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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Monday, February 11. 2013How We Were Lied to About Health CareThanks to all for all of the interesting comments on my PTSD post. Here is an interesting link: How We Were Lied to About Health Care
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All of the Democrats knew they were lying. They also knew we had the best health care in the world and that Obamacare would change that for the worse. They knew Obamacare would cost more then the nation could afford. So why, knowing these things, did they propose it, pass it and shove it down our throats? It wasn't well intended to for some kind of social justice. It would decrease the effectiveness and availability of health care for all of our citizens. They exempted themselves from it. But they forced it on us anyway. Why would they do this? What was their agenda? What was more important to them then the well being of the citizens they represent?
A related question is gun control. Everyone who is informed recognizes gun violence is going down and has been for 20 years or so. They also agree the new laws will only inconvenience the law abiding and won't affect the criminals. But the Democrats are committed to forcing gun control on us in direct contradiction to the bill of rights. Why? They know it won't work, they know crime and gun violence goes down when the laws make it easier for law abiding people to own and carry guns. But they want to push this unconstitutional gun control through and want to do it in a hurry. Why? And a completely unrelated question is the DHS has purchased thousands, tens of thousands of guns and millions of rounds of ammo. Other cabinet level departments have recently done this as well. Why? Coincidence? Why would DHS employees even need guns and ammo never mind record breaking numbers of guns and ammo? Why??? You know, that book "More Guns, Less Crime" is the bible of the 2A, has been around long enough to be in a third edition --and you KNOW that every mover/shaker in DC has at the very least had a staffer read a synopsis to him or her.
The book is all data, all extensively reviewed, and all in favor of armed citizenry on a public health and civil right rights basis. There's really no questions that aren't answered well and full. And the universal background checks --create a list, and those lists are how every one of the democidal tyrants of the 20th century went about disarming the segment of the people they intended to use to cull the calorie needs and to terrify, as well as make accomplices of, the favored segment of the population. And what criminal or madman will be on the list, in the best of conditions? Vanishingly none. And as GWTW asks, since the grabbers MUST know all this, what is it they REALLY have in mind? Pogroms are about grabbing property, in the end. Without that part of the pogrom, the high-up planners would have a hard time ginning up the pitchforks and torches. History seems to be pretty definite on that. "What was more important to them then the well being of the citizens they represent?"
Power and Control. "But they want to push this unconstitutional gun control through and want to do it in a hurry. Why?" Power and Control. "Why would DHS employees even need guns and ammo never mind record breaking numbers of guns and ammo? Why???" Power and Control. I don't mean to make light of your concerns, GWTW. But when I trace motivation out to its logical end, well... that's what I'm left with as to intent.
"Power and control". Yes but to what end. I could agree that power and control are an end itself but I think that some in our government know we are going to undergo an economic collapse. Somewhat like what Greece or argentina went through but probably our own version. For one thing we have about 50 million people totally dependent on government handouts. I don't mean the millions who had jobs and are now on unemployment or the additional millions newly on food stamps, I mean the hard core inner city 4th, 5th , 6th generation welfare families and their children. What will 50 million people accustomed to handouts, believing they are owed handouts and who don't have the ability or desire to support themselves honestly; what will they do when the gravy train crashes? They will riot, steal, murder, whatever it takes to fill their stomach or the needle in their arm. Each of the federal alphabet agencies including the DHS will protect the government and it's offices and property but not you and I. The police will be overwhelmed and protect themselves and probably quit or go AWOL to protect their own families. The rest of us will fend for ourselves and depending on where you live and if you prepared the outcomes will vary wildly. I think the "feds" see the writing on the wall and they want to survive and they want the seat of power to survive but they recognize that a lot of the people in fly over country will not survive. We have ample evidence of these things in our country. Localized incidents as a reaction to localized problems,but what happens when the problem is universal for the entire country? The "power and control" they are after is to protect themselves and their future not you and your future.
If you don't listen to Russ Roberts' podcasts regularly you are missing out on some great interviews and discussions.
It is one of my favorite things on the whole internet. Pretty much right after Maggie's Farm. Much of this is due to the fact we now have a completely dishonest media that simply repeats what the government tells them to say.
Just a related issue. As you know, for several years now the government has told us there is basically no inflation going on in the country. And yet I see my gas prices go up, and food prices have really been shooting up in the past year. But the government tells us month after month there is little inflation. Do a little Googling on the subject, and you will come across studies that conclude that real inflation is actually running at about 10% per annum. What is happening is that the government simply constantly redefines what it considers "inflation" so it doesn't happen any more. I think most of us know that the government now takes changes in the cost of food and fuel out of the inflation index, which in itself makes the officially-approved index somewhat meaningless. But it does other things as well. For example, a major component of price rise now is the cost of compliance with government mandated regulations, for example, government requirements that something must be made a certain way, which increases the price. Government, however, does not consider that inflation, however, so increases attributed to regulatory costs are now backed out and removed from the formulas. Just as an example. Although gas prices are no longer measured as part of inflation anyway, consider the effects of mandating that ethanol must be blended into gasoline. This both increases the cost of fuel per gallon, and decreases the miles per gallon you will get because the ethanol essentially waters down the gasoline. (We won't get into the harm that it also causes to a number of types of gasoline engines). And yet none of this would be factored into inflation, even though you now have a higher price for an inferior adulterated product. (The inflation index now also does not account for the declining quality of American goods to the extent it is due to trying to compensate for increased government costs imposed on business.) Similarly, the dramatically increasing cost of travel due to security restrictions, compliance with TSA, mergers and limitations in flight schedules are all simply redefined out of calculations of inflation, even though they have resulted in substantially higher travel costs. What was really revealing is the reason the government is perpetuating this deception. I assumed it was merely because it wanted to look better politically. But the real reason is that many government programs and entitlements now have a cost-of-living index factored into them, so that when inflation increases the payment does too. So there is now a huge incentive for the government to lie about the actual amount of inflation in the economy. I know if I put a link in here it will cause my comment to be sent to spam, but do a Google search on "shadowstats" and it will take you to the studies and links that explain how the government cooks the books on inflation statistics. But will any of the media report on this? Of course not. My guess is you could find a similar process going on if you were to do some Google research on unemployment statistics. |