The Indian stock market. Hot.
Impeach Ginsburg? There's an idea. It's academic, of course.
"A spiritual necessity"? "In Europe, the welfare state has become a spiritual necessity." Interesting.
An Allen-Condi or Condi-Allen ticket? I'd consider it.
Wal-Mart welcomed in China...(but not in NYC)
The Lego Wars. This is the UN's idea of a good idea.
Anti-War or Anti-Bush? Ya gotta decide, folks. I agree with this quote from Balloon Juice:
...but at some point it becomes pretty clear that these anti-war protests are little more than anti-Bush protests. While hating Bush has become far more fashionable as of late (in fact, hating Bush is so popular that the cool kids are already doing something else), these protests accomplish very little. Bus is already in the middle to low 30’s in popularity, and there really is no ‘war’ to protest, per se.
and Murdock at NRO has a similar take:
Why have so many liberals abandoned overseas the very people they lionize at home? The answer is the worst four-letter word in their vocabulary: “Bush.”
The Democratic Left hates President Bush’s guts. They also hate his face, his footsteps, and his shadow. Since hurting him involves looking away as terrorists slaughter pacifists, diplomats, journalists, teachers, and children, they do so with zeal.
Why all of this hate? I thought we were supposed to hate nothin' 'cept hatred...