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How Chavez is helping the Colombian economy by destroying his own: Publius
The War amongs the Pacifists: I always believed that the Leftist Pacifists have the goal of being subjugated by anybody, in the hope that things would be better, somehow. Neo-Neo
A nice cheerful rant against teacher's unions.
Hitchens does Flashman: Part James Bond, part Bertie Wooster: Good stuff.
The You Can't Make This Up Department: Graffiti at DePaul leads to prayer session. What idiots.
A few blogs I have come to enjoy lately:
Rantings of a Sandmonkey - entertaining Egyptian rants from a smart
and clearly highly immature Sandmonkey
Always good for a laugh, even if a laugh of despair for the Commonwealth: MassBackwards
Legal Beagles: Overlawyered is worth a regular read. Orin Kerr has a new blog - a spin-off from Volokh.