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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Wednesday, July 22. 2015Wednesday morning links
Author E.L. Doctorow dies in New York at 84 Single Siberian migration peopled the Americas, DNA research shows Oz Declares War on Feral Felines; Krazy Kat Ladies Hardest Hit - Four-legged environmental disasters also responsible for human mental illnesses. Kill 2 million cats. Good riddance Medical bill for a rattlesnake bite Microaggression, Macro-Crazy Parodying moonbats gets harder every year Rush says yesterday's parody is today's news Parodying moonbats gets harder every year Women not turned on by house-husbands Robert Putnam Knows The Real Reason the American Dream Is Fading She Blew $90K Her Grandparents Gave Her for College–And Then Blamed Her Parents The Institute for Justice vs. New Jersey’s ‘headstone dealer cartel’ Arctic ice 'grew by a third' after cool summer in 2013 Climate Seer James Hansen Issues His Direst Forecast Yet Nobel Winner to Obama on Global Warming: 'Mr. President, You're Wrong' How Republicans can win urban voters Will Someone Please Explain Diversity to Me? Islamic State Is Not Islamic, Sex Grooming Gangs, Sharia Sportswear - One Month of Islam in Britain, June 2015 Ex-IAEA Leader: 24-Day Inspection Delay Will Boost Iranian Nuclear Cheating Trackbacks
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>>She Blew $90K Her Grandparents Gave Her for College–And Then Blamed Her Parents
"Kim went on to share that her parents won’t co-sign for a loan, either, unless she gets a part-time job." I'm surprised the kid isn't suing her parents AND grandparents for not giving her enough money and causing anguish and grief at not being able to pay for the senior year. And I wouldn't co-sign a loan for this kid in any capacity. Even if she worked full time and went to school (something I did for 3 yrs, it's called night school and summer school). what's she majoring in? Wymyn's studies? Underwater poodle grooming? Pangolins are cool.
"In this book Douglas returned to the Lele people of Zaire; she’d first written about them in 1955. Like us, they categorised animals into which they considered edible and those they did not eat. Also like us, the Lele classified some animals as part of human society – domesticated chickens for example. Anything in that category was seen as just as inedible as your family members. There's a book called, "Eating Your Auntie Is Wrong" and it's a compilation of customs from around the world. Certain tribes that used to practice cannibalism had rules regarded which family members you could eat, and which were considered wrong to eat. Weird that this 'social anthropologist' didn't know this. People are edible, it's just not recommended, unless you want to be afflicted with kuru. I'm sorry that pangolins are going extinct but maybe if their birth replacement rate was a little larger and quicker it wouldn't have to be. Nature has a way of weeding out the unviable. Just don't eat the brains and the kuru risk is minimal. I think. I have no prion experience.
If I could draw, I'd draw a cartoon called "The Pangolin With A Mandolin." Not sure what would happen but maybe something like "Pogo." QUOTE: Arctic ice 'grew by a third' after cool summer in 2013 http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/files/2015/07/Figure31.png Zachriel is correct, that rise is within the context of an overall decline. The meaning is not clear, and I don't see it as important compared to a dozen other dangers, but there has been a 10% decline over 40 years.
Putnam is a very smart guy, but he has only a limited ability to think, much less say, things that go against his preconceptions. (He withheld data for years because he feared what people would do with it, remember.) As a result, he gets carts before horses often. If you read him or catch one of his videos it's hard not to like the guy, but he's very frustrating. His religious cultural history in particular is a mix of spot-on statements that can't free themselves from his cliches. As an example, evangelicals are only teaching about sex (plus abortion, homosexuality) what everyone in America taught until very recently. My kids have been in evangelical schools and I have been in evangelical churches for years. There actually isn't all this sexual rules focus. It's there, it's generally known what the expectations are, but other topics get much more attention, even among teenagers. Our view is that it's everyone else who is obsessed with sexual topics, putting a lot of energy into challenging and changing.
Based on the interview, Mr Putnam didn’t seem to offer much that was useful; it just seemed kind of vague and wishful, to me. I don’t know what can be done for the children that are in the outside looking in, if their parents are not engaged or are inadequate. Goodness knows, there are a distressing number of households where chaos rules. And yes, granted, sometimes it is due to external pressures and circumstances, but others are beset by problems that are self-inflicted, as well, or both. It doesn’t help that the culture celebrates and glamorizes that which is self-destructive or antisocial.
Compared to the effort and resources invested to turn this around over many decades, there has been not much success. The multi-generation welfare state has been counter-productive; except in rare cases, it leaves its clientele dependent while it derails their opportunity to develop self-reliance, resilience, and short circuits maturation. How hard it must be for children who have few role adult models of self-discipline and success in navigating the world of work. As for Dads, there does seem to be anecdotal evidence that children raised with an adequate Dad, are more resilient and independent. Of course, there are some Moms and extended families that do manage to fill the void. Assistant Village Idiot: I often think that my "conservative Evangelical church" would have been considered a mainstream/moderate Protestant church up until sometime in the Fifties and Sixties. We haven't changed, it's the secular culture that has.
And your comments about sex are correct. It is not much of an issue for us because we know what the Bible says and where we stand. It is everyone else trying to force a non-Biblical standard on us that is the frustration, and then they blame us for being "fixated" on sex. Our church ended up leaving our denomination because we just didn't want to spend every Sunday debating how great homosexuality or transgenderism or same-sex marriage are. Re: Snake bites
I think a lot of people think that if you get bit, you go to the hospital, get the anti-venom, recuperate, and be on your way. I learned from when my neighbor was bitten by a copperhead that that ain't so. To make matters worse, rattlesnakes are much more venomous than copperheads. Anti-venom is very expensive and it also has a lot of side effects so doctors are not anxious to use it. From the bill, it appears that anti-venom was necessary (maybe routinely necessary for rattlesnakes?) thus the huge pharmacy costs. Rattlesnakes imply a need for a greater level of care which could have been multiplied by the use of the anti-venom. Best not to get bit by rattlesnakes, kids! Had a friend up at Broken Bow that was bitten by a rattler some years back. He spent several days in the hospital in Kearney including two in the ICU.
A neighbor ran up about $35K in hospital costs from a copperhead bite several years ago. She was sure she saw the copperhead, but didn't kill it and bring it in, so the doctors weren't willing to take her word for it and instead treated her for generic unknown snakebite. (Not blaming the doctors; I'm sure they don't want to get sued if the patient is mistaken, and we have not only copperheads here but water moccasins and rattlesnakes.)
When my dogs get struck, it's about $50 worth of antibiotics for the dirty mouth and some steroids for the pain, and they're fine in two days. They all get annual rattlesnake vaccinations, which I never miss an opportunity to recommend, because it's cheap and effective, whereas you never want to see the aftermath of a rattlesnake bite in an unvaccinated dog, even if it lives, as it often does. There is antivenin for dogs and cats for rattlesnake bites, but it costs thousands of dollars and is nowhere near as effective as the vaccine, which starts working instantly after the bite instead of an hour later when you finally get to the nearest vet with antivenin. The wife of a friend of mine got bitten by a water moccasin while they were way back in the woods, and it took 30 minutes to get to help. She ended up being given 19 vials of anti-venom at $2,500 each.
Re: Parodying moonbats
That video was hilarious! Rush mentioned the Fox show, "Half Hour News Hour" the other day which sadly I didn't watch when they were running. Thankfully snippets of them are available on Youtube. They are a must-see! RE She Blew $90K Her Grandparents Gave Her for College–And Then Blamed Her Parents
she's right. it is the parents' fault. if they didn't teach a teenager how to budget, how to select a major, how to select a college, how to want (instead of what to want, which is the job of the media), whose fault is it? she's an idiot, blame the parents who of course will bail her out and only delay the inevitable. Agreed. It was her parents fault not only for not teaching her how to manage money, though a simple mathematical analysis of her situation would have told her the same thing. It's also her parents fault that she grew up with the idea that she was entitled someone else's stuff. Admittedly, they had a lot of help from the lefty culture - or I should say the rest of the lefty culture since her parents were likely part of it.
Hopefully, they cut her off now and point her to a website where she can apply for a college loan so she can learn a lesson. If she is cut off, then the question will be which lesson will she learn: that she needs to pay learn to manage money or that her parents are insensitive. all in all, maybe things aren't so bad. she'll only have to cover $20k or so in student loans if she graduates, and regardless of whether she does, she'll get her MRS degree.
I'm not worried about her for the short term, but if she picks men as well as she manages money, she's in trouble.
Uh, Sam, it's been know to happen. ...some guy dumb enough... sheesh, look around. I keep warning you not to apply common sense to the world around you. It will only make you unhappy. Being right but wanting to bang your head against the wall isn't much comfort.
Wait, I lied. There must be some comfort in it, because I keep on doing it myself. AVI, ya know what I like about banging my head against the wall? It feels so good when I stop!
2015-07-22 23:12
RE "Oz Declares War on Feral Felines; Krazy Kat Ladies Hardest Hit - Four-legged environmental disasters also responsible for human mental illnesses.
Kill 2 million cats. Good riddance" top rated comment on PJM: QUOTE: This is at least the third article you've done at PJM that expressed this same visceral hatred of cats. You despise each and every one of them and would gladly kill every single member of the species personally with malice aforethought and not a glimmer of guilt afterwards. Your hatred for cats is positively pathological. Frankly, you seem quite unhinged on this subject, so much so that it makes me question your reliability on ANYTHING you say on ANY topic. ..., you're just foaming at the mouth as you express your own visceral - and dare I say irrational - fear of cats. Haha. a foaming visceral, irrational love of these annoying and destructive critters.
Hey, I like cats and I like dogs (though I prefer the latter to the former by a considerable margin).
But I am not so enraptured with either that I believe allowing large numbers of them to roam around in a feral state is a good thing. Most feral cats don't last long here; too many coyotes. When I lived in Houston, I put considerable effort into catching stray cats in hav-a-heart traps and getting them spayed and vaccinated. I'm not about to shoot them or anything, but I am motivated to address the public health issue, including heartworms and especially rabies. The birds are on their own.
"Most feral cats don't last long here; too many coyotes."
I'm in Canada (the Ottawa Valley) and the coyotes target cats the same way here - including the odd domestic cat that strays too far from the house on a nocturnal prowl.
2015-07-22 13:08
If the "threat" of microaggressions is so bad on campus, they ought to build a fence around it because the threat of microaggressions MUST be a millioin times worse off campus, where it is totally uncontrolled.
the Permian called, wants it's fossil back. |