The Commencement-Speaker Litmus Test
Don’t forget parents share genes with their offspring
Yes, that's the problem
Another political change story
Why Liberals support Gun Control
State power
Billionaire Bloomberg Badgers Moms … Who Suck Baby Binkies?
Guy has gone crazy. Binkies are stupid, but is that his biggest problem?
Examining New York politics is like dipping a ladle into the sewer
For the past 200 years...but the vigor and ambition of the people outweighs the pond-scum pols
If he could
Indeed. But he used scissors so it's OK.
Most people I've seen in life on disability are perfectly capable of doing something useful. Blind paraplegics have jobs in America, as do people with Down Syndrome. Life on disability is life without dignity and self-respect. Same with Welfare.
How many people have noticed that there are virtually
no Hispanic tech wizards in Silicon Valley?
Tracked: Apr 14, 10:42
Old Man Winter gave us a little reminder that he wasn't gone yet, dropping sleet and freezing rain across much of New Hampshire on Friday. The roads got so bad that my employer sent us home at 2PM Friday...
Tracked: Apr 14, 21:41