In an effort to film some
prejudice in the US, NBC has been
seeking Moslems to volunteer to attend NASCAR events while wired and secretly filmed. No doubt they planned to continue filming until they caught something "useful" on film. Like Candid Camera.
I guess it reveals something about what NBC thinks of NASCAR fans.
Nice try, NBC. But you are busted. They used to call this "yellow journalism," and it is beneath contempt.
And the real question is this: If 100 people were pleasant to these stooges, and one person was rude - what would be shown on the news?
Chalk up one more for the blogosphere vs. the biased and, in this case, insidious and corrupt MSM.
Two comments from The Chairman:
1. If they really wanted some good footage, they should have gotten five or six of the scariest-looking Moslems they could find and put them on a transatlantic flight as a group.
2. Why didn't Cynthia McKinney think of bringing a film crew with her when she punched the cop? And why isn't her story a bigger story than Cheney's? His was an accident - this was on purpose.