The top 5% of income earners pay 50% of the taxes in the USA.
The top 10% of earners pay 2/3 of the taxes in the USA.
The top 50% of earners pay 96% of the taxes.
So when they talk about tax cuts for the "rich," which includes a NYC cop married to a nurse, they are talking about the folks who pay most of the taxes. It isn't very complicated.
If they can move 100% of the taxes paid by the top 10%, the voters can vote themselves whatever they want for free, paid for by others. A sweet deal, if you want to be a kid all of your life.
In my opinion, this is a lousy program. Everyone should pay heartily - it's supposed to be the price of civilization, and the dues you pay to be a member of a fine nation. But I felt the same way when Nixon got rid of the draft. A bad, politically-motivated decision. Everyone should be required to serve their country, and to pay their dues. Period. Including females.
And there should be no withholding of taxes - that should not be an employer's problem. We should all just pay, ourselves, to make it clear that it is our money, our dues, our deal, and our country.