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Monday, June 16. 2014Monday morning links Dalrymple: Slobbery as snobbery The Ghetto Time Warp (h/t Am. Digest) The Top Ten Beers in the World Aren't What You Think A slave story: 1733 portrait of freed slave acquired by Yorktown museum Weiner: I Accidentally Favorited That Tweet from That Internet Hookup App Ben Carson: Meet the surgeon whose call to action went viral The conservative case for legalizing America’s illegal immigrants Jan Brewer: MS-13 Gang Members Could Be Crossing Border with Children Why Big Business Fears the Tea Party NY Times: GOP’ers sounding more like Occupy Wall Street, scaring business leaders Climate Craziness of the Week – a new business model for practicing psychologists? The Trouble with Public Sector Unions Smearing Scott Walker A true maverick for Colorado: Who’s afraid of Tom Tancredo? The IRS Loses Lerner's Emails - And other news that the Beltway press corps won't cover. Meet The "Minerva Research Initiative" - The Pentagon's Preparation For "Mass Civil Breakdown" Trackbacks
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Weiner’s ability to operate Twitter showcases the intelligence of our ruling class. Weiner’s Twitter content showcases their morality.
something we have been successful at for centuries.
No, it’s something China has been successful at for centuries. legislation to normalize the status of today’s illegal immigrants must be matched by stringent measures to stem the flow of future illegal immigration In other words, in the future we should aim to do what we can’t do now. Tell me another one. taxes they pay far exceed the cost of government services Uneven distribution causes problems for hospitals even if this were true, which it isn’t. It is the assimilation of immigrants that preserves American culture and values Important matters first: reform our culture to enable schools, universities, and media to teach and to value American culture instead of the anti-American, illiberal, hate-filled Leftism that currently exists, then worry about immigrants. "taxes they pay far exceed the cost of government services"
What taxes would those be, other than sales taxes? And how do you compute the cost of government services they get and the taxes they pay? Inquiring minds want to know. The Times quotes Potomac Research Group strategist Gregory R. Valliere who said that it is not unreasonable to make a comparison between tea party conservatives and “Elizabeth Warren liberals” in terms of the rising tide of economic populism.
This is where journalism fails miserably, as does punditry at places like Potomac Research Group. There isn't much similarity between the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street, EXCEPT that both want to keep corporations from being subsidized. Beyond that: 1. Tea Partiers tend to be anti-tax, OWS wants to increase taxes 2. Tea Partiers tend to follow the law and protest peacefully, OWS is still fond of 'occupying' spaces (they still show up and take up space on the sidewalk 3 blocks from my office on a regular basis with their patchouli oil and incense and dirty clothes) 3. Tea Partiers aren't interested in having government fund every last aspect of their lives so they can chill out, surf the internet and use their smartphones. They want to be free to produce. 4. Tea Partiers won't tell a business owner "You didn't build that" 5. Tea Partiers don't want their loans forgiven. Yeah, so they scare business? They should! Business has been as much a beneficiary of the public till as lowlifes. Nice class to be lumped in with, eh? It doesn't make the Tea Partiers remotely like OWS, or Elizabeth Warren. But if you say it, and get a news publication like the NYTimes to publish it, it can become a meme, scare a few people, make them think outrageous and dangerous people like Warren are "one of them" and the strategy undermines the real goals. For the record, I'm not a Tea Partier. I happen to respect some of the goals they are seeking, but I'm not fully on board. Business has been as much a beneficiary of the public till as lowlifes. I hope you mean big business, i.e. businesses large enough to be visible to and influence government officialdom. I know of a whole lot of businesses that have been, are being, and likely will continue to be screwed over good by the keepers of the public till.
I agree big business has been the primary beneficiary, but some small businesses have as well. Particularly minority-owned businesses (usually minority-owned in name only).
But yes, the small business environment has been saddled with regulations and laws which have sought to kill them, as well as having to compete with larger businesses who benefit from tax breaks and subsidy. However, I'll stick with the term "business" rather than simply saying "big business" because it's more accurate, though not precise. I'm guessing the "dog ate my homework" excuse the IRS is trying (and will likely succeed) will not be available to tax payers next April.
There ought to be a tax revolt... but then, there should have been tax revolts since the income tax was passed. One wonders if NSA has the emails archived, but why would they rat on another government agency?
To even say that the tea party sounds like occupy Wall Street shows the incredible amount of disdain the left has for the tea party and their need to disempower them. Occupy Wall Street was a activist arm of the far left; a socialist group whose aim is to fundamentally change America into something closer to Europe or Russia. The tea party on the other hand is the opposite and they are trying to return America to a constitutional republic where the citizens hold the power and not the elite. The tea party is known for advocating a reduction in the U.S. national debt and federal budget deficit by reducing U.S. government spending and taxes. Seriously does this in any way sound like what occupy Wall Street was advocating for? In my humble opinion the fact that the NY Times hates the tea party and feels compelled to lie about them to disempower them is simply proof that the tea party is on the right track. The Democrats hate them, the Republican establsihment hates them and the NY Times hates them. That's good enough for me.
Beers: I've had 2-4. Rarely drink beer any more. Local brewers we have 3 of, with brewpubs, and one regional (not brewing here) pub. Have had beer at 2. Good beer.
Legalization: I am not convinced. Stop the inflow first. Tea Party: I see no reason, none, nada, zip, zilch, to trust POLITICO on anything. Public Sector Unions: Parasites, not symbionts. "1733 portrait of freed slave acquired by Yorktown museum"
Well, a freed slaver. He was following the family business of selling slaves when the buyers decided to take him as well. RE: The conservative case for legalizing America’s illegal immigrants
this isn't conservative, its BS: 1. again, the pro-illegal argument conflates "immigrant" with "legal", as, not considering the option of granting non-immigrant legal status to a foreigner allowing him or her to work in the US and then get out. 2. this is done because the author is trying to control the debate and limit options to only LPR/citizenship. which means the author is a libtard masquerading as a conservative. 3. assuming that there are such jobs that Americans wouldn't take -- this this for real? isn't this an insulting assertion about the character of Americans??? convenient for the pro-illegals, but seriously??? 4. if you want to raise the minimum wage in a market-driven way, restrict the flow of illegal labor and watch prices for labor inch upwards. 5. if we legalize the 20 billion illegals here as of June, 2014, then what? in 20 years we'll have a similar amount of arrivals demanding citizenship, for which there is a precedent to bestow. and after that.... endless madness. 6. QUOTE: If their status were legalized, the country would realize a human capital bonanza as millions of young illegal immigrants would have the motivation and means to go to college and millions of their parents would be free to further their education and training and become more productive in their careers. who in their right mind still claims that kollege necessarily = productive career? (where kollege = gender studies, english as a second language, every major that doesn't have a future value greater than the economic value of post-tax, preinterest tuition or the value of public assistance freely handed out). However, we do know for certain that their education will be paid for by taxpayers, through tuition rebates, government backed loans, grants, handouts, food stamps, assistance of every kind, none of which provide any downward pressure on kolleges to keep the cost of tuition from an upward spiral and all of which are likely to deflect the illegal from actively seeking a productive economic life (if and only if the marginal value of work is significantly greater than welfare it replaces) and making them essentially unemployable. So many topics, so little time! But I will note that Scott Walker is the best thing that's happened to Wisconsin since cheese. He has lowered taxes, eliminated waste, attracted new business, streamlined government and capped the union control as much as possible in a state that originated the Progressive Party. He wants voter IDs, and I don't blame him considering the number of buses from Chicago that head north every election. Bill Ayres was known to mine the cemeteries in Wisconsin for dead people appropriate for manufacturing fake papers.