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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, March 22. 2016Tuesday morning links
A few people develop a compulsive urge to crack jokes 24 hours a day Remember America’s first experiment with socialism? The war on standards in Twin Cities schools Activism U and the End of Education Vindicated: Professor Whose Students Wanted Her Fired for Politically Incorrect Statements Rhode Island Bill Would Criminalize Offensive Speech Say, Who Will Lead The Anti-Capitalist Climate Revolution? Bill de Blasio’s surprising Trump-envy Bill Clinton Trashes Obama: 'Awful Legacy of the Last Eight Years' Glenn Reynolds: How David Brooks created Donald Trump Paul Ryan just revealed that the GOP has learned nothing from its Trump debacle Clinton vs. Trump on taxes "We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated." Harrington On Trump: Typical Democratic Playbook Won’t Work Mexican government urging US immigrants to become citizens and vote Stop Trump Movement Gets Boost From Mexico's Efforts in U.S. Dozens Killed And Injured After Massive Bomb Explosions Rip Through Belgium Airport. Subway Station - Live Feed Presbyterians strike again Cuba Breaks Up Weekly Dissident March Hours Before Obama Visit Obama Urged to Press Havana on Cuban Interrogation of American POWs Trackbacks
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re: Has Paul Ryan learned nothing?
Concern-trolling from Brookings? This might mean expanded tax credits or payroll tax cuts for working-class families. Maybe even broad wage insurance for people who lose their jobs, whether to offshoring or the robots. Social Security reform that improved benefits for those at the bottom. And wouldn't the GOP be better off if voters thought it was the party obsessed with making higher education a better value for students as opposed to cutting taxes at the top? If the GOP wants to get more voters, they gotta give the voters what they want - more Democratic policies. Expand tax credits, start a whole new unemployment program, increase Social Security spending, free college - how is this any different from what Hillary or Bernie are promising? Sounds to me like they're plumping for the same old GOP, run on promises of smaller government, make government bigger once you get elected. Who's the one here who hasn't learned anything from the Trump "debacle"? Forget it, Jake; it's The Week. Don't know nuthin, won't learn nuthin.
Why I Don't Buy Organic, And Why You Might Not Want To Either
It’s not my place to tell anyone else what to do, but I’d like to lay out three, seriously considered factors that have shaped my personal stance on organic... He said, then proudly going on for a thousand paid words in a business magazine, not once elaborating on the cronyism, anti-trust, and waste in deeply centralized, cronied agriculture. (Or the inhumanity, if any habitual, protein-mythologizing, grocery cart-pushing slaughterhouse supporters care, the folks half a dozen generations removed from survivalist sustenance.) I don't want to name any names but Savage is a tool. Instead, how about not practicing rightist progressivism, the notion that shaming your political cartoon constitutes a position and not a lifestyle pose. It is a pose; it's a pose because it has no problem-solving in it, just reinforcement of an artificial establishment that supports a bad and normally unsustainable habit. I.e., it's progressive. Enough with the left-leaning co-dependence, please. Worse, stop losing cultural battles because you shoot so low all the time. You've lost an entire nation; carping about your cartoon's food religion solves that? Well that explains it. Brussels probably just bought organic.
And ChiChi's, 2003, 640 Hepatitus A cases, four dead. Commercial onions; Jack in the Box, 1993, 732 E coli cases, 178 permanent, four dead. Commercial beef; Pilgrim’s Pride, 2002, Listeria, 46 cases, seven dead, 3 miscarriages. Commercial chicken; Corporation of America, 2008, Salmonella, 714 cases, 26 states. Institutional peanut butter: Hillfarm Dairy, 1985, Salmonella, 16,000 cases, nine dead. Commercial milk; Sara Lee, 1998, sold Listeria, 100 cases, six miscarriages, 21 dead. Commercial hot dogs and cold cuts; Maple Leaf Foods, 2008, Listeria, 57 cases, 22 deaths. More commercial cold cuts; Jensen Farms, Listeria, 146 cases, 30 deaths. Commercial cantaloupes; Jalisco, Listeria, 142 cases, 52 deaths incl 19 stillbirths and 10 infants. Commercial cheese. Equal opportunity offender: European organic farm, 2011, Listeria, 3,950 cases 53 deaths. Correlation is not causation, if that still needed saying. Chipotle may well have been the victim of sabotage. Someone doing funny stuff with the stock price? Also, like the other food chains with problems, the common thread is having food processed in a large facility and then sent out to stores. (remember all those huge amounts of hamburger recalled, gigantic meat processors, repeated incidents...)
Furthermore, I think the article on organics misses an important point about our food nowadays which is that more and more of it is coming from sketchy suppliers overseas. Foreign fruits and vegetables (whether conventional or labelled "organic") are NOT as healthy as American grown. Even if one doesn't buy American produce (as I do) to employ one's fellow citizens, and American farmers, one might consider doing so because our own regulations about pesticides, labor laws, etc. tend to discourage workers pooping in fields, and the use of now prohibited pesticides. I spent part of my childhood in the Third World and fruit there was still sprayed with arsenic, vegetables fertilised with human poop, etc. My personal preference is for organic. However most people cannot afford it. And shaming people is loathsome. As far as why not eat organic here? First, it is WAY more expensive. For a young family, it is more important to buy your family lots of fruits and vegetables, than to buy only a few organic ones. Second, many organic pesticides and fungicides can be just as toxic as conventional ones. I personally have grown some 60-75% of my family's fruits and vegetables organically at home for a quarter century and I don't use any pesticides or fungicides (conventional or organic) at all. As the article rightly notes, there is a much lower yield when you do this, and there are ethical issues involved in growing less food than theoretically possible in a hungry world. If the population grew significantly or if there were a zombie apocalypse, one would have to just use chemicals to increase the yield, kill the evil bugs, kill the mold, and feed maximum people per acre. At some level, the urban single yuppies snarking and being "green" often forget the starving Third World people in need of their daily bread...We greedy fat Americans do not fall into that category... I happen to think organic IS more nutritious, and my own organic produce tastes better to my family. But it's a luxury. I tend to think one should reserve it for loved ones, and for pregnant women, young growing children, sick people, the frail elderly people, and others who need to be built up. Ordinary, healthy people with good immune systems can probably do just fine on conventional non-organic if money is an issue. It's MUCH healthier to eat American-grown conventional produce than imported organic produce (fresher, no mystery growing conditions or lying foreign producers). Not to be xenophobic or anything.... Another terrorist attack this time in Brussels. Zach is convinced that these are Christian terrorists. At the very least the liberals will tell us it has nothing to do with the refugees who are only fleeing war and persecution. Common sense tells us that Europe has screwed up big time and nothing short of a purge is going to stop this. There won't be a purge of course because of hurt feelings or something. No worries though this won't happen in Canada and America because our intentions are so good and honorable. We can all agree that Trump's idea of a temporary halt to the massive influx of Muslims was racist or something and the 'small' loss of lives by these potential terrorists we are welcoming in by the planeload is worth it, unless of course you are one of the victims.
Speaking of that why aren't these refugees placed in Hollywood or one of the many upscale neighborhoods across the nation? Why are they always placed in working class cities? After all wouldn't it be a much bigger political statement by these terrorists is they could bomb Leonardo DiCaprio instead of unknown working class people? Maybe Zach would take in some of these refugees as long as they aren't Christians. I want to end this though with something positive so; Good job Brussels showing the world how good and welcoming you all are. Kudos on your successful program to provide a safe and welcoming environment for these poor refugees. I feel warm all over just thinking about your good intentions. Don't look at those bodies strewn all over the airport for all we know it could have been Christians (as Zach tells us) who did this. Keep up the good work... It would be better to be bloody-minded and focus on the very nub of the issue - violent Islamic extremism.
But with governments, the usual bien-pensants and Muslims themselves in denial and everybody else simply indulging in gratuitous bigotry, fat chance of that. Yesterday's link to the 60 Minutes piece on Muslim immigrants to the Sweden showed their deviousness and dishonesty. When the police were near, many of them played the part of the "majority who good and decent Muslims." But when the police left, they showed their genuine, violent selves - even though the camera was still running.
They will either wise up and play the part of the "majority who are good and decent Muslims" in front of the cameras or they will continue to grow in strength so that they are not afraid of what the camera will show. On the other hand, the 60 Minutes video could be showing that Sweden (and the EU) is already be at the later situation. Is it too late for people to wake up to the fact that Muslims, taken as a whole, are not "just like the rest of us." Significant minorities of Muslims in the EU believe terrorism is justified in some or all situations. Larger minorities in Muslim countries support terrorism. By most accounts, a majority of Muslims immigrating to the EU have no interest in assimilating. They are, in effect, importing an invading army. how fortunate that the only islams we mass import are clean living, God-fearing Christians.
There have been several socialist utopias in America. Robert Owen founded the socialist paradise of New Harmony, Indiana. It lasted about two years until he ran out of money. At least he spent his own money on his socialist paradise and not taxpayer money.
Horace Greely backed the establishment of the Union Colony utopian settlement (now Greely Colorado) in the 1870's. Nathan Meeker was the leader and after he was exiled he became the Indian agent for western Colorado (Meeker County and the town of Meeker named after him). He was pretty much a bast*** and the Ute Indians took care of him at an event known as the Meeker Massacre.
I hope by now everyone understands the basics. White people are a very small minority to the total world's overpopulation. This is a struggle for natural resources, i.e. water, soil, food, space. We can be either subdued into submission and forced to share these resources with the appointed masses, or we will be eliminated. Of course, we could go back to being a nation to strong to destroy, but the poor Europeans are still going to have to find some determination to survive--I don't see that happening. Getting the Syrians to go back to the wasteland from which they came is going to be nearly impossible now that they have witnessed European cities, culture, food, sanitation, etc. Who in this world is going to help them build viable sustainable communities such that they have now experienced? You think some corrupt building contractor from Houston, or Hoboken, or Detroit is going to do a good job of this?
"Getting the Syrians to go back to the wasteland from which they came..."
Except Syria wasn't a wasteland. Notwithstanding the Assad regime (ironically, quite possibly because of it), it was a relatively prosperous country with "culture, food, sanitation, etc." Until the civil war broke out. Those who began the insurrection that created this chaos might want to ponder the old line: Don't wish too hard; you might get what you wished for. The refugees coming to Canada are essentially family units not young men. They are not all Muslims either; their numbers include Syrian and Armenian Christians. According to Plymouth and the Pilgrims a significant
difference between the colony's communal and privatization experiments was that women and children got out of the house and went to work in the gardens. Some of the quotes in the hotair piece seemed hinky to me, but upon investigation I find that although they are more bad paraphrase than quote, they aren't wrong per-se:
https://books.google.com/books?id=tYecOAN1cwwC&dq=william%20bradford&pg=PR1#v=snippet&q=propertie&f=false It is offensive to paint all of us Presbyterians with the same brush. Many of us are only moderately radical. We would only attack those who don't believe in predestination, not everyone.