Toon above via Theo
It’s not just good for the individual young person to live life to the fullest. It’s good for society overall. We need you out there buying clothes and going to shows and eating in our restaurants. Nothing stimulates the economy like a twenty something trying to get laid.
Your Brain on Sports - Neuromarketing and the race to unlock the science of fandom.
A Structural Analysis of Deli Sandwiches
Are Women and Corporate Cultures a Bad Fit?
O'Reilly tells the harsh truth about race in the US
Updated NASA Data: Global Warming Not Causing Any Polar Ice Retreat
If You Thought The Coast Guard Was Supposed To, Y’know, Guard The Coast… Think Again
Lyndon Johnson was adamant. The Great Society would cure poverty.
Couple convicted of child abuse during satanic childcare hysteria still not exonerated
What no one wants to say, but everyone knows is that the cops are now in their cop houses filling out paperwork and doing as little as possible. They see no reason to risk prison for a city government that would rather arrest cops than criminals.
Let’s start with this fundamental observation: It is possible to reduce income inequality in one of two ways: lower the income at the top or
raise it at the bottom.
Milbank: Hillary Clinton’s hypocrisy
Top 5 Cover-ups Orchestrated by Clinton Consigliere Cheryl Mills
An Anatomy of Surrender - Motivated by fear and multiculturalism, too many Westerners are acquiescing to creeping sharia.
Some shocking trends pop up when nations' Muslim populations get high enough.
Why our prep-school diplomats fail against Putin and ISIS