and the losers can't stop crying Are Human CO2 Emissions Saving Life on Earth? Owner of iconic Brooklyn pizza joint gunned down in hit job Casa Nostra is still around Elite K-8 school teaches white students they’re born racist Snowflake Intern Petitions for More Informal Dress Code Hilarity ensues Minneapolis Is the Wrong Place to Try a $15 Wage Ahmed The Clock Boy: “I Want To Help Change Texas For A Better State” CNN Has A Sad That People Are Talking About Terrorism, Not ‘Climate Change’ Reporter: FBI ordered ‘no photos, no pictures, no cell phones’ during Clinton/Lynch meeting FBI? Rush claims that you're being played:
Lynch’s plan to “remove herself” and “accept the FBI decision” over Clinton’s emails is probably a smokescreen Dems circle wagons of lies around Hillary after Benghazi report Clinton sought secret info on EU bailout plans as son-in-law's doomed hedge fund gambled on Greece No rules apply to them. Like Leona Helmsley, above the law. Forget the White House. Dump Trump to Save the Rest of the Ticket? Did Anyone Talking About Trump’s Speech Actually Hear It? Clinton Spending Roughly $500,000 a Day on TV Ads, Trump Zero Public Schools Told To Help Students ‘Recover’ From Trump Rhetoric His rhetoric about keeping their parents' jobs in America? Obama Administration Promoting Navy Commanders Based on Support for Global Warming Czech President Calls For EU, NATO Referendums Israel’s Water Revolution and Its Overflow for the World Comments
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"Israel’s Water Revolution"
The article was good but fell short of showing the incredible work Israel has done with water in a desert. There is almost no comparison between Israel and California. California indeed has deserts but they have water coming out of their ears. 100% of California's problem is politics and federal regulations. They intentionally flush more than half their fresh water out to the ocean for a variety of reasons. Lately it seems they actually don't want reservoirs to be full (I guess it subtracts from the global warming meme) so they release more water than necessary in the spring to assure a low reservoir in the summer. They restrict farmers water use such that farmers have had to destroy entire orchards while at the same time flushing billions of gallons out to sea in some vain attempt to save a fish that probably doesn't even need their help. It's our water policy that needs to be changed. The funny thing is that fully three-quarters of the idiots in California know what a paragraph break is.
Heh. Which makes it 5/6.
Windy writes in blocked unigraph because he thinks in a mental cupboard. Re: No rules apply to them [Clintons]. Like Leona Helmsley, above the law.
At least Helmsley offered to pay the full amount that she owed to the IRS. She didn't understand that her money was not the issue, it was her head on a platter as a threat to other potential tax cheats they were after. In the Clinton's case, it's just the opposite. They are the shining light for how other Democrats and miscreants can get away with it. Makes me wonder why I should care about all the laws and regulations these scoundrels come up with. Then I realize I would already be in jail. My fuse is getting short.
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." "He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance." We are all ready near the upper limit for the lifetime of a Republic. Maybe it's time to "refresh" ours.
U.N. Official 'Accidentally' Crushes Own Throat Right Before Testifying Against Hillary Clinton
QUOTE: Call it conspiracy theory, coincidence or just bad luck, but any time someone is in a position to bring down Hillary Clinton by testifying they wind up dead. And as you might have guessed, there are major inconsistencies with Ashe’s death. It was not only conveniently timed because Ashe died just a few days before being set to testify against Clinton in a corruption case, but official reports indicated he died of a heart attack. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-07-02/un-official-accidentally-crushes-own-throat-right-testifying-against-hillary-clintonU.N. Official 'Accidentally' Crushes Own Throat Right Before Testifying Against Hillary Clinton QUOTE: Call it conspiracy theory, coincidence or just bad luck, but any time someone is in a position to bring down Hillary Clinton by testifying they wind up dead. And as you might have guessed, there are major inconsistencies with Ashe’s death. It was not only conveniently timed because Ashe died just a few days before being set to testify against Clinton in a corruption case, but official reports indicated he died of a heart attack. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-07-02/un-official-accidentally-crushes-own-throat-right-testifying-against-hillary-clinton
2016-07-03 09:28
Well you must be right Zach, as it is verified by Clinton Hacks Snopes.
2016-07-03 10:46
Great picture. Two natural wonders, the dog and the wild river.
Re: Minneapolis Is the Wrong Place to Try a $15 Wage
Minimum wages are just another price control and they never work when implemented by politicians. They are really trying to pay off a voting bloc so the price or wage will easily go too high. After all, the politicians are dealing with somebody else's money. That will have the predictable effect of reducing the demand and thus produce a surplus of supply. Private price controls tend to work. Take de Beers who set the price of diamonds or the London gold price fixers. They are dealers that set a price. If they set it too high, there will be no buyers and they lose money. If they set the price too low, there will be a run on gold or diamonds and they will lose money. As long as the minimum wage was not too far out of whack, it's detrimental affects were reduced. When a burger flipper will get $30K a year plus benefits, there will be pushback. Megan might be surprised to find that some of this pushback is in San Francisco where everything is expensive! (http://www.techinsider.io/momentum-machines-is-hiring-2016-6). If you're trying to get your start in the job market in the fast food business, things will get very difficult and it will likely happen sooner rather than later. Rush claims that you're being played: We pretty much know what the quid pro is. Exactly what the quo is will depend on how the election turns out.
"Elite K-8 school teaches white students they’re born racist"
If they are born this way, didn't we learn anything with the assault on homosexuals about trying to change the way people were born? Progressives are not very consistent with their thinking. It is almost like they'll say anything in support of their entirely subjective agenda. That is a fantastic observation. I guess 'born this way' only applies to lefty nonsense. I don't believe anyone is born a racist, it takes years of practice. You have to want to hate. Love is more the natural human condition.
I don't believe anybody is born a racist either, but I don't think we are more naturally good. I think we all have the ability to hate just as we have the ability to love. I think it's a matter of upbringing, experiences, and choices around your upbringing and experiences.
Putting a religious spin on it, I think the Christian concept of Original Sin describes it well. We are all flawed and have to wrestle with our flaws. Good point! However, this bunch does not pride itself on critical or consistent thinking.
Homosexual = good (unless you are someone like Milo Yiannopoulos. Racist = bad (unless you are racist against whites) If one is "born" anything, then shouldn't one be given a pass for whatever particular aspect of one's character, race, sexual orientation, colour, etc., one has been born with. So whites - who don't get to pick their colour - should be given a pass because they can't help it.
""Clinton Spending Roughly $500,000 a Day on TV Ads, Trump Zero"
Political science majors and journalists hardest hit. What better way to deal with the "Never Trump" and the biased media than to refuse to slush money their way. And if Trump wins, a large chunk of the outsourcing to thee, but not for me crowd will learn the hard way how it feels when changes take away your chosen employment. QUOTE: Are Human CO2 Emissions Saving Life on Earth? No. The claim is that atmospheric CO2 would decline so that plants would die. While a drop in CO2 would result in less photosynthesis, this also means less CO2 would be removed from the atmosphere, resulting in a rough balance short of global extinction. QUOTE: That is not exactly the résumé of a shill for those evil Big Oil gremlins No. He gets his money from nuclear power and timber industries. A bit of falsehood here, if it were only plants yes less would be re.oved but the equilibrium point and be much less.
Also if your point is true, why is there always such an incredible drop in CO2 whenever we are in a glacial period in the current ice age? Seems like the equilibrium point you are talking about is mighty low, below the point where plants can be usefully farmed anyway. Wages are transitional. When I was under 12, people were willing to pay, but not much, for work they hated or really needed. I got $1.35/hour babysitting for three-under-three given my parents stayed home in an emergency. That lasted not long.
At that same age, I was paid $3/hour to teach "new math" to my brothers' classmates who were suddenly flunking the subject and their parents had not the foggiest idea what the texts book meant. By 13, a neighbor, whose eldest was taking off for college and needed some time before leaving the household, found I was useful for answering the home office phones, balancing checkbooks, sending out statements and other such chores. $2.50/hour and a good bit of learning on my part about being an in-between for the box industry. Repeated this job at age 14 because the wife/secretary's mother in another state needed attention. Expanded into taking orders, checking due dates, confirming deliveries, etc. = lots of phone work and customer interaction. Age 15 to 18: retail at Marshall Fields & Co. What can I say. Back to $1.50/hour but the lessons learned were monumental. After 18, this is when the conundrum starts. Do you work as an intern (no pay, perhaps some reimbursement for expenses) to enter a highly competitive area, OR do you charge forth at minimum wage working the service industry? I'm watching this grandchild generation evolve and balance between education/careers. The BIG problem is that lack of job experience (being paid OUTSIDE the household) between ages 12 to 18. Those six years made a huge difference regarding the choices I made later on. We need more teens at work early on. Pay or no pay, the experience makes a big difference in one's ability to make good choices. Re: Elite K-8 school teaches white students they’re born racist
Saying that someone is born a racist is the definition of racism. Since the faculty at the Bank Street School for Children are racist, it should not be surprising that they would teach the kids of one color to be proud of their color and the kids of another to be ashamed of their color. Unfortunately, schools like this are the downside of school choice. While I support the right of the faculty and administration of this or any private school to be racist, I would not allow my children to go to that school and I would be very wary of any kids or parents who sent their kids there. I would be furious if they received any tax payer money. I would note if the tables were turned and the kids who got the cupcakes were white and the kids who were made ashamed of their color were black, the Justice Department and the Department of Education (and probably the FBI, Homeland Security, HUD, IRS, and the EPA) would be crawling all over that school. I don't expect any Federal, New York State, or New York City agency to care a whit. In my life time, I've watched the pendulum swing from white racism against blacks, to, now, black racism against whites (both from the Democratic side of the political spectrum). I hope it starts swinging back to center where it belongs, but I have no expectation of that. Many who were part of the change away from racism against blacks will probably feel some of the sting they helped end. And the school Principal, a number of teachers, and some administrators would magically have child porn on their office and/or home computers. Provided by the inquisitors.
I only disagree with your point on being more naturally bad then good. How bad or good you are depends on your upbringing for sure. Through the grace of baptism, the inclination is towards good. Your free will decides the direction. Through the sacrament of reconciliation, it's never to late to reverse course; a weekly event for most of us.
re clock boy
The media is practically having an orgasm over this kid. If he was a white born again Christian, there'd be no story. QUOTE: “I want to help change Texas for a better state, and I hope that not just for Texas, but the entire world,” “People sometimes don’t want to admit their mistakes (I guess he doesn’t want to admit to his.),QUOTE: and sometimes the best thing to do is to help them change.” He was coached. A 12 year old would have never said this.QUOTE: While he’s in the U.S., he plans to take up invitations to visit well-known companies that followed in the wake of his arrest, He has an offer for an internship at Twitter. What are these companies thinking? Yeah yeah, I know. Twitter is a socialist company. But how do they calculate that associating themselves with this boy will enhance their public reputations?QUOTE: Ahmed knows what he wants to accomplish next: finish school in Qatar, attend the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and double-major in physics and electrical engineering. I bet he is a shoo-in to get into MIT as he is a minority celebrity. That means one less real American will attend.The clock stunt must have succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. It is an outrage. |
Tracked: Jul 03, 09:38