Updated list of 29 – Actually 30 – excuses
for the 18 year ‘pause’ in global warming – ‘If you can’t explain the
‘pause’, you can’t explain the cause…’
Porn production plummets in Los Angeles
Bones from Ur
Where Did All the Entry-Level Jobs Go?
Why Technology Won’t Shorten Your Work Week
An atheist contemplates the death of a bug
Fitness May Help Ward Off Depression in Girls - Being in good physical condition likely to help boys avoid the blues too, expert says
Schools for Scandal - The astounding waste, corruption, and self-dealing of university student governments
Amnesty as Impeachment Bait -- The president’s breathtakingly cynical plan to ward off a midterm shellacking
Talkin' Obama Blues - Obama's words can move factions, but not a people.
Americans worry that illegal migrants threaten way of life, economy
Tough talk from the Swedish Democrat party (video)
Hamas warns of more rocket attacks unless all demands are met
At Mead:
The modern territorial state, as a post-imperial era expression of nationalist ideology in the West, does not so well fit the Arabs (and many other non-Western ethno-linguistic groups) whose history supplied none of the predicates.
Archbishop: Hamas Fired Out of Our Church in Gaza (VIDEO)
Hamas' Phony Statistics on Civilian Deaths
Three Men, A Tent and Some Shrubs: The Backstory of Our Hamas Report