Unbelievable. Video at BKP. We need to "work harder to understand" these people.
What country does Jimmy Carter live in? LGF
Everybody is talking about this Bennish teacher character. Sounds like standard Dem boilerplate to me. If Colorado weren't paying him to teach geography, it would be no biggie. Normal stuck-in-the-1960s. Wow - I am cool - I have radical ideas!!! Yup, very advanced in 1905. Comments from Classical Values.
Lent, from David Warren. One quote:
It is not a simple joy. Abstaining from customary pleasures is hard, can be very hard, and so can be the shame one feels each time one falls off the wagon -- which happens to everyone who tries to ride against the grain of his habits through forty days and nights. Lenten resolutions are not made to oneself, but to God. Part of the discipline is to get clear in my head that when I fail, I am not merely failing myself. For in the Christian view, I am letting down my sinless Lord, who for his own penance, nailed the sins of the world with Himself to the Cross. Take each failure as the crowing of a cock to Peter; then rise, and return manfully to the struggle.
Now, this is not likely the sort of thing you are used to reading in a newspaper. I am immensely grateful to have editors who do not demand that I conceal my “Christian content”; I hope they will continue. At the worst, it is not a dangerous activity. We are not proposing to kill anybody. The “mortification of the flesh” that is proposed can have no meaning unless it is voluntary; just as Christian belief is deprived of meaning when it is compelled. We may proselytize, however, as we have been doing wherever there is freedom, for two thousand years.