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Wednesday, January 30. 2013Weds. morning links
A Miami Clinic Supplies Drugs to Sports' Biggest Names Eggs not bad for you and the NYT is on it Student Loan Bubble Update: "This Situation Is Simply Unsustainable" Preaching to the Choir on Housing - At last week’s debate, New York’s mayoral candidates sang the same old chorus. If NYC deregulated housing, there would be affordable housing for everybody. Classic example of a government fix of a temporary problem creating a permanent shortage problem. Markets work when government stays out of the way. Will we learn from Britain and France? Robert Reich: Walmart, McDonalds and Every Hospital in America Should Unionize Want to Save Money on Health Care? Do Less of It. A Lot Less. Docs can't "do less" without tort reform. Defensive medicine is a huge factor in medicine today. Many claim it's 30-50% of billings. Other major wastes? Most preventive medicine, and annual physicals. Studies prove it. Department of Awful Statistics: Are Mass Shootings Really On the Rise? They're not, but the alarmist numbers are more likely to get media attention. Never Let a Dead Child Go to Waste MSNBC Busted AGAIN For Deceptively Editing Video To Make Conservatives Look Bad “60 Minutes” voluntarily becomes Pravda, and The Atlantic actually notices Time For Reform And Rethinking On Immigration While GOP leaders push amnesty, Dems rope more immigrants into welfare state Five reasons Republicans won't win Latino voters with immigration reform:
Only somebody like Rubio can preach the American gospel to hispanic immigrants. Past large waves of immigrants (Swedes, Jews, Irish, Poles, Italians, Cubans) got the memo, but in the era of big government, this wave doesn't get it. The fraud at the heart of the Gang of 8 immigration proposal Gun Restrictions Punish the Rational and Responsible for Acts of the Irrational and Irresponsible Boom! NAACP Leader Says Blacks Are “Doing Far Worse” Under Obama
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Health care: money saving step.
Get rid of malicious, lucrative malpractice suits. Do what Cal. has done: it works; my malpractice insurance was a fraction in CAl. than it is in NY and my fees were more modest there. Where is Maggie's voice on this: a straightforward and rather quick fix. Only the lawyers would oppose and Shakespeare has a solution for that. The author says, "I suspect there’s more to be gained by dispersing decisions about health care needs and costs amongst the individuals most affected by those decisions." Amen. It's not just a question of doing less, but of lining up the decision-makers with the payers. That way you take today's expensive, rare treatment and turn it into tomorrow's cheap, common treatment. This is what happens with medical care not usually covered by insurance, like Lasik surgery.
when I did criminal defense, I got death threats all the time by any number of losers, one of them -- this was a standard blue collar-style criminal who stuck pins a kid's hand for fun (his fun) -- actually quoted shakespeare.
insurance companies and malpracticing docs salivate over any kind of tort reform that limits recovery. the only way those butchers are ever going to be brought to justice is with large contingent recoveries. when some poor shlub is malpracticed on by an incompetent doc, I'm the one who fronts and personally risks tens of thousands of dollars in costs including payment to expert whores to counter the insurance company/doc expert whores. without someone risking a lot to win a lot, incompetency in the medical business gets ignored. its the system. deal with it. Billions paid out to people with silicon breast implants until finally the science caught up with it and it was not the silicon or the implant that caused them problems. More billions set aside for asbestos lung problems. Put businesses into bankruptcy to come up with the billions for this fund. Thousands of people put out of work. Today their are 1-800 numbers you can call if you have a cough and get some of that money. You don't actually need to have any illness resulting from exposure to asbestos. You could have walked past a ship or a brake repair shop and qualify. In fact most of the suits were won by people who were not even sick but in expectation they might be some day. Who won the most? The lawyers of course. Then there are the cigarette awards and continued payments. Where would we be without the billions paid out by cigarette manufacurers? Our kids are still smoking and little is done to stop it because the governments make billions in taxes and legal settlement payments. There is no "justice" in this kind of legal mumble jumble just money, lots and lots of money for lawyers to buy lots and lots of BMW's and big homes. Then there is the who issue of class action law suits. Did you know most of these cases are tried in rural Mississippi? Why is that you ask? Because the people are uneducaated and dirt poor and can easily be convinced that corporations should be punished. Is this "justice" or extortion? Doesn't matter; deal with it...
QUOTE: There is no "justice" in this kind of legal mumble jumble just money, lots and lots of money for lawyers to buy lots and lots of BMW's and big homes. yes, its cool. but this is nothing to the surprise you'll be getting when you find out what tripe is made of. ...Drugs to Sports' Biggest Names
"If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'" as Smokey Yunick famously said (along with several others who lay claim to making the original statement). It's the very nature of competition to gain advantages to win and I honestly don't care if Lance Armstrong (high tech drug concoctions) or Ray Lewis (powdered deer antlers) enhanced their ability to participate in their sports. If athletes want to take a chance on reduced life span, permanent disability of one sort or another or any other type of problem due to drug use, that's their decision. 1 in 4 Swedish Women Will Be Raped The last paragraph says it all... "Sweden, like the rest of the West, will have to come to terms with the fact that it can either have female equality or Muslim immigration. It cannot have both." There is a way! Guns. Pass a Swedish 2nd amendment allowing citizens to own and carry guns, even with high capacity clips. Just make sure when they write it they don't assume "shall not be infringed" is not interpreted later as "we will infringe whatever the hell we want to".
Re Sweden -
Over ten years I was a casual acquaintance of a Swedish woman; I knew her through work. At some point she passed one or another hurdle towards becoming a U.S. citizen. Somebody asked her why she had emigrated & I was stunned that one reason was something like "half my female friends had been raped, nobody would do anything about it, and I decided to leave before I got raped, too." She then went on to explain Sweden's immigrant situation, which was news to me. That was in about 2000. I grieve for my maternal family members still in Sweden, and am so glad Mormor and Morfar did not live to learn of this.
Sweden: Political Correctness does not protect citizens.
Food: Somebody "knows" something is Bad For You, and gets publicity. Growth Economy: Heavens, NO! That would lead to pollution and population growth, and We Can't Have THAT! Reich: He'll want a union undertaker when he dies. Dead Children: Have to be all in one small place. Chicago is too big to be useable. Immigration: A CBS poll. What, exactly, were the questions used? A complicated situation, with sound-bite answers, is not discussed or explained. #1--Secure the border. #2--Maybe now we can talk. NAACP: Is Ben Jealous going to don the ceremonial robe and disembowel himself, for apostasy to Obama? Or is he going to do some good for the black people? Sounds to me like the women of Sweden could use a bit of personal firearm protection.
QUOTE: Carry-permits are usually only given to armed guards, for civilians it's illegal to carry a firearm around unless between the home and shooting range. Self-defence needs can permit a person to acquire a license in special circumstances. Wikipedia Shouldn't a 1 in 4 chance of being raped be a special circumstance for a license to carry a firearm? Stops rapes and depletes the rapist ranks. win-win. --speak o the devil:
QUOTE: NOW IF HE’D ORGANIZED A TEA PARTY EVENT, THEY’D HAVE BEEN ALL OVER IT: Convicted rapist organizes gun control demonstration at Dayton gun show; Media fails to note his sex offender status. Posted at 12:29 pm by Glenn Reynolds intalink is to http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/node/8759 === The rapist/gun grabber exhibits Gore Syndrome. TV and print is still showing astonishment at Gore's doing biz with all jazz era. To me, it's clear as crystal, both entities have the same overriding mission: to cripple US domestic energy production in favor of exporter price control. Jazz Era for OPEC, the Gore family for two (if not yet three) generations for the north america desk on Lubyanka Street in Moscow. Search Occidental Hammer Gore Lenin or somesuch --a jillion stories, and hardly a soul is aware. A most regressive tax-ish lifetime project for such a champion of the little guy as is Mr. Gore's media profile. Armand Hammer was a full blooded rip roaring sociopath. He did business with anybody - had no conscience and didn't care who he dealt with as long as he could influence events and men. Including Al Gore's father. And one would assume, Al Gore.
...and it became an institution, with post-Hammer Occidental playing the Great game for the other side even unto this day. The giant pawning we got recently in Libya was in some part due to Occidental's powetr position in Libya and the hidden KGB hand it played in --well, little doubt, ''Benghazi''. Note the oil trading firm Phibro, a Citibank unit deeply involved in manipulating the crude futures in the Spring of 2008 (prior to Putin invading Georgia to a day's armored column drive of the vital Europe/Caspian pipeline, a double blow intended to ignite pump-price panic among American voters), was --in a then brand-new form of financial transaction soon to become sickeningly familiar --sold off by the new Obama paymaster Ken Feinberg (now of BP Gulf disaster paymaster fame) to Occidental for what was generally seen as about thirty cents on the dollar (see bank analyst Dick Bove on the subject). KGB got a seat on the Chicago Merc exchange as ''Occidental'', Occi got the balance sheet windfall, and Obama's Chicago mob got to retire an IOU. All this achieved by the ghost of Armand Hammer --a spectre also keeping the repulsive Al Gore too tangled to savvy the meaning of 'shame'. PS;
Here, have a free fulmination, on me! http://www.bing.com/search?q=elk+hills+occidental+al+gore&form=IE8SRC&src=IE-SearchBox
buddy larsen
2013-01-31 15:09
Re: Sweden--
Go to Netflix and view the tv episodes "Wallander". It is a Swedish police/crime series. There are about 10 of them available through Netflix--get the ones made in Sweden and read the sub-titles, it's not that difficult. You will be amazed to see how the handle the guns, how confused they (the police) are about carrying, drawing, and using (seldom). It is a damn cartoon! But you can see for yourself. Sweden is famous for being to raise an obedient/docile population. They do it through object lessons and shunning. Word is getting out that perhaps that secret judgment stuff is harder on the developing child than the American tradition! Causes more psychic/emotional damage--always looking over your shoulder to see who is going to pass organized, visible public judgment. Not very healthy it turns out to do that to kids! Which is probably the fundamental reason they have been unable to manage the immigrant populations. It is a mess over there now. AP, right as rain --and why i usually correct my name being spelled with the far-more-common 'son' than the Norwegi-Dane 'sen'.
Note the Danes and Norwegians at least tried to fight the nazi --not so, the 'neutral' Sweden. Not that the Sweded don't have rape on their list of worries --the sensationally popular trilogy http://www.bing.com/search?q=larsson+trilogy&form=IE8SRC&src=IE-SearchBox ...by the (dead now of a heart attack at age 50-something) Larsson includes in the first book (the one made into the movie) a major plot turn on a harrowing rape scene --the heroine is calmly, brutally, repeatedly over time, at her monthly visit to beg for some of her own money, victimized by a govt beureacrat in control of her inheritance due to her govt label as a mental case --a diagnosis based on nothing more than social eccentricity. What made the books such a hit is the strong current of truth in such motifs throughout the series. Sad postscript for the Vikings, eh? PS, i guess one could say, after a lifetime of legally-administered socialist symbolic rape, who's gonna be much outraged over the literal version?
And she takes matters into her own capable and violent hands, never dreaming that it would do any good to go to the police for help. And yet the author seemed to have no idea what lesson to draw from all this. Yeesh, the sanctimonious tone of those novels.
--always have to wonder about atmosphere when reading someone's translation. Nabokov hated the misfire potential so much he learned English and wrote his noted novels in it. I think he was kind of a show-off maybe.
re Sweden
This is what happens when a culture becomes thoroughly feminized. It is the road to national suicide. The boast of the post-modern Norse Saga:
"Hey, luckily three out of four of our women don't ever report getting raped!" Right you are Buddy. After all, is the glass 3/4 full or 1/4 empty? Heh. But it's not.
re "Note the Danes and Norwegians at least tried to fight the nazi --not so, the 'neutral' Sweden." For whatever reason, this reminded me of a little ditty my late brother-in-law of Norwegian ancestry liked to recite. "40 Swedes ran through the weeds. Chased by one Norwegian." LOL --probably started out a limerick but after trying to rhyme 'norwegian', the author decided he liked the short form
There once was a man from Nantucket....
Oh wait - wrong side of the ocean.
Tom Francis
2013-01-30 18:54
New Englanders might enjoy this photo titled 'Lobster feast: 1955' at Shorpy's.
http://www.shorpy.com/node/14546 |
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