Pathetic. CT accepts Chavez' oil "gift."� It's a bribe,
not a gift. Shame on a Yankee state for this. It is infra dig.
Visualizing Infinity. Yes, it is way�cool.
We know of two apocalyptic extinctions on earth: the Cretacious Extinction 60 million years ago, which wiped out the dinosaurs, and the great Permian Extinction 250 million years ago, which almost entirely eliminated life. We�believe that the former was caused by�the big, bad�meteor that created the Gulf of Mexico. What about the latter?
Looking deeper into the Evangelicals and Global Warming story. They don't get it, but they mean well. Always remember - the road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions. And always remember that The�Law of Unintended Consequences never quits, like gravity. These nice folks are in over their heads, and I think their good intentions are being exploited.
A New, Improved college ranking system, from the Carnegie Foundation. It does seem better than the ones from Fiske and US News. Site has link to the actual list.
Also from the Carnegie Foundation, a piece by Thomas Ehrlich on how Harvard has failed to strenthen its core curriculum. That is a serious failure.
The Cape Wind story. We all understand that the oh-so-green Kerrys and Kennedys and their limousine liberal�ilk will try any trick to prevent their Nantucket Sound views being despoiled by a wind farm. It is hypocritical in the extreme, and disgusting. However, here at Maggie's we are opposed to wind turbines in general, and see no "necessity" for them. It's a 13th Century energy source. What we do need is a nuke plant -�on Nantucket - safely distant from the regular folks. Until then, Oil is Our Friend.
What did the Reagan Revolution do for the US economy over the past 25 years? Pete DuPont at Opinion Journal. And, for the 100th time, he notes what is now well-known: tax cuts increase government tax revenue. Thus the only conceivable reason to raise income taxes is to take money away from people who are fortunate enough to have it. Envy, anger and resentment. Very unproductive, un-Yankee and probably sinful�emotions - and discouraging to hard work, too.