Need 19,000 acres in Botswana for hunting? Mr. Free Market can tell you how.
We are close to full employment. But the French would never stoop to learn from us. They have been trained to want a free ride, not a chance to excel.
Tobacco Louges....didn't we used to call these "bars"?
From RTLC:
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” (Martin Luther King, Jr., Aug. 28, 1963)
“I have a dream that my four little children will be presumed too stupid or incompetent to get into a college based on the content of their character, and will get in only after their white liberal massas judge them by the color of their skin.” (Julianne Malveaux, 2006)
Daily Pundit thinks Condi is a Rockefeller Republican. For you young 'uns out there, that means a non-conservative.
Zero-tolerance as a post-religious morality, and the loss of England
Did you know that being raped is a crime under Sharia Law? Yes, ladies - you made him do it.
Apparently this passes for thought at Yale:
"If we shut ourselves away from an understanding of Hashemi's culture and life experiences, we restrict our own agency over our identity in an increasingly complicated and connected world."
What the heck does that mean? It is not English, but if I can de-code the BS, I think it means that if we don't meet guys from the Taliban, how can we decide whether we want to be Taliban ourselves? By that logic, why not admit dogs and cats too?
Jeff Miller on truth vs. doctrine- shopping.
Who is in this new peace mini-movement? Same old people.