Crocodile Tears and Censorship. Moonbattery. Whatever happened to "s
ticks and stones'''?
Was there something on TV last night? I didn't watch it.
Will Bush's major diplomatic success in India get the credit it deserves?
IPTV - Internet Protocol TV. It's the newest rage. What is it? Blogcritics.
Art Buchwald is dying, by choice - slowly but relatively happily. via Drudge
Iran admits playing Europe for fools.Capt'n Ed
Three Blind Mice? They run about $250.
Was the Halimi story blacked out? Bird of Paradise
Police Chiefs on access to firearms. They approve.
How to Win your Own Oscar. Cracked.
Strunk and White, 4th Edition. On sale. We love it but we don't obey it.
Recoil. Mr. Free Market takes on the pressing subject.
Some thoughts about writing new laws when existing laws "don't work." We have all thought about this, but Classical Values wrote it down.