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Wednesday, March 25. 2015Wednesday morning links
Photo: Yankeeland, this week (thanks, reader) Reich: Why College Isn't (And Shouldn't Have to Be) For Everyone Obamacare for pets ...if you like your veterinarian, you can keep your veterinarian. For Many Americans, Opposition To ObamaCare Has Become Personal NYC Board of Health's new, stricter rules for day cares limit how much juice kids can drink, cut 'sedentary' time Good grief In spirit of Revolutionary War, students win right to hold “American Pride” dance What? You still have to "win the right?" China: Dancing must be approved by central department of dancing Why Would Anybody Want To Celebrate American Pride In LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS? These people are mentally disturbed Prof: Personally, liberal [i.e., leftist] students scare the shit out of me. Could Liberal Disgust With Campus Brownshirts Be Reaching Critical Mass? Our classrooms have become more and more like cocoons just as the real world has become harsher. Academia is a strange, distant planet Huffpo coming out in favor of segregation Rolling Stone: Yeah, About That UVA Gang-Rape Story… That girl appears to be a criminal, and damaged the cause of anybody who has been raped Kirsten Gillibrand: Don't Blame The "Victim" Who Invented The UVA Tip for college girls: Never trust anyone Why just college girls? Why not all girls? Is a Confederate Battle Flag Displayed on a License Plate Free Speech? Of course. Welfare Reform Was Working to Reduce Dependency… Until Recently Even If God Didn’t Give Us The Constitution We Should Act Like He Did - A partial defense of Ted Cruz Uber drivers attacked by taxi drivers in Brussels Hillary Won't Take Questions After Speech Promising Open Relationship with Press and gets standing O from press. Rep. Peter King Will “Jump Off A Bridge” If Ted Cruz Gets Nominated Prof: Ted Cruz and Republicans are resurrecting 'discrimination' The New Yorker calls latino Ted Cruz an "uppity loudmouth" Watch What Happens When 3 Muslim Spokesmen Are Asked About Islam’s Death Penalty for Apostasy Good bit from BBC PALESTINIAN JOURNALIST CHRONICLES BRUTAL LIFE OF MUSLIM SISTER WIVES Mind Games: Alexander Dugin and Russia’s War of Ideas Obama’s Harvest of Violence - A pact with Iran sends a clear message to Arab liberals: No one will help you UN watchdog unable to conclude all nuclear material in Iran peaceful I don't think so Which Country Is Europe’s Biggest Problem? Trackbacks
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Could Peter King just save us all from his self-righteous, RINO-dom and jump off the bridge now? Please????
Might I recommend that nice bridge in Chappaquiddick?
Not to high and even if he takes someone with him who doesn't survive, he'll do okay if he has the right connections. "Which Country Is Europe’s Biggest Problem?"
Before I click thu, let me hazard a guess. The undiscovered country? "Why just college girls? Why not all girls?"
Because, girls (and boys) who don't go to college become adults at an earlier age. Really, if you don't go to college, you are old enough to hear things that upset you, go to war, own property, pay for your own room and board, hold down jobs that require real physical work, etc. But pass through the university gates and you are a special snowflake who can't handle the truth. Schumer doesn't understand business. If the vet doesn't make money on meds, the vet has to raise office calls and other services. He's a typical government worker, a cheapskate who believes his own wage is special.
Becky, I think you are being unreasonable to expect a senator to know anything about business. His job is to control the flow of money to his best advantage. Whether it makes any logical sense, whether it actually helps or hurts anyone, whether it is moral or legal, and whether it is Constitutional or no is immaterial. Whether it makes it looks like he cares for "working families" to get him re-elected is the only criteria matters.
Becky, absolutely correct about Schumer. He's only ever spent other people's money, never run a business.
Oh, my goodness, mudbug, you gave me my first laugh of the day--thanks. "They" say a laugh is the best medicine. Mary, it was my distinct pleasure to contribute to your health! May it always be good! Thanks for making my day! :-)
From the Hufpo "Ethnic minorities deserve safe spaces without white people".
Ironic. After 50 plus years of fighting against racial discrimination and for civil rights now "ethnic minorities" want to bring back segregation. But make no mistake they don't want to pay for these "safe spaces" they want the tax payers (white people) topay for them. They don't want to be safe from welfare, food stamps, section 8, Medicaid, and the myriad of other tax payer (white people) funded programs. No! They want the "free stuff" to keep flowing and to even increase, thank you very much. These people should be called out as scammers, fraudsters, rent seekers, black privilage seekers. What a disgusting trend by disgusting people. Reich has some good points, but as we know they are so much yelling at the tide.
This observation from 1886 comparing the politician (Gladstone, Disraeli) to the innovator (Bessemer) illustrates the problem. And in the illustration the hundreds of thousands even millions of earnings was on the side of the innovator. QUOTE: For example : The question being propounded, What is the value of the combined services to man of Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Disraeli, as compared with those of Sir Henry Bessemer? Ninety-nine out of a hundred men of sound judgment would doubtless say, " The value of the services of the two statesmen is quite unimportant, while the value of the services of Mr. Bessemer is enormous, incalculable." But how many of these ninety-nine men of sound judgment could resist the fascination of the applause accorded to the statesmen ? How many of them would have the moral courage to educate their sons for the career of Mr. Bessemer instead of for the career of Mr. Disraeli or of Mr. Gladstone?* Not many in the present state of public sentiment. It will be a great day for man, the day that ushers in the dawn of more sober views of life, the day that inaugurates the era of the mastership of things in the place of the mastership of words. —Charles H. Ham, Mind and Hand: manual training, the chief factor in education (1900) As is said, you get more of what you reward. Until the non-college tradesman/technician is held in at least as high esteem as the useless college degree holder, we'll get more useless college degree graduates. Re: Huffpo coming out for segregation
The column to which the link refers is entitled, "Ethnic Minorities Deserve Safe Spaces Without White People". Didn't we have that back in the bad old Jim Crow days and wasn't it a victory for all that we got past that? My how times change! I guess if we take the author seriously, one solution is to send our Mexicans to Mexico to be with other Mexicans, our blacks to Africa to be with other blacks, our Muslims to be with other Muslims so they don't have to deal with those icky white people. QUOTE: Students at Lexington High School in Massachusetts said the administration had canceled their plans for a red, white and blue dance because it excluded other nationalities. America, land of the mutt, excludes other nationalities? Gives one hope to see these students overcoming the intellectual deficiencies of their school administrators. I would hope they celebrate not only American pride, but emphasize pride in the English-speaking peoples' culture of individual liberties and government answerable to the people, of which America is the pinnacle achievement. It is a culture we whole heartedly support being appropriated by other nationalities so that they to can have the cultural depth to withstand the constant attacks on individual liberty and freedom from the "educated" who achieve positions of power. Tip for college girls: Never trust anyone
haha I have been teaching my sons to not trust wimmen Will ISIS attack USA? Not likely: unlike the Europeans, we are a bunch of bacon eating, gun loving/owning/toting infidels. ISIS only attacks people who do not have the means to fight back. They're brave like that.
#1--Almost a good reason to nominate Cruz.
Europe's Biggest Problem? I say Brussels and the EuroParliament. Opposition to Obamacare is personal.
Darn right it is. I'm one of those "uninsured." Actually I choose to not have health care insurance because of the cost. My temp agency offers it, the cost is low, but, it doesn't cover anything! For premiums that add up to about $2,000/year I get one, just one, doctor visit per year to a max of $150. I also get one hospital stay - up to 2 days or $2,000 whichever comes first. So, for $2,000 per year I might get back $2150; but only if I need it. So, let me get this straight - the health care insurance being offered to me stinks - so, I choose to self pay (and keep my $2,000 each year) and because of that decision I now have to pay EXTRA taxes this year. Yep, it is personal. Rolling Stone: Yeah, About That UVA Gang-Rape Story…
From the link: QUOTE: Update: Charlottesville, VA police say that there’s no evidence of the assault. Plus, the alleged victim, known only as “Jackie,” has refused to cooperate with their investigation. I am reminded of the Tawana Bradley rape hoax.QUOTE: A detective from the Sheriff's Juvenile Aid Bureau, among others, was summoned to interview Brawley, but she remained unresponsive. The family requested a black officer, which the police department was able to provide. Brawley, described as having an "extremely spacey" look on her face, communicated with this officer with nods of the head, shrugs of the shoulder, and written notes. The interview lasted 20 minutes, during which she uttered only one word: "neon". Through gestures and writing, however, she indicated she had been raped repeatedly in a wooded area by three white men, at least one of whom, she claimed, was a police officer. A sexual assault kit was administered, and police began building a case. Brawley provided no names or descriptions of her assailants. When you are fabricating a criminal complaint, it makes sense to provide the police with as little information as possible. The less information the police have, the less they can trap you on it.Reich ...
This article is awful. Who are we supposed to be hating or ridiculing here? The kid who is worried sick about college admissions? The other kid who (of course he didn't) wait by a mailbox for hours? The entrance test tutors (they've been around for a hundred years or more). Would anyone feel better if the Botswana trip were part of an Eagle Scout award? If your kid had a shot at getting into an elite school like Yarvard, you'd be derelict as a parent not to pull all the strings, do all the dances to get him or her in. We're probably not talking about Community College U here. The real problem isn't "for profit" colleges, the problem is with all colleges. Kids and their parents are being sold on the notion that college is necessary, obviously, its not. But all they're doing is acting on a destructive incentive. Educational loans are government guaranteed, and they're handed out by lenders to anyone, without regard to future value of the degree itself. So there's no brake on spiraling tuition since money from the point of view of the college is free and totally protected from the point of view of the lender. So we have a huge surplus of well educated baristas. (Grads can't BK out of these loans, and getting them forgiven is very, very limited). Reich is worried about "the stress of getting in" or bogus resume building? So damn what, stress is everywhere in life, the little snowflakes will learn to live with it. Stop handing out free money to the colleges and lenders and the market will take care of the "everyone needs college" problem. Some degrees and some kids get priced out of the market, but that's the point. Banks won't be lending $100,000 in unguaranteed funds to finance a degree in Middle English Literature so no kid will be saddled with that debt. A good technical school or the Air Force will look a lot more attractive. We've been numerous volunteers along with commencing a brand new plan in the area.. More Bonuses Your website provided us handy info to operate about. You could have conducted some sort of formidable task plus our own whole online community is going to be happy for you.