Consumers Win Big from Growth of Health Care Clinics
Organic Food Does Not Reduce Cancer Risk
4 Manly Lessons from the Minor Leagues
The Lost Sisterhood and the Case for Libertarian Novels - A best-selling writer explains the power of historical fiction.
The mathematical world - Some philosophers think mathematics exists in a mysterious other realm. They’re wrong. Look around: you can see it
We May Never Pass This Way Again. GM at a Crossroads.
Americans Spend More on Taxes Than Food, Clothing, and Housing Combined
Why Obama’s Presidency Has to Be All About Race Now
VDH: What is America's foreign strategy?
The '77 Cents on the Dollar' Myth About Women's Pay - Once education, marital status and occupations are considered, the 'gender wage gap' all but disappears.
Updated list of things caused by global warming
The game is up for climate change believers - Charles Moore reviews The Age of Global Warming by Rupert Darwall (Quartet)
Via Watts:
Isle of Light: A Look Back at the Boat People and the European Left
Chinese descendants of Jews return to
roots with seder - Kaifeng, a once thriving outpost of
Jewish trading families, to have first communal Passover meal in
How do Muslims settle religious arguments with each other? The same way
they settle them with Jews and Christians. That is what we are seeing in
Government as political entrepreneur: Thomas Piketty Is A Darwinian Shill:
One of the deadliest threats with which government has ever had to contend, over the entire pageant of human history, was the immense wealth and mass affluence generated by the industrial revolution. The usual metrics point to the exponential growth of goods and services from 1750 until 1914 if not 1929.
Exponential growth of what we call the private or the “real” sector of the economy—everything that is not government—means that government also has to grow exponentially in order even to be detectable. Moreover, one can ask: if exponential real-sector growth occurs over the long run, what possible need could civilization have for government?