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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, November 9. 2013Saturday morning links
Kent State Says “Aloha” to $17,000 for Hawaiian Sex Week America, here’s your Drug War, and it’s far worse and far more unjust than the problem it purports to solve Why You Should Never Donate to the United Way Australia snubs climate talks Trajectory of South Africa’s Descent Steepens Wash U Muslim Students Outraged Over “Disgusting” Osama Bin Laden Halloween Costume Electronic Medical Record Expansion Raises Privacy Concerns CBS News: ObamaCare About to Hit Employer-Provided Insurance Iowa Muslim Imam Claims Prosecuting Him for Molesting Women Violates his Religious Freedom The Insiders: Six reasons Obamacare will only get worse for Democrats Poll: European Jews report rise in anti-Semitism Australia snubs global climate talks, as Greg Hunt stays home to repeal carbon tax - See more at: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/policy/australia-snubs-global-climate-talks-as-greg-hunt-stays-home-to-repeal-carbon-tax/story-e6frg6xf-1226754823154#sthash.sPLMCFKF.dpuf Australia
snubs global climate talks, as Greg Hunt stays home to repeal carbon tax - See more at: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/policy/australia-snubs-global-climate-talks-as-greg-hunt-stays-home-to-repeal-carbon-tax/story-e6frg6xf-1226754823154#sthash.sPLMCFKF.dpuf Comments
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I had an obama trick or treater show up at my door. He was at least a foot taller than me, never said trick or treat, when I tried to limit him to two candybars, he glared at me, stuck his huge hand in the bowl and took almost the entire bowl of candy, lifted his arrogant head, stared down his nose at me and, without a word spoken, turned on his heel and left. The perfect imitation of the louse in the white house.
Back in the day when I worked in corporate America, I remember getting an envelope from my masters that was full of United Way material to hand out to employees.
The United Way thought everyone's 'fair share' was a donation of one day's gross pay. The letter did not include any other donation options. I knew the men in our crew could not afford that. I dropped the material in file 13. But there was never any pressure on us to donate. I don't like being told what my 'fair share' is. The people at the top of the United Way live like kings and it is galling that the little people are coerced into paying to support the lifestyle. United Way is dirty all the way to the Combined Federal Campaign. The tricks are subtle. A donation form with your name on it that has to be turned back in even if you don't donate. Handed out right after the boss says he wants to beat last years 95% participation goal.
Or the fact they hand the forms out in the first week or so of basic training for the military with the same goal speech. Now they list a lot of charities in the campaign, but it turns out, if you name designate, your donation comes off that charity's split of the undesignated pot, it isn't in addition. UW takes the shot-caller share. I became vehement against them way back when the head of the UW was found to be staying in 4-star hotels and commuting on the Concorde. Non-profit only means that any profit that would be due to investors is siphoned off by the senior leadership of the gang. On the other hand, if they weren't stealing from widows and orphans, the Liberal Arts grads would have to get real jobs where there is accountability and a demand for effective results. There is a lesson in the South Africa story. From the beginning it was a about hiding the facts and creating a narrative that the Liberals wanted. It was never a perfect country or one to be proud of but years ago it was so much better then it is today and today it is so much better then it's destined to become. The solution the left forced on the world will inevitably end in a massive murderous convulsion, genocide and a repressive left wing Marxist government. No wait! That's is always the result of the left wing solution.
The real lesson of South Africa is the only way to sustain a civilized European level culture in a 3rd world backwater is through politically unsustainable force. The South Africa project was doomed from the get go. The natives are ultimately going to get what they wanted good and hard.
But the irony is that they won't care. The blacks (most of them anyway) in South Africa hate the whites. If they didn't hate them before the various Marxist organizations have been stirring up the hate so that they do now. So the "natives" are going to be happy to see genocide and war as long as the whites are killed or driven into the sea. Afterwards sinking to a Zimbabwe-like level of existence will be acceptable and the South African Communist Party will take power and rule with an iron fist.
Think the War on Drugs is bad now, wait until the tax man gets involved.
re South Africa:
Here is a blog chronicling the decline of Johannesburg. http://deathofjohannesburg.blogspot.com/ If you rummage around the blog there are lots of pics illustrating the decline. Much of the blog is dated, being many years old. One wonders how much worse things have become? Here is the link to photos of the Carlton Hotel. Once a high class establishment, at the time the photo was made it was abandoned. http://dojcarltonhotel.blogspot.com/ Campus Sex Weeks: And men are accused of rape or unwanted sexual contact on these "sex-positive" campi.
Climate Conf.: Yay, Ozzies! South Africa: New reason to boycott it. But I have wondered, why the Dutch in Holland seem to be so easy-going and the Dutch in SA didn't. UW: Is there anything that doesn't outrage/inflame Muzzies? EMR Records: With. Good. Reason. OCare: Oh, Noooo. Barry BSed us again! Anti-Semitism: I keep hearing this, and see no reason to discount or disbelieve it. The Kerry Appeasement: What Barry and Kerry both want. Obummercare making life worse for Demoncrats does my heart good.
I just hope that reasonable people will take the next opportunity to repeal it and replace it with a market based solution. Given our luck the Pubbies will again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. "Kent State Says “Aloha” to $17,000 for Hawaiian Sex Week"
This is a misunderstanding . It wasn't Hawaiian Sex week , It was Hawaiian Lei Week . |
Tracked: Nov 10, 09:53