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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, June 13. 2013Thurday morning links Image: I forgot who used that one. Don’t Listen to the Buzz: Lobsters Aren’t Actually Immortal New Evidence That Grandmothers Were Crucial for Human Evolution Unborn Turtles Actively Regulate Their Own Temperature Something Wonderful: Timelapse of a supercell near Booker, Texas The Decalogue and Liberal Democracy Unemployed Workers Still Far Outnumber Job Openings in Every Major Sector Grandma, armed: You son of a bitch, get out of here. New Study Blames Collective Bargaining for Education Stagnation Biden Slams Obama’s Qualifications To Be President 10 things to know about the NSA Joe Scarborough to Chris Matthews: You Sure Didn't Seem To Think These Issues Were "So Complicated" When Bush Was President Re David Brooks: The most grotesque article I have read in quite some time People are reading Orwell again Greenwald: Media Filled with 'Slavishly Partisan…Democrats' Sheesh, I finally agree with Greenwald Lindsey Graham: I’d Support Censoring The Mail If Necessary Email? Insty: POLITICS LOOKS SPOOKIER NOW NSA hacks China, NSA leaker Snowden claims Duh. Radical Environmentalism and Second Thoughts Noted Junk Scientist: “When You Put More Energy Into a System, It Gets More Energetic” Give that buffoon some Valium Coulter: IF THE GOP IS THIS STUPID, IT DESERVES TO DIE What’s Wrong with Sweden? Trackbacks
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Noted Junk Scientist: “When You Put More Energy Into a System, It Gets More Energetic”'
Wait - what? You mean that if I apply more energy to, say, the finals in my Collins 30S-1 linear I'll get more transmitting power out? WHO KNEW?!?!?! Algore is an ass clown. He stated once that geothermal energy was the wave of the future because the molten core of the center of the Earth was "millions and millions" of degrees hot. The actual energy is somewhere around 7K C° or about 12.6K F° which is roughly the surface temperature of the Sun. He also invented the Internet. Timelapse of a supercell near Booker, Texas Gorgeous - the wonder and power of Nature - amazing images. "What's wrong with Sweden?" Sweden is a country that was taken over by the crazy left. Their leaders really believe that their intellect and beliefs are superior and they are going to show the world how superior they are even if it kills them. Their leadership are raised the same way, educated the same way and believe all the same things. It would appear that a majority of their citizens fall into the same category. Their lack of understanding of what diversity really is and will mean to them is beyond belief. Diversity is: 1. The genocide in Rwanda 1994. 2. The war between the Serbs and the muslims in the Balkans in the 90's. 3. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict for most of the existence of Israel. 4. Iraq and Iran Shiite and Sunni conflict that kills tens of thousands yearly. 5. or the long list of hot spots around the world where one denomination/ethnic group hates and displaces/kills another group.
That is what diversity is and will be in Sweden as soon as enough muslims move there and actively seek to overthrow the Swedish people. Ann, sweet Ann, since McCain surrendered during campaign of '08 and Romney couldn't mount a battle horse against a boy who bows to Saudi King, Republicans look like a drowning.
Still meself can't imagine voting democrat. Lot's of jobs could be afforded shipping the illegals to their respective homelands. Ace: Before that, Chris Matthews introduces what sounds to me like a New Racial Slur -- "government." He's got this new jazz that even saying the word "government" is some kind of code-word that Respectable People do not say. At the current moment his theory behind the alleged "government" slur seems half-baked, but I imagine after a few rounds of Inspiration he'll have a whole theory as to how saying the word "government" is an "ethnic attack."
If 'government' is a racial slur, then the gummint must be black, and then it is obviously, clearly, no-doubt-about-it FAILING to protect and enhance the present and future of black folks. Jailing them, keeping them in ghettos and poverty, failing to educate...the list goes on and on with failure after failure. Teachers' Unions: Amazingly, just interested in teachers and money. Kids, buildings--nah, don't matter. "1984": Seems rather prescient, these days. As does "Animal Farm". I can't buy Greenwald as principled, though there appears to be some consistency. Radical Environmentalists: Having solved the problems they originally fought, they found the income stream too comfortable to let die... What's Wrong With Sweden: They've forgotten they used to be Vikings. Me thinks politics is like sex.
It's always spooky and never safe. Al Gore and Biden provide something that is sorely lacking in our depressed economy, laughter. We must be grateful for the Democrat clowns who can make anyone who is not a true believer weep with mirth at their buffonery. Sometimes I find it hard to take seriously a country where Al Gore almost became president. But, I know I am a better person for attempting to explain this to my son.
Whats wrong with Sweden? From here, it is a belief that the government can fix all wrongs. Seen best in this article from the Local.se, where the Government's press regulator decided that a requirement for impartial news means a party can be labeled as "xenophobic" for expressing a belief in Swedish exceptionality and nationalism.
Now Sweden does do some things right, Ann Margaret, the Bofors Gun, Electrolux applicances, meatballs and over priced knock down furniture. --this is terribly off-thread but since it's never happened to me before, and since a lot of Maggie readers are about my age, i thought i's ask.
I was working outdoors yesterday, and got really hot and sweaty. When i got back home, i chugged about a quart of iced tea so cold it had ice forming in it but small enough ice to drink it (i had put it in a freezer a few hours before). At first, i felt myself cooling down nicely. But then i kept cooling, and was soon shivering, and then REALLY shivering. I had to dig out the winter long johns and heavy jerseys. Soon i was one giant muscle cramp --knotted up and stiff as a board, within a couple hours of the iced tea. Today I'm so stiff and sore --and from the shivering, not the work, as i do that sort of work all time --that i can barely walk or move --every muscle ripped like a heavy free-weight workout from daaaays of yore. Can't be heatstroke, not enough symptoms. Heat exhaustion symptoms mention nothing about muscle-ripping chills. Anybody ever heered of such a thing? Heard of it, experienced it when much younger and thought a couple of ice cold colas were the best way to finish a 16 mile hike with full kit. Scoutmaster said the chills were caused by cooling off too fast and not drinking enough water while hiking.
Since then I take frequent sips of water and when done, a short spritz with the garden hose. I save the cold stuff for later. Also learned if bathroom breaks seem far apart, you're not drinking enough. That's it to a 'T', Walt --funny it never happened before --thanks youze guys --a whole-body ice cream headache. Beat me up like a army mule --!
I had to come back and see if Walt really said ''16'' and not ''6'' --or even more to my liking, ''1/6''