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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, May 10. 2016Where does loyalty belong?I am from the school of loyalty belonging in God, family, country, in that order. When it comes to voting, my loyalty does not belong to any individual or political party. My vote belongs to me. And, I have an obligation to behave responsibly and sensibly with my vote. In that vein, whether I am a lifelong Republican or conservative is important, but only in so far as my deeply held beliefs are furthered or protected. Many Republicans or conservatives are disaffected or in pique by the apparent triumph of Donald Trump. However, for me, Trump does not get my vote because I am a Republican or conservative but because the alternatives are far worse in a continuation of the Democrats' ongoing literal destruction of our ethics, our economy, and our national security, while in actuality doing relatively less to upraise the unfortunate than to tie them into being lackeys of the central government instead of their own initiative, compounded by our citizen poor being undercut by uncontrolled inflows of foreign competitors for jobs and public funds. To not vote is to vote for the continuation of the past 8-years of the outright assault on the very fiber of the United States. I cannot accept with any respect any Republicans or conservatives who will now support Hillary Clinton. They do not deserve it. They exhibit themselves as rent-seekers, to profit from her probable election to the presidency due to the lock that Democrats have on a near majority of the electoral college. Or, they exhibit their overriding loyalty to their liberal social circle in New York or Washington. They do not exhibit the judgment to choose the lesser of evils, and they increase the probability of loss of Republican control of the Senate and House, which only increases the damages from a leftist administration. Comments
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I agree Bruce. Personally, I think if you made a list of the 100 Worst People in America they would both be on it. But, when it comes down to who is likely to do more damage to the country, no contest.
Have read and enjoyed your posts for years. Thanks for much insight, information, and entertainment. I think a young, Democrat coal miner said it best the other day, "If Trump doesn't do what he says, we can vote him out in 4 years." Or something similar to that.
Trump is not the end of the world. Trump is by far a better choice than Hillary. And if Trump happens to do what he says he's going to do, I think a lot of Republican voters will be very happy. Zero chance of that with Hillary. Most of my presidential choices have fallen into the "lesser of two evils" category.
Electing Trump is like playing Russian Roulette; each interview or action could bring relief or destruction. Electing Hillary is playing Russian Roulette with a semi-auto.
First they ignore you, then they laughter at you, then they fight you, then you win. Donald Trump is no political savior, but he has upset the establishment order and that is fine with me. Watching everyone head to the fainting couches is hilarious. They don't know how ridiculous they are.
Except for the two times I voted for Reagan, I have always voted AGAINST a presidential candidate.
I even voted against him, settling on John Anderson in 1980. But point taken. Negative voting has an honored tradition in America.
Very, very fine, thoughtful remarks by everyone. This is why Maggie's is my first & last stop each day.
Susan Lee As a Canadian, I'm just sitting back enjoying the show. But what I sense is that Mr Trump really cares about America and ordinary Americans, whereas Ms Clinton really cares only about her entitlements. After her lies over the coffins of those killed at Benghazi, I lost any respect I had for her.
Ah, Maggies Farm. Such a comfortable place to rest a bit.
Mr. Trump is refreshing. His responsibilities: the military, the sovereign, trade agreements to protect the American worker, money (the Fed)…the skeleton that makes our country work. He's probably the most conservative candidate I have known in my many decades of voting. Healthcare? Back to the individual where the best choices can be made. Education? Back to the parents who are underwriting the propaganda disguised as learning. EPA, etc.? My pond isn't your pond…go away. This enormous list needs a thwack on the side of the head. Bye, but, bye. Having watched this man since the early '80s when I was working in real estate, I rest easy knowing that his rules are simple. Not too many regret working with or for him. Think about it. Most of these issues we are now discussing would never have been topics if Mr. Trump had not brought up their importance to our future. Well said Mr. Kessler !
Here is my slogan--I hope to see more people using it this year. DIRTY DIRTY == GIRLS GOVERNMENT DIRTY GIRLS EQUAL DIRTY GOVERNMENT !! We have watched for 30 years as the women's movement aligned itself with the union mob bosses and became itself a "women's mafia". Next important step is to create/organize non-profit agency like the ACLU. A repository for tax free donations to provide the necessary funding for local lawyers at the local levels to pursue cases against their local government. Otherwise, the LEVIATHAN does indeed grow larger with every success in every small town across the country. In order for Mr. Trump to win every white man in America has to stand up and say "NO MORE" to the abuse the women's movement has created. You guys have to get organized ! It may come as a surprise to some of you, but I think many are now beginning to realize--the woman's movement doesn't give a damn about "equality". It cares only about this "when women rule the world." Maybe Mr. K, or the Barrister would like to step in and explain what is wrong with that goal ! I am tired. I'm usually a bit of a negative voter; I'm not ever thrilled with the Republican candidate I get to vote for. In prior years, though, my choice has been much more obvious, if distasteful. This year, I'll certainly vote for Trump over Clinton, but honestly the choice is more difficult than I can ever remember it being before. I've never been this disgusted by my own candidate, or so troubled by the idea of giving my own candidate the nuclear codes. And the best I can expect out of the deal is a slightly reduced chance that, if he wins, he'll support fewer crazy statist initiatives, and put fewer Democrats on the Supreme Court bench. Not even a faux conservative in the mix this time! The man's an outright Democrat, as far as I can tell, just not quite as awful a one as Clinton.
Very close to my views. The thing that gives me the most pause is that Trump gives every indication of pursuing crony capitalist policies such as we've seen the last decade with nothing changing but the names on the checks. Like Herbert Hover eighty-odd years ago, who pioneered the policies that FDR would use to turn the Panic of 1930 into The Great Depression, Trump will be used as an example if why 'Republican' economic policies don't work for generations.
Tracked: May 13, 22:49