We all know that loneliness sucks. Often, not having enough alone time sucks too. Sociality takes effort and thought, and can be draining at times. At it best, it is effortless, delightful, supportive, and life-enriching.
I count myself lucky in having so many pals, friends, and good acquaintances. I do not know why life evolved that way, but I guess God gave me a fairly appealing personality. I figure that I was raised properly, have pleasant manners, know how to dress and to make cheery dinner table conversation, have a decent sense of humor about life and an abundance of interests and controversial opinions.
For those who were born socially awkward or unskilled, life can be especially difficult. Socializing agreeably requires some training, example, and experience, and perhaps a little talent for it. Most of all, it requires remembering that it's not about YOU.
Every human feels rejected, unwanted, or like an outsider sometimes. That is normal. Some people give up on making connections, and that is a shame. We all need people around who can just open the front door without knocking and walk in, knowing that they are welcome for a coffee or a beer or a glass of Scotch. We all need people who are willing to take a chance to seek us out, too, for connection. That is a blessing.
Here's the article: The Lethality of Loneliness.
Social isolation can lead to sorts of inbred craziness and impaired social reality-testing. Chicken or egg? Who can tell?