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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, May 11. 2015Monday morning links
Walter Raleigh's house for sale Science Versus “Scientism” Top Aussie Official: Global Warming a UN-led Ruse to Create New World Order Who’da Thunk It? ‘Diverse’ Cities Are Most Segregated Ban Private Schools in the Name of the Collective Good? The government is coming for your handmade soap Another possible limitation of GDP accounting – Time for the Welfare State to Stand Trial It Takes a Good Guy with a Gun to Defend Freedom of Speech The Word “But” Simply Doesn’t Apply I’m More Hateful Than Pamela Geller Salon Shocker: 'The Left Has Islam All Wrong' - "It’s time to fight back, and hard." State Department official: Clinton email practices 'not acceptable' Stunned Reporter Grills State Department Why Hillary's Breaches Won't Be Investigated “But everyone I know voted Labour. Also, Be VERY afraid as the Nightmare on Downing Street is about to begin ISIS: Potentially 'Thousands' of Online Followers Inside US Homeland, FBI Chief Warns Fidel Castro: Greediest Tyrant In World History? Trackbacks
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The government is coming for your handmade soap
New meaning to the old phrase, "Hide the soap". ;-}> Welfare State: It is not altruism to enable the self destructive. It is not altruism to do for others what they can do for themselves, if they never accomplish anything useful or productive. In fact, it is not just myopic; it is venal to rob them of the opportunity to progress and mature.
That said, while I am appalled at what the Welfare State did to the black family, I find citing Ben Franklin just a little too facile and deceptive. In BF’s generation, America was still wide open and agricultural (80%+ of the population); there was more opportunity to be self-sustaining for those amongst us who are less gifted in abstract, verbal, & mathematical skills. Assistant Village Idiot has posted on the tragic dilemma that is “Baltimore” and the reality that there is no magic bullet to fix this. And of course, speaking of mokitas, whether you agree, or not, it is quite impossible to have a fact based, main stream, dialogue. Oh boy! Another article critiquing British philosophers and their attack on Well-to-do- parents' privilege.
How soon until we're treated to another of Donnie's tirades, claiming nobody read the underlying source materials (except him, of course!). Hey, Donnie! Tell us again how SMRT you are. I still don't understand why they don't just price the water based on supply and demand. The increasing price would cause a natural conservation, and force many businesses which need it to not only pay their share - but search out new resources.
California drought: Court rules tiered water rates violate state constitution
In a ruling with major implications for California's water conservation efforts during the historic drought, a state appeals court on Monday ruled that a tiered water rate structure used by the city of San Juan Capistrano to encourage saving was unconstitutional. The Orange County city used a rate structure that charged customers who used small amounts of water a lower rate than customers who used larger amounts. But the 4th District Court of Appeal struck down San Juan Capistrano's fee plan, saying it violated voter-approved Proposition 218, which prohibits government agencies from charging more for a service than it costs to provide it. http://www.mercurynews.com/drought/ci_27954116/california-drought-court-rules-tiered-water-rates-violate In one of the sections in yesterday's Chronicle was an article indicating that Crystal Geyser, the bottled water company, purchased a larger bottling plant within the last year and is going to start tapping into California's groundwater supplies for their business. It turns out that there is no law or regulatory agency that has a say regarding the use of groundwater. Crystal Geyser can do as they please, thus depleting the water supply even further. It is estimated that the Hetch Hetchy reservoir, which serves San Francisco with all of our drinking water, is about three years away from going dry. Then stuff's gonna get scary.
Again, if this was priced to supply and demand, Crystal Geyser wouldn't be "depleting" anything.
"Time for the welfare state to stand trial"
In the 60's the Democrats made a political decision to create a welfare state which would make a large segment of the population dependent on government largesse and they would thus become permenent Democrat voters. No matter the cost to the country ($18 trillion and counting), no matter the cost to the peole who are on welfare, all that mattered was that the Democrats created a situation that would assure them majority political power. But Welfare is so harmful to the country that more independent voters rebelled and the effectiveness of welfare as a lock on power has been reduced. The NEW Democrat plan is to flood the country with immigrants legal and illegal who will be able to identify the Democrats as their benefactors and will become the new Democrat base. Again no matter that it cripples the country, takes jobs from Americans, increases welfare costs and creates a situation where one group most vote to take by force of law what others have to keep the "free stuff" flowing. The Democrats are eager to flood the country with illegals and the Republicans feel their only option is to jump on this bandwagon and flood America with immigrants so they too can get those new voters. Many of these immigrants do not want to be Americans, do not want to assimilate but they do want the "free stuff". Instead of the great melting pot American is becoming a dysfuntional conglomerate of self segregating minorties each selling their vote for the right to loot the treasury and all the while our traitor politicians are fighting to be the enablers in the destruction of this once great country. Most Americans remain simply unaware of the massive effort to reduce America to a third world country and may not wake up to what is going on until it is too late. Meanwhile just pay your higher taxes every year so we can keep the gravy train running. Russia and America: Stumbling to War
This is a long and very interesting article about Russia, the thinking of Putin and his inner circle, the Ukraine and our counter moves. I would encourage all MF readers interested in geopolitics to have a look at it. http://nationalinterest.org/feature/russia-america-stumbling-war-12662 The Word “But” Simply Doesn’t Apply
(quoting the Professor Mondo blog:) QUOTE: It doesn’t matter that they’re Illinois Nazis. It doesn’t matter that they’re NAMBLA. It doesn’t matter that they’re people who want to tear down the puppy orphanage and replace it with a baby-punching factory. If all they’re doing is expressing a viewpoint, there is no justification for stopping them that couldn’t eventually be used against anyone. there's so much wrong here, badly reasoned, ignorant BS. all this blather about the 1st (14th) amendment. "there is no justification" because the constitution raises a high barrier when the government restricts speech content (which it can, and does). BO'R is not the government. the 1A does not protect you from BO'R's opinion, unless he slanders you. if he says you should exercise discretion when taunting rabid dogs, regardless of whether or not he's right, this is not a first amendment issue, whether or not your hobby is rabies. You can invoke 1A issues if he argues that the public authorities should, on any 1A protected forum, restrict Gellar, or restrict Gellar but not islams. If you follow that argument, it turns back on your own statement. No one is preventing O'Reilly from speaking either. They are merely saying that the distinction he and others are making is in error, and are trying to undermine any traction the idea of limiting speech might get in law. I don't know about Bill, he might be just saying "this isn't wise." But there are certainly others who say "This should not be only discouraged, but forbidden."
Cf Sweden QUOTE: The First Amendment, she said, isn’t meant to protect popular speech; it’s meant to protect “the most outrageous, offensive, incendiary speech.” The 1A is meant to protect outrageous speech from government control, and that isn't being proposed by BO'R and I'm certain Kelly knows this and is counting on public ignorance as a debate tactic. BO'R is an idiot for not destroying this argument out of hand. IF B'OR or anyone else argues for gov't restriction on Geller's projects, then the story is different, slightly, because its anyone's right 1A to petition the government for laws that would not pass 1A muster. But BO'R is not even doing that much, and if he had, Kelly would be scoring points. If the government passes content restrictive laws limiting the trashing of islam, then that's a completely different issue. But there are so many protections built into first amendment law that banning islam bashing is just not possible, Sweden notwithstanding. I'll admit that for the libtards and some parts of the conservative movement, a ban on attacking islam features in their respective wet dreams. the tards want this fantasy, the conservatives want to think this fantasy is a real possibility because if They ban radical islams, sure as shi'ite They'll come after the Four Square Methodits next. I’m More Hateful Than Pamela Geller
Bandwagoneer 1/c David French, you are truly more hateful than Geller. But I am more hateful than you, because I want all islams deported back to the sands. Where's my hateful award from the National Review? Where's my honorable mention in respected blog aggregators? and for the record, your Christian God does not hate jihadies, so do not take our holy book to justify your inferior hatred. Feds to regulate soap.
Wow. I was just thinking about this this morning. what don't they regulate? my state has a dept overseeing the safety of stuffed animals. And not just the feds. Got wind that our local council wants to regulate our lawns, driveways and esp space around our businesses. They seem to think everything should look like better homes and gardens And if they suceed and lose tax revenue by putting us lut of business--they will just raise the local services tax on the residents. Large % of them elderly. Oh they are also requiring inspections and fees for septic. Solutions in search of problems. And revenue. Diversity in cities is admired for producing good restaurants and sighs of self-satisfaction as one drives home.
From the Salon article:
"This is not a battle we have chosen; the battle has chosen us. It’s time to fight back, and hard." As has been often said, it takes two to make peace, but only one to make war. And the bad guys get a vote. |