Today, firearm-appreciators rally around the country to counter the gun-grabbing hysteria: Nationwide High Noon Rallies to Oppose Obama's Gun Grab.
Readers know my views. I am in favor of grabbing the firearms of violent criminals and loonies. Start with the violent crims in gun-controlled Chicago, please. Bill Bratton knew how to do that in NYC.
Law-abiding people ought to have all the firearms they desire. Lethal hammers and knives, too. They do not need a reason. This is America.
Did you know this, via Schneiderman:
The irony is that over the last 30 years, the U.S. homicide rate has declined by 50 percent. Gun murders as well. We’re living not through an epidemic of gun violence but through a historic decline.
For the convenience of readers, I collected two posters which you anti-gun nuts might wish to enlarge and display to advertise your virtue, if you have any cojones:
Here's an alternative yard sign for those who believe that evil exists, but know they are probably not it: