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Wednesday, April 20. 2016A question for you TrumpistasWhy do you like Trump? Is it because you think he is the only Repub who can win, is it his attitude and the atmospherics, is it plain hope, or is it his policy tendencies? Besides immigration, in my view nothing he says about policy makes any sense to me. So why Trump? Tell me. I am persuadable.
Posted by The News Junkie
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I don't like Trump at all, but can't stand Bernie and Hillary I wouldn't vote for if she was the only person running. So I would vote for Trump just as a FU to the current idiots running this country and when most liberals heads explode, l will LMAO.
Every vote for Trump is, at its root, an "FU" protest vote. Agreed. It seems at this point, we're fucked if we go with Trump and fucked if we don't, so why not send a message to the GOP leadership that brazenly ignoring the voters on a litany of issues (immigration, TPP, etc), isn't going to be taken anymore?
I'd be the first to admit that Trump winning the general is hard to picture, but for whatever reason, I find it harder to see Cruz winning over enough non-traditionally conservative voters to have a higher chance (if any at all) of winning. 1. he's not the hildabeest.
2. he's not Cruz, a party hack handpicked by GOP party bosses where "hack" = "handpicked by party bosses". Cruz and the GOP are afraid of contested elections, the point isn't to give the GOP voter a choice, or even to defeat the 'beest. these backdoor deals are to preserve the power of the party elites, and they and their boy Cruz are going to get slaughtered in the general election. note well: that last point doesn't matter to them. question: why do any of you think Cruz will be any different from any other party hack chosen by GOP/DNC party bosses? if you think this time it will be different, you're insane. in the words of the 19th century philosopher Fletcher, "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining." Cruz a party hack?
Far from it. A year ago, he was the tea party golden boy, hated by the establishment. I don;t get all of this. what happened a year ago doesn't matter in the least.
let me restate this: he is a party hack handpicked by GOP party bosses where "hack" = "handpicked by party bosses". maybe you'd care to rate these issues in importance: 1. letting the average GOP voter determine who is on the GOP ticket. 2. beating Mrs Bill. 3. displaying skill at manipulating party rules. Just because you restate it doesn't make any truer than it was when you first stated it. Yours is a gratuitous statement equally gratuitously denied.
Please provide the evidence in the form of any polling that shows Trump will beat Field Marshall Rodham. The last I've seen, and I full admit that my information may be old at this point, showed that Cruz would beat her and Trump would not. Finally, the word is "following, " not "manipulating" the rules. B.S. the typical Trumpkin disinformation about Cruz. His whole career has been spent fighting "city hall". Trump on the other hand is the penultimate insider buying influence with members of both parties
It isn't just immigration but also work vistas being used to replace local employees. Now also add trade negotiations...there is a reason that Chinese politicians are speaking out against Trump. Unlike Bush 1, Clinton 1, Bush 2, Obama, and possibly Clinton 2, I do not see Trump chasing after enemies around the globe but instead focusing on national level problems rather than being an international socialist chasing after WORLD problems. And yea, he can get Mexico to build that wall...just stop trade at rail and truck crossings on the border until they use the illegals to build that wall.
Funny. Not much of what you have to say makes sense to me
or 85% of the general population. Drop dead. Now you have been told why Trump is popular and your Acela point of view is not. Maybe you need to get out in the real world. After the 2014 midterm GOP Congressional betrayal. It seems there's no difference between the 2 parties to me. Trump is my (middle finger) protest vote to the GOP wing of the Democratic party.
I think Trump can do things Cruz cannot. One of those things is he gets the peoples backing which scares the hell out of Congress and the Senate which translates into making them do that which they haven't been able to or willing to do so far. Lowering tax on corporations which could encourage them to reinvest in their companies which should bring rehiring, lower tax on average Joe taxpayer enabling me being one of them to enjoy more of my hard work, Potentially build the wall that was funded already and forcing a hard look at the Liberals use of illegals to gain control the country, Work with the military, etc.
Cruz would probably be the better choice but he cannot as of yet do what Trump is able to do which is deliver a much needed Bitch slap to Media, the legislative, the executive, and the judiciary branch. Will he do some things wrong ? Probably. But i think he has something needed in America, a common item most hard working people have which is bottom line. His is affected by commerce the same as is mine. So in that i will vote for him and hope that Kasich gets no where near it. Corruption is rampant and destroying the country. It is easy to agree with Kass of the Chicago Tribune that the GOPe and Dems are together like a criminal organized crime "outfit". GOPe crooks get 45% of the slush, Dems get 55% of the slush of this corruption.
It is surprisingly affordable to buy your own Senator. Want a tax break, buy it. (tax breaks steal from the plebes who do pay taxes and the rest of the unconnected public which is on the hook for trillion dollar borrowing to pay the "connected" crooks. Want a government contract, give money to the politicians at a 1000-to-1 return. Don't want to personally slip cash into a politician's pocket - hire a lobbyist pledged to go to jail before revealing your bribe. Don't want to be criminally harassed by the co-opted government agencies - give protection money to the establishment politicians in power. Want a job - go to China. Are you a 5'10" male who wants to go to college - deem yourself a 6'5" female-black-hispanic lgbt who is traumatized by the thought of chalk. The concept of fiduciary duty to the country and its citizens is gone from current politicians - they are in it just to preserve their positions and to steal as much as they can for themselves and their cronies. It would be better to clone Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Madison (if we can do it for mastadons, why not George) than vote for Trump, but that is not yet a choice. Vote them all out. Vote against every incumbent. It probably takes a newbie several months to figure out how to get bribes, which is a few months respite from corruption. Maybe Trump will tell them "you're fired" (marvelous image strategy, if it was pre-planned) Isn't that slim possibility enough to vote for him? He had me at the first debate, answering Bret Baier on why he donated to Clinton Foundation - "I needed a politician, so I bought one (paraphrasing here)". And Bret shut him up immediately. Refreshing. Plus:
Immigration Trade Retooling the NATO dinosaur He noticed the Cold War was over, and it's a new century Maybe he's not owned by the military/industrial complex, and we can stop warring all the damn time. Rick, the reason politicians are so easily bought by people like Trump is that cfooked politicians don't have any overhead. So it is all profit, no expenses. They sell the capital of the unconnected US citizens. Or create laws or regulations to favor their bribers, or to harass the competitors/enemies of their bribers, or to raise prices for unconnected citizens. Being a crooked politician selling out the country is a tremendous, proven business model. Everybody wants to give you money, or have you as an unnamed business "partner", and pay you big bucks to talk, and contribute to your "foundation" which employs your family and friends. all you ahve to do is approve the sale of uranium mines to our enemies; its as easy as that!! It is easy to become very, very wealthy on just a small public salary. What else can an ethically-challenged person with little usefully productive skill do to become rich on a low salary?
I am not a Trump supporter though I do like the fact that he stands up to the media and his opponents and fights. OTOH God only knows what his stance on the issues are because they change everyday.
Having said that, if he is elected POTUS, my expectations of him doing anything beneficial are exceedingly low. He is going to climb on that government hoss, kick it in the flanks, slap its shoulders and pull on the reins, and that old hoss will pin its ears back, bow its neck, and buck him off. Then it will stomp him into the ground for good measure. The Dems will oppose him and I expect a good number of the GOP will oppose him as well if the rhetoric is to be believed. The Administrative State is out of control and continually thumbs its nose at Congress. It will continue on its merry way. Trump has shown no interest in bring them to heel. I doubt he could if he wanted to. The damage will continue. Still, it would not surprise me if he could get a populist issue like large tariff increases passed and that would do enormous damage to the economy. It would result in huge price increases in most of what we buy, and then the layoffs and lost business on the export side. Tariffs would help the unions and create more unemployed to be dependent on government. If you are a dem, what's not to like about that? Anyhow, prepare to be bitterly disappointed. Trump is no savior and in any event it is too late for one. Paste it in your hat. Small disagreement on the administrative state...Trump like all businessmen has had to deal with the administrative state and they will NOT be forgotten.
I want 1) a guy on our mound who believes, sincerely, that the inside half of the plate is his, and 2) everyone, everywhere knows it.
I am guessing that Trump is that guy. I like his policy preferences:
1. Immigration 2. Nationalist position on trade, jobs 3. Less enthusiastic about foriegn wars Doesn't take crap from media and won't cow to PC demands. I liked Cruz until I saw a lot of Cruz. If Trump causes a collapse of the current GOP than good Jeff Sessions supports him Trump's policy positions on trade, immigration, and foreign policy are more in line with my own thinking than the indistinguishable platforms of both the Republican and Democratic parties on these issues. Push has come to shove, and I am tired of the fact that we basically have one political party in this country when it comes to immigration, foreign policy, and trade.
Why can't we have a conversation about these things? Why is it that we're not even allowed to talk about it? Who is being protected by these silences and why? I do not see the vast majority of Americans having gotten any benefits from these policy positions - only the elite. I'm a Massachusetts Democrat who lives in Georgia, and I voted for Trump. I'm a Democrat and even though Georgia is a crossover state I didn't and voted the Democrat ballot. And I didn't vote for either a corrupt, "Dead broke", congenital liar nor a Socialist porn writer.
If I had been a Republican I would have voted for Governor Kasich. I will vote for whoever the Republicans nominate. I also hope that my party returns to normalcy sometime but I don't think it will happen in my lifetime. I hope Mr. Trump wins the nomination just because it may wake up the Republicans who did nothing that they promised they would do. I'm not saying they will this time but it's worth taking a chance. This one is easy. You know what you will get with Hildebeast running things... 4-8 more years of 'fundamentally transforming America' and more dumb military interventions. With Trump, you don't know what you will get, but at least there is the possibility that he will do some good. And if he does nothing at all, that would be preferable as well to the Dems' plans.
Another important reason I encourageTrump is that he has absolutely no patience or sympathy for the SJW types. All this nonsense about BLM, LGBT, microagressions, etc would be ridiculed and disdained from the hioghest level, and that would make a lot of difference in the general tone and tenor of our society. Also, would have a chance to clear out Social Justice lefties from Gov't agencies like the EPA, the Pentagon, etc. I agree on the sjw etc house cleaning idea. The difficulty will come about in coping with the myriad rules used to retain incompetents. Just review what is happening with the VA...... Think tick on long haired dog.....
Maybe it's a not-east-or-west-coastal-state thing, presuming that you, News Junkie, are coastal-statish. Overflown, overlooked, disregarded... Maybe we're all Howard Beale in "Network": I'm mad as Hell and I'm not going to take this any more!"
I like Trump because the RNC despises him; I like Cruz even more because the RNC loathing of Cruz goes to 11.
FU to the Republican party apparatchiks. Since I will vote third party regardless of who the nominees are, all I can say is "I didn't and I won't vote for him."
People say "that just means Hillary will win!" So what? He's not that different. People will say "you wasted your vote!" No vote is wasted if it votes your conscience. You don't have to vote for a winner - most of us don't, over the long haul (unless you've been extraordinarily lucky and always backed the winner). You don't even have to vote for someone who is considered to have the potential to win. You just have to vote for what's right. Nobody in this election represents anything I consider to be good. Cruz is close, but is still not good enough. He can be manipulated, he is a jerk, and his concepts of mixing religious belief with government bother me. But from my perspective, Trumpistas love his blowhard nature and anti-establishment (though he is completely establishment) rhetoric. They also confuse being good at business with understanding economics (I'd argue he's not that good at business - he's good at screwing people who don't have as much leverage as him, and that's having good lawyers and good political connections). He knows nothing of the Constitution, and that scares me. But then again, at this point, does it all really matter? We're screwed no matter who wins. http://www.toledoblade.com/image/2016/04/12/800x_b1_cCM_z/Kirk12-1.jpg Besides loathing for the party establishment, the most prevalent reason I've heard for voting for Trump is that he "will un-cuck America"
So there's that. I don't like him because he's a leftist, but I'll vote for him against Hillary because she should be in prison. The US government is the largest business on this planet. Shall we trust it again to a person with zero business experience? Imagine putting any of those characters other than Mr. Trump in full charge of, say, General Electric. I'm a stockholder in the USA.
I’m taking this query seriously because I think we, as a country. have to make a serious decision about what we want to BE now that we’re kinda “grown up”.
My grandparents were political people, not that they ever had any job in politics or benefitted by a political operative, but that they came from a heritage so smothered by the elites of their, mostly, European ancestors that the very freedom of a country where one could start by the sheer effort of his/her ingenuity and labor could result in some degree of security for raising a family with an even better future ahead made them believe that their PARTICIPATION was imperative. They taught us that: learn civics, study history and The Constitution, take part in that freedom to make a lemonade stand, vote, contribute to those politicians who back your ideals, participate in your community’s welfare and anywhere beyond that when America’s rewarded your efforts. THEY deserve me paying attention and selecting people who consider, not just their proven little club in Washington and the U.N., but those people who, for instance, spent hours tracking up and down stairs moving my neighbors because they had lost their jobs and could no longer afford the house – no mortgage and no outstanding bills, but property taxes. Thank you all you blinking politicians who have secure retirement, secure healthcare, a secure revolving door in and out of financial windfall jobs from your government “buddies’ and those who need your access. No money for your local, state, federal projects to pay off your voters, just up something…or forgeddabout da budget. You seriously want me to trust someone whose entire career has been based on living off the Government VS, someone who is used to playing the government GAME, but not necessarily looking for his children and grandchildren having to be at wefts and warps of a self-indulgent cabal? Spare me. He’s openly saying many, many things that need to be said. His immigration program is for real. He’s saying we’re shipping our jobs overseas, we’re selling our borders, we’ve gone to war for the wrong reasons, our politicians are owned by special interests, the media is corrupt. He’s not rattling a saber at Russia, and that’s good. He’s great at handling the mind-blowing, petty insults that the media slings at him. He doesn’t cower and that’s extremely refreshing in a world of effeminate men. His criticisms of Hillary and the Iraq War are dead on. He is correct that Muslims should not settle in America, but then there should be no legal or illegal immigration for now at all so there is no need to vent on Muslims. Jim Kalb is right, political correctness has cast a death-like pall. Trump cuts through that.
Why Trump is liked
http://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/2015/November/39/11/magazine/article/10829676/ Here is another reason to like Trump
https://ricochet.com/an-open-letter-to-the-conservative-media-explaining-why-i-have-left-the-movement/ For me, it is all about the courts. The courts are where the left has done the most damage to this country. Four years of Hillary will destroy what is left of the Bill of Rights. One more lefty living constitution type, and it is all over. I don’t know what kind of judge Trump will nominate, but I am sure of the type that Hillary will. I am sick and tired of being ruled by un-elected judges. The entire federal government is utterly out of control. I have no illusions that Trump will fix any of it, but my hope is that he won’t make it worse. I agree with most sentiment, there is just something about Cruz that I don’t trust. I just can’t get excited about him. I was excited about Trump; the debates crushed that. He is a blow hard. His stupid tariffs will be a disaster. Tariffs do not work. He is a flag in the wind. Maybe we can blow him in the right direction.
Trump can think a little and then stumble and bumble his way out of anything. He is the only candidate giving a hardy "up yours" to the politically correct. He wants to dismantle the Dept. of Education and their evil plans for our kids. He wants to reign in the EPA. He knows that the authors of our trade agreements plan on American workers earning the peanuts the Third World earns. His instincts are better than anyone running. He likes the U.S.A. The list is long.
Really great question. Thanks for asking it and not sneering at the Trump supporters.
So, what are the skill sets required by a President? Cruz and Hillary seem to be the ultimate Wonks, the kind of people who can process and regurgitate white papers. Bah. I get its usefulness, but still it’s not a skill I value above all others, especially when there is no, in the trenches, hands on experience, to back it up. It probably explains why they sound so tsk,tsky and Church Lady like. I am not a fan of people who have spent their entire adult lives in the public sector. But if I had to pick, I think we would be better served by someone who has at least been a governor, and wrestled with budgets and cutbacks, and had to face really hard choices. Trump brings a building skill set to the table. The ability to organize, coordinate, and direct people to accomplish a high dollar major project on time and on budget, is a useful skill set. The ability to analyze and access risk is critical, as well as knowing how and when to apply pressure and incentives when needed seems more useful. I have worked for an uber competent, actively engaged, entrepreneurial manager who worked his @ss off and knew how to get the most out of his resources and knew how to assess and balance the trade offs, because there are always trade offs. In the private sector, useless money pits go away, if for no other reason than, by attrition. I don’t know if Trump fits the profile, but he certainly has some successes under his belt. If, due to circumstances beyond your control, you had to take a leave of absence for a couple of years, who would you trust to run your business? Even though I doubt Trump would be much worse than anyone else, I have a lot of problems with voting for him. You can’t have a clown as President is number one, even though it might be a lot of fun and gratifying. And, the second is I doubt he has any really coherent plan to Make America Great. OTOH, nobody else does either. That said, I am an American, I want to live in America, not some transnational flophouse. I like Trump because he is the only one who truly understands that our planet is being manipulated by extraterrestrials who look like humans when they need to, and then revert to their horrible selves when the cameras are turned off. They would kill him if he came right out and said that, so he speaks in code about Mexico building a wall and taking jobs back from China. They don't get it, but we do. Planet Earth will be safe when Trump is nominated by the party he has never been a part of. Besides, Cruz looks like he could be an alien trying to look like a human.
Trump is the only candidate with real-world experience. The other candidates are pre-programmed drones.
Because I'm done with being Charlie Brown. The ball will not be there with any other candidate. If he closes the border only, I'm good.
I am not a Trumpista I am a Cruzer, but I think I know the answer. Most politicians will carefully avoid addressing any of the important issues and prefer to discuss how they will fleece us and buy votes with free stuff. The constitution is used for toilet paper and the country is headed over a cliff. Trump addresses the issues that about 30 million voters are concerned with and all politicians avoid. Is Trump right or able to make it happen if elected? I don't know but at this point what difference does it make. We know if Kasich, Jeb, Rubio, Hillary or any one from congress were to become president that they will continue to sell off America and flood the country with welfare seeking future Democrat voters. Compared to most of the candidates Trump is a freaking genius and probably has accomplished 1000 times more in his life than all of them put together. He has one unredeemable fault and that is his New York style of anger and looking for an arguement. Other than that he is head and shoulders above 99% of those in congress more honest, more capable and actually has done something in his life other than seeking government office. I simply do not know if he would be a good president But is Obama? Would Hillary be better?
Nice, start out with name-calling in the title.
But I was for Cruz, voted for him on Super Tuesday. But unfortunately, Cruz has not show himself to have the instincts to win the general. Yes, he's a good technical candidate with the delegates, but the general can't be won by inside baseball. For the general, he'd have to appeal to some number of independents and Democrats who wouldn't normally vote Republican. But Cruz has shown no ability. So even is all the Republicans come together behind Cruz as the candidate, he still loses, just like Romney, just like McCain. Plus, Cruz, sadly, demonstrated no talent for legislating while in the Senate. He stood up, but never revealed he could come to a "best deal" settlement. Trump, on the other hand, has demonstrated an ability to beat the Dems and MSM at their own corrupt game. It's possible he is making mistakes or he could be provoking to suck the air out of the issue. Plus, he's not seriously ideological so negotiated compromise will be his strong suit. And then finally, I'd vote for Trump just to piss them off. I don't know exactly who "them" are, but f'em. So here's a thought. Trump wins the nomination then recruits Bernie as his VP running mate.
I will vote for Trump because he isn't Hillary. I liked Fiorino but that didn't work out.
Another explanation
http://heatst.com/politics/vox-day-of-gamergate-why-i-support-donald-trump/ Like so many before me, I dropped in to say that I don't respect Trump the man much. I have no hope that he is some sort of national savior. But I do like sending a message to the GOP that I won't be taken for granted any more. Stop ramming Romney and Rubio types down my throat.
If Trump makes Mexico and China take notice that you can't buy your way into our political system it will be mission accomplished. Anything beyond that is gravy. But it would be nice if Trump proved to be as tough a negotiator with public sector unions as he has been in business. A lot of us talk about the national debt being a mess (and God knows it is) but the bigger economic danger is the unfunded pension liabilities being wracked up by state and local govts all over the country. So it all boils down to Trump being an anti-establishment candidate. I know that he isn't perfect in this regard. But nobody who is would ever have gotten this far without his high name recognition and his bankroll. Like him or hate him, he is our best hope. That and he is no Hillary. "But it would be nice if Trump proved to be as tough a negotiator with public sector unions as he has been in business. "
------------------------------------------- One of Reagan's high points was when he fired all the air traffic controllers, blacklisted them and said they would never work again. I hope President Trump will follow the pattern in dealing with all the crud in this country who are telling everyone else what to do. Trump LIKES America and Americans, and he believes in American Exceptionalism---our culture, our body of law, our morals; he's on OUR side. I'm so damned tired of America being manipulated by lefties (and politicians too cowardly and venal to fight against them)---by ideologues and moral vermin who actually hate the USA, that I could rip all my hair out.
America has incredible potential, and it is being led to commit suicide by worthless nihilists. Trump offers a chance at a last-minute reprieve. Haven't you noticed he is actually risking his life to do this? I have noticed that he is risking his life running for President. He really cares about The United States and realizes that an American Union is the end of the United States of America.
In addition I believe the Politicians are all Wall Street. Mr. Trump is Main Street. This is my first comment here (I think), although I've been a reader for a while. Thank you for asking. I hope it is ok to make a series of posts to lay out my case for Mr Trump, since you asked? It will take a bit of space. I am an actively practicing Evangelical Christian and Texas Republican who voted for: George W Bush, Rick Perry, Greg Abbott... and Ted Cruz for *Senator*. This first post covers the straight governmental side of things. A followup will cover my reasons as a committed Christian for supporting Dr Norman Vincent Peale's most successful student.
I did my homework before deciding to support Mr Trump, and reviewed full transcripts and serious articles about his 30 years in the public eye to make that choice. The more I learned about his serious and consistent contributions to America's political dialog during these decades, the more I realized that he is the BEST qualified with both the ability and will to lead our nation out of debt, back to the rule of law under our legitimate Constitutional principles, and back into the predictable governance that is essential for liberty. He’s better -and more sensible - than Reagan in a lot of ways, plus he has a greater capacity for accomplishment through negotiation and action than Reagan had. In one of the final debates I was shocked that Bush did not know the Keystone Pipeline is a privately owned project. I expected Bush and Cruz at least to understand that. But only Mr Trump knew it, and he actually brought it up because even the moderators didn’t think to include it as a question. In the ABC Debate, I loved the point made that Mr Trump and Dr Carson are people who actually DO things, while the politicians on stage “spent 5 minutes arguing about how they voted on bad legislation that never passed.” The more I listen to Mr Trump, the more I recognize how much more he actually knows and understands – about American law, about US foreign policy, about our genuine allies or potential allies and those faux allies like the Saudis, about the hard realities of these wars we are in, than the politicians do. People make mistakes, even when it is a miscalculation such as Iraq was, and it is hard to admit it but we must admit the truth otherwise we can’t start fixing the damage. Mr Trump was the only person on stage who understands the true relationships we need in foreign policy. Everyone else seems to have forgotten (or perhaps they do not know) that it was Russia that went after the Islamic fundamentalists back in the 70s when the mujadiheen took over Afghanistan and pushed their women behind the veil, into the back rooms,and refused to allow girls to attend school. Putin has restored primacy to the Orthodox Church in Russia and is supporting the safety of Christians in the Middle East while the Obama Administration refuses to recognize the genocide being waged against them. That doesn't mean Mr Trump thinks Russia is trustworthy - in fact he has actually negotiated with Russia before and has commented about that (see quotes below in the next post). But it does mean he understands how to appreciate Russia as a competitor and use their proclivities toward America's best interests, instead of charging in to thwart them "just because" like happened in Afghanistan in the 1980s and now in Syria. It is Reagan that we have to thank for the illegal alien amnesty mess that is probably going to become the most important legacy of his entire career. Mr Trump’s position paper on the lawbreakers and how to effectively address it exactly follows both the genuine bi-partisan Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act of 1996, and the recommendations and findings of the Barbara Jordan Commission on the subject. To answer some of the epithets used by his opponents (not on this site), there’s nothing "fringe” about that. Nothing “opportunist” or "populist" about applying the best, most carefully studied and openly debated immigration law the nation has ever had. Mr Trump's points and plans are reasonable, legitimate, and have been consistent with America's best interests, while the politicians continued to follow the failing policies that brought us into the debt, disorder and decline of today. His dedicated approach toward correcting the path and getting us back on course is the work of a statesman. Here are some quotes from various sources before this election cycle, that support my points above:
From a 1997 article in New Yorker about Donald Trump: "The list of superpower leaders and geopolitical strategists with whom Trump has engaged in frank and fruitful exchanges of viewpoints includes Mikhail Gorbachev, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, former Secretary of Defense William Perry, and the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff. " [March 1990 Playboy archived at TheCorporateCulture dotcom] "I believe in positive thinking, but I also believe in the power of negative thinking. You should prepare for the worst. If I'm doing a deal, I want to know how bad it's going to be if everything doesn't work rather than how good it's going to be. I have a positive outlook, but I'm unfortunately also quite cynical. So if all the negatives happened, what would my strategy be? Would I want to be in that position? If I don't, I don't do the deal. My attitude is to focus on the down side because the up side will always take care of itself. ..." [March 1990 Playboy] (Interviewer: How far are you willing to push adversaries?) Mr Trump: "I will demand anything I can get. When you're doing business, you take people to the brink of breaking them without having them break, to the maximum point their heads can handle-without breaking them. That's the sign of a good businessman: Somebody else would take them fifteen steps beyond their breaking point." [March 1990 Playboy] "Nothing wrong with ego. People need ego, whole nations need ego. I think our country needs more ego, because it is being ripped off so badly by our so-called allies; i.e., Japan, West Germany, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, etc. They have literally outegotized this country, because they rule the greatest money machine ever assembled and it's sitting on our backs. Their products are better because they have so much subsidy. We Americans are laughed at around the world for losing a hundred and fifty billion dollars year after year, for defending wealthy nations for nothing, nations that would be wiped off the face of the earth in about fifteen minutes if it weren’t for us. Our "allies" are making billions screwing us." [March 1990 Playboy] (Interviewer: Besides The real-estate deal, you've met with top-level Soviet officials to negotiate potential business deals with them; how did they strike you?) Mr Trump: "Generally, these guys are much tougher and smarter than our representatives. We have people in this country just as smart, but unfortunately, they're not elected officials. We're still suffering from a loss of respect that goes back to the Carter Administration, when helicopters were crashing into one another in Iran. That was Carter's emblem. There he was, being carried off from a race, needing oxygen. I don't want my President to be carried off a race course. I don't want my President landing on Austrian soil and falling down the stairs of his airplane....." 1999 Interview with Larry King (archived at CNN): TRUMP: " No, no. What you can do is you can negotiate fair trade agreements. So that instead of billions and billions of dollars going out, you can reduce your taxes by having it come back in. You know, I know the best negotiators. I would put the right people in charge of negotiation. We've been ripped as a country by virtually every country we do business with. TRUMP: I'm not an isolationist. What I am, though, is I think that you have to be treated fairly by other countries. If other countries are not going to treat you fairly, Larry, I think that those countries should be -- they should suffer the consequences. KING: So this isn't fair trade? Free trade isn't fair trade? TRUMP: "No, free trade is a wonderful thing, and I believe in free trade, but, at the same time, it's got to be fair trade. You look at some of these -- I mean, look what Japan does with the cars and the subsidies and everything else, and look at Korea, with the ships and the subsidies they get. I mean, it's very unfair to this country." Article about Donald Trump in the Oct 4, 1989 Issue of People Magazine: "When the city of New York floundered for six years and spent $12 million trying to get the Wollman Skating Rink rebuilt in Central Park, Trump stepped in and did it in four months for $2.1 million," Mr Trump did this free of charge to the city and its residents." See also Mr Trump's testimony before the US House of Representatives Task Force on Urgent Fiscal Issues in 1991 (CSPAN); Donald & Melania Trump on Larry King Live in 2010 supporting Arizona's SB 1070 Yep, Cruz is such the outsider he is teaming up with the darling inside candidate (in his mind at least) Kasich to "stop Trump" winning the nomination. Right. This guy, Ted, has no core values otherwise he wouldn't be with the "Establishment" in trying anything to stopping Trump. They can't win by votes so they are doing slime politics in attempting to stop Trump. Hope it backfires spectacularly on Ted. I am sure it will, as he has zero common sense.
Boy Ted is sure a different politican, huh? As I said last week Ted Cruz is part of our problem. He talks one way and acts the opposite. |