Nasty internet worm going around: Do not open any emails with porn connotations today. Really.
Nasty bug going around: A deadly intestinal bacterium
A different category of "insensitive" cartoons: cartoons from the Arab world. Dinocrat. And Bird of Paradise has the wisest take on this whole cartoon subject, from a Christian standpoint. (Can't believe we are talking about cartoons.)
Feisty goldfish Phin makes fun of Pajamas Media. Wolcott goes after PJ too.
Building a wall of fear: Julian Bond says "blacks have no freedom" in America, and Repubs are Nazis. How does this kind of rhetoric help anything? Well, it seems clear that its purpose is to scare your constituency into staying on your political plantation. But this kind of talk goes way beyond routine lying demagoguery and pandering and victimhood-mongering: it is plain despicable and destructive and dishonorable. Confed. Yank has story.
Dems narfle the garthok at the SOTU. Indeed they did. RWNH And in those images is a gold mine of political advertisements. Must be devilish Rovian genius at work.
Afghan terrorists targeting schools. That's one way to try to win the hearts of the people.
Why go to Florida or the Caribbean? Here's a real vacation: The Four Seasons' Golden Triangle in Thailand. Tents.