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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Sunday, January 6. 2013Sunday morning links
Notre Dame vs. Alabama: College Football's Epic Rivalry Lou Holtz, the man who led the Irish to their last national title, on the health of college football amid big money, big injuries and big scandals. Our Culture, What's Left Of It: Interview with Theodore Dalrymple Wisdom from Psychopaths? A scientist enters a high-security psychiatric hospital to extract tips and advice from a crowd without a conscience 10 Things Happy People Do Differently (h/t Insty) Rent a Scottish Castle (or country house)
Frosties and Coco Pops today. But don’t be fooled into thinking it will end there. The Brits: 60,000 patients put on death pathway without being told but minister still says controversial end-of-life plan is 'fantastic' The Episcopal Church: Nothing Like Consistency (With Comedy Video Bonus) Behind the December jobs report -- why America's unemployment rate remains so high Do You Believe This Garbage?… Obama Resorts to Outright Lies in Weekly Address How the world's most prominent environmentalist learned to stop worrying and love Big Oil. Here Comes The Student Loan Bailout Your Government Forced You to Place a Cancer Menace In Your Home Belly up to the ATM, boys — drinks are on the taxpayers. I’m wondering if Elizabeth will advocate for the Times to get rid of their own armed guards?
Do women want the toughest fighting jobs? Abbas Salutes Hitler-Supporting Mufti, Terrorists in Anniversary Address CAIR chief claims Muslims discovered America first Overheated rhetoric on Israeli settlements Image below via Moonbattery Comments
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What's truly hilarious is how quickly, as soon as they get the vote-stealing software perfected, the next Che or Lavrentiy Beria will stand these obvious dangers to the state --on the grounds that they clearly are able to influence the people --up against the wall and shoot 'em.
Bryan Preston: Your Government Forced You to Place a Cancer Menace In Your Home
Latest, high-tech solution: http://goo.gl/zjQpS Plus, they heat in the winter, and all year long don't make people look and feel like they wish they were dead.
Do I believe this Garbage? It's what he does. He has Bill Clinton's disease, but without the personality.
AlGore: That boy's a caution, ain't he? A fine example of a bad example. EBT Fraud: Completely to be expected. Not that anything can be done about it. Those with cards can't be shamed--that just wouldn't be right. Gummint...is unshameable. Fish Wrap--The Pharisees know what's best for us. They live by different rules. If muslims discovered America, where's the proof? Records? Archeological findings? Indian stories? Times/dates/places? Why hasn't the National Inquirer broken this story? Them, I might believe. Is there underheated argument about/between Israel and the Palis? http://events.nationalgeographic.com/events/exhibits/2012/08/03/1001-inventions/
Things Happy People Do Differently: In HuffPo? Preaching to the deaf, sez I.
60,000 NHS patients put on death pathway without being told: remember, there will never be "Death Panels" - unless you are costing money or your bed is needed.
.. the Tines (Times) to get rid of their own armed guards?
The money quote from the Rosenthal article: QUOTE: “If you’re living in a ‘Mad Max’ world, where criminals have free rein and there’s no government to stop them, then I’d want to be armed,” said Dr. Hemenway of Harvard. “But we’re not in that circumstance. We’re a developed, stable country.” Obviously he's never lived in Chicago. The Episcopal Church: I've never understood the reluctance on the part of the Episcopal church to ordain women as Priests and Bishops. Some of the best ministers I've met over the years come from Congregational and Unitarian community. I'm thinking of one in particular, Dr. Susan Foster who did a masterful job ministering to kids when the Woodstock Middle School's social worker was murdered. Oh and the video is pretty funny - accurate too. Notre Dame vs. Alabama This is kind of over hype - traditionally, Alabama's football rival has been the entire SEC, but specifically LSU (my Alma Mater), Auburn, Florida and Tennessee. If fans of schools in the SEC have one thing in common, its their dislike of Alabama football - and since 2007 Nick Saban. :>) RE: Subway deaths haunt those at train controls.
Yep, I have a friend who is an engineer with the local commuter railroad. He was telling me that one of the things they tell them when they first start is to NOT look at jumpers. Just do everything you can (however, fruitless) to stop, blow the whistle, etc. But, do NOT make eye-contact as that will haunt them forever. http://www.wnd.com/2013/01/the-giant-gaping-hole-in-sandy-hook-reporting/
--i know. Nothing more depressing in the world tghan this. But this report --respectable source and author --has some info that --well, we just need to know. Of course, one would expect that individuals leaning in toward mass murder might well be on psychiatric medication; and for all we know, the toll would be worse without them. But what jangles the nerves is --well, how many mass murders are perpetrated by individuals who are not taking them? The concluding paragraphes, concerning the Virginia Tech shooter, are particul;arly alarming, as they more than suggest some sort of cover-up attempt that would have to've been across the only existing jurisdictional lines that we rely on to bring forth information we need to have. The closing paras: QUOTE: Some critics suggest these official omissions are motivated by a desire to protect the drug companies from ruinous product liability claims. Indeed, pharmaceutical manufacturers are nervous about lawsuits over the “rare adverse effects” of their mood-altering medications. To avoid costly settlements and public relations catastrophes – such as when GlaxoSmithKline was ordered to pay $6.4 million to the family of 60-year-old Donald Schnell who murdered his wife, daughter and granddaughter in a fit of rage shortly after starting on Paxil – drug companies’ legal teams have quietly and skillfully settled hundreds of cases out-of-court, shelling out hundreds of millions of dollars to plaintiffs. Pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly fought scores of legal claims against Prozac in this way, settling for cash before the complaint could go to court while stipulating that the settlement remain secret – and then claiming it had never lost a Prozac lawsuit. All of which is, once again, to respectfully but urgently ask the question: When on earth are we going to find out if the perpetrator of the Sandy Hook school massacre, like so many other mass shooters, had been taking psychiatric drugs? In the end, it may well turn out that knowing what kinds of guns he used isn’t nearly as important as what kind of drugs he used. That is, assuming we ever find out. Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/01/the-giant-gaping-hole-in-sandy-hook-reporting/#PxFD4IOfUy5JdADm.99 === stand by for a couple of equally hair-raising URLs re our coming new CIA Director. PS, having read this yesterday @ Instapundit
[url]http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/160967/]/url] describing MSNBC as nothing more that a govt propaganda ministry, imagine my lack of surprise when i Binged [ virginia tech shooter cho played video games? ] and found page one of results alternating between yes & no finally convincingly resolving into 'yes, indeeds' --with, at the very top, indicating the most 'hits', yup, propaganda ministery MSNBC with a Chris Matthews-endorsed "nyet" to the question. Like the old soviet Pravda, there really is truth in it, but it is between the lines. This is info that that's goping to be missing from the congressional hearing of Hillary Clinton's testimony re Benghazi.
I'm just going to link a Bill Whittle URL, that has three comments attached to it. The third comment is mine (forgive late-nite typos and misspellings --esp Michelle Malkin's name), and it contains two URLs. One a search that will show the ubiquity of the 2008 passport office scandal's reportage, and includes links to the Canada Free Press stalwart Doug Hagmann's report on Benghazi-gate, which in turn includes near the conclusion a link to a weird but --well, watch it and see --an incredibly credible youtube (Montagraph's "Proof Positive -In My Opinion") that step-by-net sleuth-step links the notorious ''innocence of muslims'' video's production and distribution to, well, your Benghazi-insider and incoming CIA Director, John O. Brennan. --i can understand the underworld's need to sanitize candidate Obama's passport records, back in the spring of 2008. And the offing of Quarle Harris, that could've been street crime, of course. And then the subsequent employment of the passport sanitizer as counterterrorism czar, natch, par for the course in this administration. But what i don't get is, what was the purpose of the video, before the scheme lost control of itself (if indeed it did, at all), and the murder attack on the ambassador and all the following goes-nowhere crisis interpreting, which seems to've made Hillary so ill? http://theconservativemonster.com/?p=5938 === God Almighty, i am SO sick of all this. Sunny uplands of civilization, wherefore art thou? |
Tracked: Jan 06, 09:25
Tracked: Jan 06, 09:36
We've entered the January thaw, with temps projected to be somewhere in the mid 40's by the middle of the week. That doesn't bode well for the annual Rotary Ice Fishing Derby as the big lake isn't frozen over....
Tracked: Jan 06, 22:59