Excellent summary of a Colin Powell speech by Ankle Biting
Obama goes to CT to support Joe Lieberman, who is being challenged by a very fine guy, Ned Lamont, who (wrongly) opposes the war and has no chance of unseating Lieberman.
Amazing juggling finale. You have to see this, with the Beatles music. It will make your Monday morning a delight. I saw it at NE Repub first.
Baseball Glovology. And who was AG Spaulding? Embarassed to say that I did not know.
How the Administration lost control of the illegal immigration debate. Very good piece in Reason
Hamas' "I have a dream" speech. In short, Kill the Jews. These folks are not worthy of our attention, but they get it, by killing. Over time, the manipulative claim of victimhood will lose its luster as a pretext for murder and mayhem.
The Newt Man is Back! Gingrich critiques the Repubs harshly, and rightfully. Newt-Man is the Repub's Moses: they need to follow him.
The sustainable seafood movement picks up steam, with Walmart on board. CSM
Observant. When Mrs. Clinton says "You know," she is lying. It is one of those revealing verbal tics. Sensible Mom
PS: Read our April Fool's Day posts, if you haven't yet. We are proud of them.